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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Good news for you and your employer it sounds like.
  2. This is one of my pet peeves about the current state of NFL officiating. The refs are too chummy with the players and coaches. As you say, they help some players up. Why is a ref doing that? They also chit chat and chuckle with the players during time outs. I think this stuff makes them impartial at some level. I even saw in one article posted here that the reason for the long huddle after the inadvertent whistle took so long because the refs were trying to appease everyone. How about going by what the rules say and screw 'em if they don't like it? Refs should never even talk to players, only talk to coaches about legal rules things, and never help players up IMHO. Refs should be impartial and as isolated from the players as possible. As to my second point above, why do the refs ask the coaches if they want to take a penalty or not. Used to be team captains did that. When did that change?
  3. The refs blew some stuff, sure, but if Hotrod throws a few of those bombs 3 yards longer instead of short and Leodis doesn't muff the punt, someone doesn't miss a tackle in the final minute of the first half, we still win. Refs were bad, but we had too many unrealized opportunities. The game was there for the taking regardless. You sound like a Seahawks fan.
  4. More revisionist history ...
  5. The training staff and coachs cleared him to play that last drive, so who knows?
  6. I know. But that was 5 or 10 minutes before. May be wrong, but would think swelling and soreness or something looked like it set in. He was looking worse and worse by the minute. When he was on the sidelines with his coat on he looked really bad. Do you think he effectively threw on that last drive? They all looked like ducks to me with at least 1 waaaaaaaay off target. If the ref had made the right call on what should have been the second to last play, I doubt very seriously he could have thrown it 55 yards into the EZ. I know Hotrod is the guy and all and that's great and EJ sucks. But Hotrod at 40% is NOT BETTER THAN EJ at 100%. Especially since EJ has had success throwing the long ball this year which is what was needed, not off target 10 yard ducks.
  7. Thank you Nostradamus.
  8. I wanted EJ in right away and then especially after the first duck. We had ZERO chance to win with Hotrod in. Rex, you're the coach, that's your call, not Hotrod's. It was obvious to anyone paying attention Hotrod was seriously hurting and could no longer pass effectively.
  9. Steel Curtain plays Seattle in Seattle on Sunday. Still a long way to go and the Cheaps are beatable, especially if our D plays like it did last night. Cheaps whooped up on the hapless Chargers last week. Big freakin' deal.
  10. I re watched the inadvertent whistle play on TIVO. THE whiste blew ater Tommy threw it and before the WR caught it. Should have been no play, thus no penalty on Rex. Instead they got a free 25 yards and 1st down. Then we get crewed out of the last play of the game.
  11. Hotrod had a very disappointing game and was instrumental in our loss sadly. Almost all of the long balls were short. Some of the short balls were off as well. Play calling maybe could have been better, but if Hotrod has his usual game, we very well could have won. I wish we had pulled him before the last drive. If not then, then definitely after the first duck. He was obviously not able to perform.
  12. Uh, against the Jags the D gave up 3 80+ yard drives including the go ahead TD late.
  13. If EJ plays and our D plays like it did the last 2 weeks we can absolutely win.
  14. Doesn't scare me at all. We pretty much lost due to Hotrod's play.
  15. Do you work for Fan Duel or Draft Kings by any chance?
  16. I'd take CK on the Bills in half a NY heartbeat.
  17. Lookout Travis, Karlos is on your tail.
  18. I agree but he wasn't in NO or Dallas or Seattle or Pittsburgh, he was ours and he posted up the best record we had in 10 years. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King.
  19. I'm going to agree with FireChan on this one. Coach Moron led us to a 9-7 season which was our first winning season in 10 years. The buck stops with him so he gets full credit. He may be a turkey, but he has the 2nd highest winning percentage of any coach we've had in the last 16 years. I didn't like him, but I give him cred.
  20. This is probably what they'll do when the NFL turns into the NFFL (National Flag Football League) after tackle football is outlawed in the name of player safety.
  21. But it's not gambling, it's skill. If you pick Tommy as your QB and on the first play he breaks his foot, you lose even though all your "skill" says he's the best this week. Yet somehow BAD LUCK bit you in the ass. I also wonder about the people who picked Jimmy Graham last year in the game where he was on decoy duty the whole game and did catch any passes while the Saints won big. Almost makes one wonder too if the gambling people paid him off big to not throw to Graham that game when he is usually a high point producer?
  22. Broadway Joe nails it at 4:10. This is the new business model for the 21st century Take something that's not really legal for you to sell, and redefine it yourself and not say what it really is and run with it. Like Uber is not a taxi service, it's a "ride sharing service".
  23. You can't make this **** up.
  24. Pick your players, then pick up your cash.
  25. Be careful what you ask for. Didn't work out so well for us the last time we played against him.
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