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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Didn't plan on what? And you call me ignorant
  2. Perhaps you should too. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dissent How have what I have expresssed not 1. To have or express an opinion different from a prevailing or official position; disagree. ?
  3. Sure sound like love it leave it to me. I don't love everything my country does so I should move to Europe?
  4. I see. Just as I thoughT. Just another case OF disagreeing and offering nothing to support your point.
  5. Where did I ascribe it to ill-will? I never typed that (If I did, SHOW ME WHERE). Stop putting words on my keyboard please.
  6. What exactly are they doing then? Got any sitable information that you can give us? Or this you once again disagreeing and offering nothing to support your point?
  7. Here we go again. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I've been ashamed of America's war mongering since 2004. As to your second paragraph, America Love it or Leave it? Is that what you're saying? Thomas Jefferson would disagree with you
  8. Russia wants to fight against ISIS. What's the problem with that? Besides, we're kindof of busy right now in Iraq and Afghanistan (and have been for 14 years). Let the rooskies handle this one. Why do we care? Clinton never saw a war she didn't like.
  9. I don't give a darn about why it happened. It happened. And it does not make me proud. People get put in jail for unintentionally killing people.
  10. Really? How so? I dissent that my tax dollars are being spent bombing Doctors Without Borders (and a bunch of other civilians).
  11. "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." -- Thomas Jefferson
  12. Roger Staubach. Roger could run but didn't very much. He would elude defenders and then make accurate passes. Not vsure TYrod is quite the leader Roger was however.
  13. GIGO And don't you think the NFL could program them to help certain teams? As a programmer, I know I could.
  14. I like the idea of less refs. At the same time, get rid of instant replay. What does it solve really? We still got controversies and it takes too much time. The real answer IMHO is to simplify the rules. Throw out the dumb ones and simplify the others to take subjectivity out of it. For example, if a player catches the football and takes 2 steps, it's a catch. No football move whatever that is or the process of the catch whatever that is.
  15. I was having this conversation with my spouse and Mother-in-law today. I said I don't know what we can do. The horse has left the barn. We might just have to live with since our founding afathers were wise enough to write a totally ambiguous and contradictory Ammendment. They favored the usual, Gun show loophole, assault weapons ban etc. And my favorite, "we gotta ndo something.". No, we have to do something that has a chance to help. Probably the best argument I've heard on this thread is not publicising the name and manifesto and weapons used etc. They don't show people who run on a football field so as not to promote the bad behaviour after all.
  16. I totally agree. The NFL rulebook is ridiculous. A person shouldn't need a law degree to understand the rules of any game.
  17. Here's the rule: A player may not bat or punch: (a) A loose ball (in field of play) toward his opponent’s goal line or in any direction in either end zone. Seems pretty cut and dried. Seahawks squirrel out again due to refs (and players) not knowing the rules.
  18. If you say so. They showed the rule and it said a player can't bat the ball out of either EZ if the ball is loose.
  19. I don't care if it should be a rule or not. It is and should be enforced. The Seahawks continue to be the squireliest team in the NFL. Does anyone know of another NFL team that has won 2 games in the last 3 years due to blatent blown ref calls?
  20. Bombing Doctors Without Borders does not make me a proud American.
  21. I guess if you work there, you pick your players and then pick up your cash.
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