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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Yeah because they don't drink or smoke cigars in Buffalo.
  2. Patsies** lost to the Eagles who have only won one more game than the Jaguars. NO way they're going anywhere either..
  3. I'm not a big tailgater, I've been to these: Houston - Pretty cool pre game experience with a country rock band playing the parking lot. Everyone was cool. Lady in front of was gloating during the game until Blue Dredsloe got us the lead at the end for the win. Then she got persnicketty. New Orleans - People were very cool and welcoming. Of course the Saints sucked then so they couldn't really say too much. Seattle - In 2004 it was pretty tame. Now, probably no so much. The bandwagon fans are horrible. Opposing fans have been beat up. Cops even had under cover cops in 49er jerseys to catch punks last year. Dallas - It was pre season a long time ago and I was not yet a Bills fan but my future wife was. We tailgated with my cousins and brothers so it was pretty cool. My drunk cigar smoking cousin did start trash talking to her after the game though.
  4. I guess that settles that. I don't even have to watch.
  5. Charlie "Clipboard Jesus" Whitehurst has been in this situation before. In 2010, the 6-9 Seahawks met the 7-8 Rams at home on the Sunday night game. Winner take all. The injured starter, Matt Hasselbeck was injured and backup Charlie was called into action. He played well and the Seahawks defeated the rookie (Sam Bradford) led Rams. Seahawks became first team to make playoffs with losing record and beat the Saints in the Beast Quake game. I was at that game.
  6. I would like to see the Veterans Day game be changed back to honoring vets as opposed to a commercial for recruitment. About 6 or 7 years ago they would invite veterans and their families to come on the field at 1/2 time and have a parade of veterans and their families and the crowd would cheer for them. Veterans Day is to honor veterans, not current members of the military. That's what Armed Forced Day is for. I would prefer to honor veterans who have served our country proudly on Veterans Day weekend as opposed to all the grandstanding they do now. I also think the standing through the whole game is wrong and inconsiderate of people who can't stand the whole game like disabled veterans maybe or the elderly or kids. They're fans too. Everyone who pays the price for tickets should be able to see the game. I think it's a macho fan thing though and it happens in Seattle too. And, I don't like it either.
  7. Just beat Philly. Worry about the rest after that.
  8. Only problem is, they're not cousins.
  9. All AFC losses count the same. We're 1 back with 4 to play. We got as good a chance as anyone. Everyone else isn't going to win out too. Especially the Jets because we play them. 9-7 might get us in depending on how the cookies crumble. We're very much in it. I know the pessimists disagree, but so be it. go Bills.
  10. What is a right fit for Josh? A team with state of the art video taping system?
  11. Jimmy Johnson's wife didn't want him to go to Dallas so he left he in Tallahassee. Dallas was tire fire at the time going 1-15 the year before. I could see it happening in one scenario. That is if sanctions are coming down he could skate out before the axe falls ala Pete Carroll (Seahawks were Pretty much on fire at the time) and Chip Kelly. But if that were the case he could probably find a better mplace than Cleveland to go. No way Cleveland can induce him with cash.
  12. Whatever. A W is a W Is a W. Wins are hard enough to come by for us. Boggles my mind that guys like you and Yolo want to take one away. The 2004 team is regularly lambasted for losing a game just like this. Horrible if you lose, but doesn't count if you win? There are no style points in football. .562
  13. Still not convinced. It WAS a .562 team. Look it up. .500 Is your opinion and opinions are like A$$holes if you know what I mean.
  14. And that Tommy was 8 for 16 in the 1st half. Bill Bellyache pulled him so he wouldn't get killed. Some people around here just have a Bills inferiority complex.
  15. While I agree with most of your post you lost me on this. Doesn't count my A$$. Look in the record book. It's a win whether you think we are worthy or not. But I do agree with you that this season is FAR from over and we are very much still in this. Rex' craptastic system as I've seen it called was good enough in Baltimore to have one of the best defenses ever. Often compared to the 85 Bears. His system was good enough to get to AFC championship game 2 years in row and good enough to beat the Patsies** in the playoffs. I too don't like how some things have gone so far this year but let's give Rex and company a little more time.
  16. Maybe she didn't want to pony up the Benjamins to do it.
  17. Love the college champs marching band idea. As to the first point, Goodell has turned football into a circus.
  18. Actually he's the guy they work on by day, but can't fix.
  19. Do you think the team decides before the season to barely miss the playoffs? Should they decide before the season to miss badly? I think we've tried like you know what to make the playoffs every year since 2001. Just hasn't happened. Maybe this year. (or next ).
  20. Danny Carey is what we need INSTEAD of a drum machine.
  21. Drum machines. Drum machines have no soul.
  22. I take it you think he's going to be fired. He just needs to have another of those New Orleans Voo Doo Jazz Funeral Marches and bury the 2015 season, hire a good DC, and then he'll be good again.
  23. They're just going to lip synching anyway. I'll be switching over to Puppy Bowl.
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