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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. I would not vote for Biden because he voted for the Iraq War resolution. That's a deal breaker for me. Anyone who can be snookered by George W Bush and Dick Cheney isn't smart enough for the job IMHO.
  2. I disagree. Our offense needs to score points. You win with points, not TOP. In a fair league I might agree with you. But in the NFL I don't think we should try to win close low scoring games. Because if it's close at the end to a glamour team, mysterious flags WILL fall. If we don't have a big enough cushion we'll lose more than we win. Take the gloves and let Hotrod air it out. Our offense works better doing that anyway.
  3. I find it disturbing that NFL is invested in gambling on it's own league. The outcome of player performance which it has some control over.
  4. Refs making obvious blown calls should be suspended for 4 games. To get re instated they should have to pass a long test on the rules.
  5. At least he uses the porta potty unlike the pigs in the ECC lot who walk past a porta potty and piss on a fence or building or something.
  6. Thanks. That's kindof what I was thinking, but didn't know for sure. Looks like spot on the helmet would have a little give.
  7. When you don't have musical talent you end up making rap songs.
  8. We ran off two pretty good ones when McCoy already had a hamstring.
  9. You seem to know what you're talking about. What is that cutout horseshoe thing on the front for?
  10. At least 2 or maybe 3 that I can recall in the last 3 years. The Packer MNF replacement ref game and Sunday Night's game. In the NFC Championship game a couple of years ago the Beast fumbled and the 49ers recovered on like th Seahawk 10. But, it was nonrenewable for some unknown reason. They are the league's squirrelist team.
  11. I've seen these too and have been wondering what that horseshoe cutout thing on the front is bu too lazy to look it up.
  12. As to the first part, an American dissent can only be "reasoned" even though TJ didn't say that.? It's "understood" by who? Who decides what's "reasonable"? As for the second part, do you think it's only the Ds who are beholden to big money contributors? Rs are just as corrupt and in the pocket of their "donors". The only difference between the Rs and Ds is they are in a different set of pockets. Now for the third part. Yeah I know you've told me that before. It's just as silly this time as it was the last.
  13. We don't have a good enough OLine and RaBs to play ground 'n pound without McCoy. This offense has done best when utilizing the vertical passing game. Stop fooling around and let Hotrod throw the football, especially against the worst pass D in the NFL.
  14. Name calling is always a good way to prove your point. Good job!
  15. I would have preferred Brown to Herron. Brown did have the costly fumble vs KC but hasn't fumbled since and had a few good games and a good pre season. Herron fumbled twice last year and lost them both. He's a fumbler too.
  16. Some of it has to with people being unique though. Because you have some players who played long careers with concussions not showing effects while others kill themselves in their 40s with scrambled brains. Roger Staubach being the former and Junior Seau being the latter. Roger retired due to getting several concussions and then decided to hang it up.
  17. And this why I'm proud to be an American (although totally pissed off about the bombing) because we can all have our own opinion and express it freely.
  18. Name calling is always a good way to prove your point. Good job!
  19. I amended it after you saw it. Please read the new one posted above. I apologize for the confusion.
  20. Somehow I missed this one. Anyway. I'm going to backtrack. While I said the prevailing opinion was "no bigge", some have pointed out that no one actually said that. I got that impression, my mistake. However, I will say that I dissent with the prevailing opinion that as an American I shouldn't be ashamed of the bombing. I get this from numerous posts telling me to move to Europe or that I'm an idiot for thinking that. I'll also add that it is possible to love someone and be ashamed of some of their actions. I love my daughter, but when she got in a fight in the school cafeteria, I was ashamed of her actions. See how that works? I also dissent with the opinion that I don't love America. I expressed such love being a certified marksman in the USMC.
  21. I would like to compliment on your intelligent answer.
  22. No, the prevailing opinion on here is that it was an accident so no biggee. I dissent.
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