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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Hit him late a couple of times too. When Tommy gets pressure and hit, he turns into a scared, whiney kitten. We could afford a couple of PFs for the greater good.
  2. I know this has been mentioned, but I wouldn't use the helmet mic/speaker at all. You know it's tainted AND will probably give out at key times. Instead devise a signaling system or do what Tom Landry used to do. Alternate guys in with play. No way Bill's gonna hack that. At 1/2 time, don't go in the locker room where the bugs are. Huddle up around the 50 like they do in PeeWee football. That way we can keep our 2nd half game plan under out hats.
  3. That's what we thought 1/2 way through the 2011 season about Fitz. When the off season gets here, we're going to want to improve our talent level at EVERY position. Especially QB. Even if Hotrod is all that, we still need someone to play the 30% or so games he can't (going off this years rate so far).
  4. In the article about this in my hometown paper, they also said you shouldn't dress as a person of another race, for example, no Pocohantes of you're not an American Indian. No Kanye West unless you're black, etc. Even then be careful because it might be offensive to some people. Evidently Barack didn't see the article. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/president-obama-is-smitten-by-toddlers-adorable-baby-pope-costume-20153110 Some kid came to the White House trick or treating as the Pope. Couldn't that be offensive to some people? Not sure if he asked the kid if he was Catholic but he did declare it as the best costume.
  5. Sign Colin. Trade him and EJ and a #1 for Cutty
  6. I'd wind up and take a kick at that tire. Hook him back up with Roman. Let him do his thing. Air it out and run for big yardage.
  7. We've had "boots on the ground" for quite a while. How can you raid a location and free hostages and get one of our guys killed without "boots on the ground"? Perhaps all the others before this have been wearing loafers?
  8. His team is undefeated. A team wins because of it's QB. He's the only player that really matters. I know, I've read it here many times. So Peyton still has it very much going on. Maybe he gets less style points than he used too, but then again, there are no style points in football.
  9. I do like the rush 9 idea. May need to be dropped down to 7. But do what you can to get a free rusher on Tommy. However, we can't do tjat because he gets it out too fast or so I've heard. So, let's do the opposite. Rush none. Put a couple of guys on the line that would primarily be spies in case they try to run. Cover the WRs very tight man to man with safety help.
  10. I'll never get used to it. I don't know if they'd be great without it or not.
  11. The preponderance of the evidence was convincing IMHO. HE didn't get off because he didn't do it. He got off because the NFL never told him if he altered the footballs after the refs inspected them he could be suspended.
  12. Why does he if he doesn't need to?
  13. The system is designed such that video taping the other team's signals and letting air out of the football after the ref writes his girlfriend's initials on it is forbidden. It is also forbidden for coaches to talk to the QB on the helmet radio 15 second prior to the play clock running out. Ask Flutie about that one. Plus whatever else their doing we just don't know about yet.
  14. October 21, 2012 vs the Tennessee Titans - This was in the heyday of the Dave Wannstedt "defense". Both teams had run up and down the field all day. Fitz throws 3 TD passes. Brad Smith returned KO for a TD after Chris Johnson ran 83 yards untouched for a TD. With about 2:00 to go with the Bills leading the Titans had 2nd and 18 from their own 40 after a Mario sack on Hasselbeck. 3 players later the Titans score on a longish pass. We get the football back and Fitz throws a couple of short passes and we fail to convert and lose 35-34. http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2012102107/2012/REG7/titans@bills?icampaign=GC_schedule_rr#menu=gameinfo|contentId%3A0ap1000000083434&tab=recap
  15. I will never consider the Patsies** to be one of the best teams because they cheat. Their "success" is TAINTED.
  16. I was thinking it was Bronco-like.
  17. Just because it's an old saying doesn't make it true or right. For example, you can indeed teach an old dog new tricks.
  18. If Ellliot did indeed scuttle a plan he thought would be beneficial to the residents of his state in order to help Hillary get elected, then he's even more of a scum bag than I thought.
  19. Who says the pants have to be red or white or blue? How about black, or yellow, or orange, or maroon? Or maybe camo or army green to support the troops? In Phil Knight's world, uniform colors don't have to match. And, team uniforms don't even have to be team colors.
  20. I'm predicting red pants and red jerseys with the white helmet. Ketchup bottle suits. Jerseys available soon at the Bills Store.
  21. Do we get to trade bodies and age too?
  22. But we were ahead after that. I would also add that McCoy's fumble was as big as at least one of EJ's fumbles. And whoever was supposed to be covering that dude that caught the go ahead TD sure didn't do us any favors. And who calls a roll out to the left pass on 4th and 1? Really? Like I said, EJ screwed the pooch, but he also had a LOT of help.
  23. They got back into Buffalo on Monday. Then Rex had to give them 4 days off including a Saturday. So they get Tuesday off. If not, it would have been like working the day before Thanksgiving. What were they going to accomplish before they went to DizzyLand? Has anyone heard if they are going to practice Sunday? The 4 days will be up.
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