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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. More because they hold the power and control the process. Like, who gets in debates and who doesn't. Or all the rules in Congress where the majority party gets committee Sears etc. One thing DS and RS can agree on is to keep everyone else out.
  2. I have not bought into the whole Trump is a nazi racist routine, but this is disturbing. More so because 3 or 4 cops saw the redneck punch the guy in the face and did nothing. I saw an interview of the 2 guys on MSNBC. http://www.msnbc.com/kate-snow/watch/man-punched-at-trump-event-speaks-out-641587267898 At 2:50 the man who shot the video said THEY WERE NOT PROTESTING. The media narrative is already that they are black lives matter protesters. I even heard a guy on MSNBC say that about 10 minutes after the interview. Why didn't the cops arrest this dude on the spot? Disgusting. And people wonder why some black people have a real problem with cops and how they treat black people.
  3. Bernie's mY guy, but I will NOT vote for Hillary under any circumstances.
  4. Why is this such a secret? I hardly ever even hear it mentioned that she voted for the Iraq war and was a true believer. She was hoodwinked by W and Dick Cheney. She didn't read the classified report beforehand. Not many did, but Carl Levin did and said it convinced him it was not a slam dunk as advertised. Then when an Ammendment was proposed to required W to come back to Congress for authorization before attacking, she voted against it. (Now she says she voted for it to threaten Iraq, not actually attack them) She favored the regime change in Libya which has also further destabilized the Middle East. She is a Hawk's Hawk. She gets the win and more war will soon follow.
  5. I heard an interesting theory on how Romnee can keep Trump from winning the nomination. He could get in himself right now. With the Trump backlash and his popularity he could slow win some states with significant delegate counts like CA keeping Trump from getting his magicv number. Then they could have their brokered convention and pick whoever they want. Jeb or whoever. Sounds like it could work.
  6. He won us the Jets game.
  7. YES 19-0 BABY !! If a guy can't be optimistic in March, when can he be?
  8. Is someone a sexist if they call a woman accusing a man of sexual abuse a "bimbo eruption"?
  9. I do recall. At the time her lips were moving so I knew it was a lie.
  10. I think it should be a right that if a person is sick or breaks a bone or whatever, they should be able to get decent medical care even though if they can't afford it in an advanced, affluent, enlightened, compassionate society. It's my opinion. Again, don't even touch my point about how to finance and implement such a system, just get hung up because I said it was a right which you disagree with which is certainly your privilege (I hope I used that term right). Yeah, I know I'm a &*^&(* idiot.
  11. I know getting hung up on semantics while ignoring the whole point of a post is sport here. But I'll play along. If it's in the Bill of Rights or if a police officer tells me I have a right to remain silent or a right to an attorney during questioning, I go with those as rights. It's not hat complicated.
  12. Theoretical hogwash. Does the "natural state of man" include right to free speech? What about a right to a lawyer during questioning by the police? And women the right to vote? If we as country say it's a right, it's a right no matter how you theoretically slice it.
  13. He's right. They ARE idiots.
  14. My 2¢: This quote from the article pretty much sums up my ideas: I see it implemented by the government buying basic health coverage for everyone. It would include things like pre natal, broken bones, chronic illnesses like diabetes, Crohns, epilepsy, cancer, hospice, accidents, etc. The government would put the policies out to bid. It would be the world's largest risk pool so premiums could be held in check. Then, if you want more coverage, you can buy it or maybe your employer does. For me, it comes down to, is healthcare a right or a privilege? I would prefer if it were a right in America instead of a privilege.
  15. Demicans calling their opponents racists/sexists. This is news? Business as usual.
  16. Only the top seed gets a first round bye instead of the top 2 as it is now.
  17. Rex likes the bad boys, so yeah, I could see it happening. pass on Boykin and take Vernon Adams Jr. Instead.
  18. I haven't decided yet since the election is still 8 months away. I won't stay home and a snowball in Texas in August probably has a better chance than Hillary does getting my vote ( if she's on the ballot). Thank goodness it wasn't a white secret service guy taking down a black reporter instead of the other way around. Meanwhile here's a video of the big dog trying to silence a Marine 2 tours in Iraq veteran Paris Island Drill Instructor and when he can't he has him physically removed. The CNN version doesn't show him being removed: http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2016/02/27/bill-clinton-heckler-sot.cnn Pretty big difference in the raw take and CNN's edited version.
  19. Or you could just put it on a thumb drive and leave at your lawyer's office who had ZERO security clearance to view top secret emails (which were on there).
  20. I would argue that having top secret emails on a thumb drive in your lawyers office is, if not treasonous, reckless enough to be a deal breaker IMHO. That along with the Iraq War vote she voted Yes on even though she she couldn't be bothered to read the Intelligence Estimate would be the final nail in the coffin as far as me voting for her anyway.
  21. I agree with this. Countries with no 2nd Ammendment have Next to ZERO people shot with guns by police or other citizens. However, here, the horse has already left the barn.
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