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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. On 7/14/2024 at 5:46 AM, 4th&long said:

    LOL. Desperate? For what? Trump is going to win, it has been obvious since the debate at least. With your lack of reading comprehension you wouldn’t know that I am fine with that. I don’t support Biden and won’t be voting. 


    I understand how you feel.  I feel the same way except the not voting part.  It's your vote so you can do what you want with it.


    However, I would encourage you to instead, vote for a third party or write in candidate. Obvious they aren't going to win but provide a protest vote.  And if enough people besides you (hopefully) and I maybe a third party will get enough votes to start getting matching funds and be able to compete in the future and give us a viable candidate to vote for. Or maybe the Elephants and Donkeys will wake up and give us candidates we can actuality vote for.

  2. 3 hours ago, B-Man said:




    I did make it clear to Governor Newsom about a year ago that laws of this nature

    would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children




    I read this in the paper today. It ticked me off. I'm a parent who thanks his lucky stars daily this stuff was not going on when my kids were in school.  To have one's child indicate they need to change genders and they don't tell me about it is beyond the pail.  Good for you Elon and yay for Texas for getting the new HQ.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 14 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


    So Trump and RFK are just like 99% of the people here at PPP who haven't the faintest clue about how any of the various vaccine technologies actually work?


    I'm quite shocked by this development. 




    Here's one thing about President Trump and the vaccine I don't understand.  why doesn't he brag about it?


    At the time Dr. Fauci said it would take 3 to 5 years to develop a vaccine.  Trump gets on the horn with big pharma and they roll it out in less than a year.  The vaccine is the biggest contributing factor in us getting out to of the COVID woods.  Yet he never talks about it.  In the debate I thought he would for sure when he told President Biden more people died on Biden's watch.  He said I gave you (I'm thinking vaccine) therapeutics. Is vaccine that dirty of a word to his followers?  I don't get it. 


    I'm talking strictly the vaccine here, not mandates.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 17 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    This is about the fourth time people here have said "well, that wraps up the election for Trump."

    The truth is Trump is benefiting from an exceptionally weak opponent.


    I think the same could be said of President Biden. 


    That's one of the things that makes this so Twilight Zonish.  If either party had nominated a somewhat reasonable person they would win in a landslide.  Instead both parties have their head where the sun don't shine so we get these 2 jokers.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  5. No secret service protection for Cornell West?


    RFK Jr may be a little wack, but he's not Biden and he's not Trump.  Neither is West.


    Speaking of Kennedys, has anyone read the new book about the Kennedy's treatment of women?  It's on my to read list.






  6. Coupla points on LBJ.


    1. HE decided not to run.  I believe he said something like, If nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve.


    2 After signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he said that'll keep those n$%#rs voting Democrat for the next 150 years.

  7. 13 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    You missed several.  

    Biden has an acknowledged history of inappropriate touching females in his space;


    Biden was credibly accused of sexual assault by a female he worked with a couple decades back;


    Biden leverages his family tragedies for political gain, often changing the fact pattern to elicit sympathy;


    All that aside, perhaps the greatest indicator of his true character is this insistence on staying in the race in spite of his obviously rapidly deteriorating mental state.   I have known many, many people who saw decline in mental/physical shape and to a person, all knew what was happening to them.  Biden had made a conscious choice to press on in spite of what is obvious to himself.   He’s a raging narcissist who started believing his own press clippings. 


    - At the top of his game as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee got suckered by Bush and Cheney on the WMDs.  Ran the hearings. Didn't let detractors speak. Voted for it.  1,000,000+ dead.


    - Said no troops had been killed on his "watch".


    - Made a fool out of himself in the Clarence Thomas hearings.


    • Like (+1) 2
  8. They're still trying to cover it trying to get him to drop out.  They say we love Joe, but he just can't win against Trump. I have not heard any of these people that love Joe say they are worried about Joe and his health.  Just that he can't win which is really all they care about.


    This a new standard. Replace the nominee with <4 months to go cuz he can't win.  I don't remember them ever doing this before. They didn't try to remove Jimmy Carter even though they knew he was going to get his doors blown in by an existential threat to Democracy, Ronald Reagan.  Sad.


  9. 16 hours ago, B-Man said:



    There’s Viral Videos On Other Platforms Calling Donald Trump

    A Liar For Saying Illegal Migrants Are Getting Social Security


    Here’s J.J. Carrell, former US Border Deputy Patrol Agent

    for 22 years confirming illegals are getting MAXIMUM

    social security payout. They’re being paid more money

    from social security than an American who’s worked their whole life


    “Maximum social security benefit payout”


    “Here's another sick thing that you need to understand.

    I worked 24 years in the border patrol. I have social security. 


    You're a working man, you pour into social security.

    You got truckers 30 years, construction workers, nurses, stockbrokers, whatever.


    When I bring in my illegal alien grandma, that's never, never worked a day

    in her life, you know that she gets the maximum social security

    benefit payout, but she'll get more money than me. For our

    grandmas and grandpas that are living paycheck to paycheck,

    the illegal alien grandma from Sudan and Mexico, wherever,

    she gets more money than the person who has worked her whole life.


    I mean, this is infuriating.”





    I don't know.  I'm gonna need more than one guy in a 34 second video saying so. Is there any other real documented evidence of this?  


    If it's true then it's really bad since SS is not in the greatest of Financial shape.  Shouldn't be that hard to prove. I bet Rand Paul could find out.

  10. 3 hours ago, B-Man said:



    He is gone.




    Come on man. Taken out of context insinuating he thinks people in PA voted for him for Delaware senator.  


    Republicans don't like it when Democrats do it (good pelple on both sides etc.) and then do the same thing with something like this.  Same is true of Trump.  You don't have to try to drum up dumb statements.  They make plenty on their own.  Makes the person who made this tweet, and anyone who says good people on both sides look dumb and under handed.


    But this brings up a campaign finance/election law I'd like to see.  You can only collect money in the jurisdiction you are running in. Why should people in PA be able to influence the election in Delaware?  Not very democratic IMHO.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 15 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    This is a good article on how wrong the polls were for the supposed "Red Wave" of 2022




    My guess is young voters are not being polled enough. They just don't answer their phones with an unfamiliar number 


    I don't know why its happening, but who can forget Hillary was heavily predicted to win in 2016? Steve Kornacki said "Trump has no path to victory" (in 2016).


    I don't put too much Stock in polls either.

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