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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. This just shows how clueless Hill and Bill are. They're just now discovering that people on the internet make nasty comments about other posters? (Or at least thats what they say) No word on if anyone called Hillary an idiot.
  2. Chelsea knew too because Hillary emailed her on her personal email server that day that our embassy was attacked by an Al-Queda type group.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is why I'll never vote for Hillary. With the kind of lying and slippery slope tactics (first there was no classified info, then there was no classified info AT THE TIME it was sent, then nothing that was marked classified), she thinks I'm stupid. She seems to think she can tell me anything and I'm so stupid I'll believe it. And then she gets on Bernie for an artful sneer and then sneers at him a few minutes later as the "arbiter of all things progressive." Now she and Bill are calling Bernie a sexist (after calling him a racist a few weeks ago). She's just so slimy and slippery. The opposite of leadership. Politics is a fame for her. We need real leadership who isn't playing games.
  4. Put it back to AFC vs NFC. Teams in winners conference get those first game the next season at home. Losers go on the road week 1.
  5. The good news is that that cool 21 mil will have no influence over any of her decision making heaven forbid she ever becomes prez. It wasn't even contributions (because at the time she didn't know she was gong to run ), it was pure profit.
  6. I switch to Puppy Bowl during commercials and half time. this year I'm thinking of TIVOing the SB and watching Puppy Bowl LIVE.
  7. Yes, but we need depth. Tyrod can't do as well if he doesn't have adequate uninjured "weapons". Would be nice that if one of our "weapons" was out nursing an injury we had other "weapons" we could use instead.
  8. Increased fumbles and turnovers would make the game more exciting. Goodell likes making the game more exciting (not like it wasn't exciting enough before he got his mitts on it.) Seriously though, I am surprised they want to make it so hard to get a catch (football move, maintain process of the catch, etc.) NFL always wants more offense. Loosening up the catch rule a little would provide more offense. I long for the days when this was ruled a catch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8ad3pDqFO4 (watch at 0:28)
  9. Then there's still a chance he might come to Buffalo?
  10. I think it's bull. IF we had been able to beat Jacksonville and Philadelphia we would have made the playoffs despite getting swept by the Patsies.
  11. Perhaps they were thinking of Tippy Hedren? She was great in The Birds and then poof, nothing.
  12. The Huckster has made a career out of it.
  13. Business as usual for Hillary. Throw someone else under the bus. If she does win the White House, the buck will not stop with her.
  14. If Colin gets cut there will be a parade Brinks trucks coming to his house to lure him to a new team. With his back to back NFC Championship games and the scarcity of decent QBs, no one is going to sign him cheap I suspect.
  15. Colin, right division, wrong team. Come to Buffalo.
  16. Who supplies the coin in one of these coin tosses?
  17. Hillary I doing a good job keeping up with Bertnie
  18. from the same site: https://www.yahoo.com/health/how-booze-messes-with-your-1343937090150454.html
  19. Roman did pretty well with Alex Smith "in his system" as well.
  20. My advice to Bernie. If you win Iowa tonight, DO NOT (under any circumstances) scream.
  21. Can you give us an example?
  22. Carr did what often he seems to do in Raider games I've seen. Makes some incredible plays and some bad plays. With the bad out numbering the good but looking sweet on the incredible plays. I was expecting TYrod to run more. I thought he would have success against a D playing loose. But obviously the plan was to throw long up for grabs jump balls.
  23. Reminds me of Blaine Gabbert when Suck for Luck said he wasn't coming out. I guess there has to be a hot high 1st round QB in every draft even if there isn't one.
  24. It wouldn't be because she's not a man. She's a minority, a woman.
  25. The only difference between the 2 political parties is they are in a different set of pockets.
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