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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Define elderly. Walt Coleman etc retired a long time ago. The average age of an NFL official is 51. I don't see "elderly" officials. Maybe you could name 1? Would young inexperienced officials be better?
  2. Gross Besides that, How much is it gonna cost to give a drug test to over 1,000,000 people? Not to mention all the law suits etc that the DOJ will have to defend. Then they'll probably have to send the failures to rehab. Government jobs have rules about this kind of stuff. I thought we were trying to save money. They think they can fire these people and they'll just go away. As far as the trying to get government employees to quit,it shows a total misunderstanding of government employees. They stay in their jobs so they can retire in 20 or so years and get nice pension. They're not gonna quit just cuz they don't like Trump, they'll just knuckle under until he's gone to keep their pension. (8 months pay < life Lont pension) I once worked with a guy on a computer project that had 2 pensions from 2 different government jobs.
  3. Fitz the Harvard grad has the best idea I've heard so far. This is brilliant.
  4. This story breaks my heart.
  5. Ok. I stand corrected if you're right. Here is a clip of Josh talking about what he does in the off season. Not saying you're wrong. Can you provide one of these published articles?
  6. If someone was nutty enough to take a shot at Musk I doubt very seriously Musk having his son on his shoulders would slow them down. Probably view it as a 2 for 1.
  7. This irritates me about Josh. Mahomes and others get together in the off season with tgeir WRs and practice on their own. Not sure, but I don't think I've read of Josh doing this. Maybe he does. If not, he should. Joe Burrow goes to bed at 8:00 every night during the season. This is who we are competing against. After you retire there will be plenty if time for golf.
  8. That's cool. My real point is that a simple easy to verify rule in real time and on replay would be very easy to do if they were so inclined. Evidently they're not for some unknown reason.
  9. I think these rules about a catch and others are intentional to give them wiggle room when they need it. If you and I got together I'd bet we could wrote a new catch rule for the NFL that was easy to understand and enforce in about 10 minutes. Something like " catch the football and run 3 steps. For sideline catches player must have possession of the football with 2 feet in bounds." This could be easily verified on replay. But instead they get experts together to write a new rule that is even more convoluted. They put in even more nebulous subjective language like "football move" and "process of the catch". This is by design IMHO.
  10. Ah, The Doors.. Now you're talkin'. I like them a lot more than The Beatles. The MVP of that band was Ray Manzarek IMHO. They didn't even need a bass player cuz Ray could play the bass parts with his left hand and everything else with his right hand.
  11. Josh broke both of his hands this year running the football. That's how he gets injured. Every year he's got an injured hand or elbow or something from running the football. Its time to start transitioning Wonder Boy into a pocket passer. He can throw well enough for that. keep him healthy. He's not getting any younger. We have been fortunate that he has never had an injury costing him to miss games since 2018 but it could certainly happen. And, I believe our offense could score MORE points with a better defense. One that can actually get stops and get the ball back to the offense. And when we did have the ball we wouldn't have to have long drives to keep our defense off the field. I believe that was our whole offensive strategy in the playoffs. Keep the defense off the field. We could be a lot more aggressive down field without having to worry about giving ball back to the other team so as to keep our defense off the field. I was in Buffalo on bidness one time and listened to Steve Tasker on the radio. He was talking about Hot Rod running the football. He said it can be effective but what happens is the QB while getting tackled will jam his thumb or twist his ankle so he gets bunged up. That's what we're seeing now with Wonder Boy. Knock it off. That's my prescription. Improve the D so they can actually get stops. Have Josh run A LOT less and shelve the Brotherly Shnow Plow Push so Josh doesn't break any more hands.
  12. I listened to a little bit of it of it. I'm not a Beatles fan at all but it sounds like there are no drums. It's kind of a drummer's conspiracy theory that Bernard Purdie (Motown drummer, played with Aretha and everyone else) played on some Beatles tracks.
  13. Did Ringo Starr play drums on this one or was it Bernard Purdie?
  14. Washington Football Team stopped Philly a couple of times in the NFC Championship game. I have seen many unstoppable plays in football over the years that were then figured out. Starting with the wishbone. 10 years ago the play where you put the football on the RBs belly and then pull it out if the DE crashes in was considered unstoppable. Now the Brotherly Shove. I think its close to being solved as well. I'm not a fan of the play and hope we never run it again.
  15. On the last one they had Shakir pushing. Little ole Shakir. All 190 pounds. Puzzling to me. Where was Gilliam or somebody big?
  16. Same here. I've had him the last 2 or 3 years. If this turns out to be true, The Mighty Malamutes will be getting a new kicker next year. Hopefully I can get Bass.
  17. Nobody lies like a NFL GM. He ain't gonna tell you what he's gonna do and tip his hand. If anything, he's gonna tell he's doing one thing and then do another like signing Von Miller for example. We'll just have to wait to see what he does unless Terry fires him first.
  18. No crap. With all the video/audio equipment they have these days why can't we hear the questions? For a while I tried to crank the volume up when it came to a question and turn it back down. PITA. Then I turned on closed caption for a few minutes, then said ***** it and quit watching. It sounded like maybe they had a Mic for questioners since it got really loud when the dude started coughing.
  19. This is a little misleading. I looked up the annual snow fall in Juneau and what they're seeing is not unusual. https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Alaska/Places/juneau-snowfall-totals-snow-accumulation-averages.php
  20. I saw Philip Seymour Hoffman play Willie Loman on Broadway.
  21. This is what I think. When we do throw backs, instead of just putting a standing buffalo sticker on the helmet, do full on 90s red helmet throw backs. Would be sweet.
  22. The same Josh that said the other day he thinks Coach McDermott a great coach who is underrated? That Josh you mean? Wake up man. You're dreaming.
  23. How about Doing Pederson? Had a rough go in Jax but did beat Bill Bellyache and Tommy in a SB with his backup QB. Is Chucky still suspended or something? Maybe him.
  24. I played on the Seahawks Drumline in 2005 and we got to go to the game. Super Bowl XL to me takes the cake. The NFL just wanted The Bus to retire winning the SB in his hometown. What a great story! The referee calls were so bad. Even John Madden couldn't believe it. The one where Tommy won it with the Bucs was really bad too. Also the one where the Rams beat the Bengals at home in their brand new fancy stadium had some bad calls to like a PI late in the game as the Rams were moving in for the go ahead score. Not sure if refs were involved or whatever but Super Bowl III always seemed squarely to me. I remember my Dad's friends talking about it.
  25. True. But it's not just us. Happened to a lot of teams this year like the kicker that kicked a low knuckle ball for the go ahead FG and it was blocked. I think its a sports psychology thing. Teams start well and maybe even get ahead and then nut up at the end and lose. I grew up in Dallas as a Cowboy fan until JJ came along. My Dad got me a job selling programs and went to and watched every game. Teams would come in and play tough until the 4th quarter when Roger and the guys would score late and win. I'm sure the 90s Bills won games like this too. We're nutting up late against the Chiefs from Coach McDermott on down to the water boy. I think we should hire a sports psychologist to work with Coach McDermott and the guys if we don't have one already.
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