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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. I want this dude working out at Fisher in the summer. I've seen him play several times and he can run, he can catch, he can RAC and DBs bounce off of him. I'm not sure where he's projected, but I wouldn't let the 5th round go by without snatching him up. Would be a gamble but worth it IMHO. He could do refrigerator duty on the goal line and 2 point conversions as well. If we don't give him a chance I suspect someone will like that Patsies** or Denver will.
  2. I saw this in the paper today truth. Sucks IMHO.
  3. That's not a lie though. Same is true of the Democrat party as well. Superdelegates anyone?
  4. I don't know. I didn't think his play with the Jets was all that different than his play In Buffalo. The difference was he had a D and didn't have to score 35+ points per game. He also had Marshall and Decker to throw to instead of SJ, Donald Jones, and Ruvell Martin. IMHO.
  5. How much is 10-6 and beating the Patsies** worth? Not saying Fitz was the sole reason, but he did play a big part.
  6. Or your Mom's funeral. Mine still does.
  7. Maybe it's time to drop the "clipboard" thing? QBs don't carry clipboards on the sidelines anymore. If anything they carry Microsoft Surfaces. Besides, it was the 3rd string QB that carried the clipboard anyway.
  8. Not too different than Hillary's crowd. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/03/15/us/elections/ohio-democrat-poll.html?_r=0 Age 45-64 66% Age 66+ 77% <$30,000 59% Falling behind financially 57% Women 63% (sexist voters?)
  9. Political trash talk is fun. I guess on a football site it is to be expected.
  10. Please tell me who non idiots would vote for.
  11. Bernie needs to stay all the way to the end so if/when Hillary gets indicted or the next scandal hits he'll have a chance to still be the nominee instead of some party picked candidate like Joe Biden or Diane Wasserman Shultz. This is one of the things that irritates me about the 2 party system. The sitting president is playing party politics. Not new though, FDR used to say similar things.
  12. Depends on what the definition of the word lose is. We didn't LOSE anybody. A few died, but we didn't lose them, we knew where they were.
  13. I would argue it's been tit for tat since Watergate.
  14. I'm all for shortening the game. But by less TV timeouts which ain't gonna happen. So I'll go with my tried and true method. I TIVO the game and start watching it about 45 minutes to an hour after it starts. Then I can fast forward through all the commercials and half time and catch up close to the end. I saw an NFL Films thing from the 60s and one of the players, Walt Garrison I think it was but maybe not said, "You go out there and lay it all on the line for 2 1/2 hours on Sunday". the game is now up to over 3 hours. They didn't add the length of the game. Just commercials which fortunately now I have the technology to take back. Go BILLS !!
  15. Blah blah blah Prove it.
  16. Hillary seems to be the one running the "Southern Strategy" this time and it appears to be working.
  17. There isn't any because it's a schedule 1 drug and to be able to do research on how it works or can help (if it can) can't even be studied. Rand Paul, Cory Booker, and Kirsten Gillibrand have a bill introduced March 10, 2015 to change it to schedule 2 and some other thing SO it can be studied but it's stuck in committee for $ome unknown reason. http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/2015/03/senators-cory-booker-d-nj-rand-paul-r-ky-and-kirsten-gillibrand-d-ny-introduce-historic It would also allow the VA to prescribe it to veterans as it does help some with PTSD. I know all this because I watched a program on Vice, a new channel I found on DirectTV. On the show Weediquette they had an episode called "Stoned Vets". It also chronicles a doctor who wants to study it and all the hoops she has to go through to be able to test it. Still hasnt been able to yet. Watch it if you get the chance.
  18. With Karlos' propensity for injury, we better have somebody good behind him. Gillislee looked good last year. I like Bell a lot and would like to see him back in a Bills suit. The popular notion that RBs are a dime a dozen is BS IMHO. How did Boom Herron work out?
  19. How old are you? Of course there was. I grew up in Dallas as a Cowboys fan. We had Don Meredith with Craig Morton riding the pine behind him (Marv says in his book Craig was the best athlete he ever coached and led Denver to SB XIII). Then after Don retired we got Roger Staubach who rode the pine behind Craig for a few years. Then when we traded Craig we got Danny White who rode the pine behind Roger for 4 or 5 years. All of these guys were top prospects and none of them started out of the chute.
  20. Not sure how doable this is in today's NFL. You sign a drafted QB for 4 or 5 years. By the time he sits 2 or 3 years and has some growing pains his contract is up. Think Brock Oswieler. Broncos developed him and then couldn't afford him. Similar thing with Hotrod in Baltimore. Hopefully it's us. But don't wait til the 5th or he very well could be long gone. We don't want to get Russell Wilsoned again Alex Smith no +s. WTF? NFL Europe was able to develop SB winning QBs. Kurt Warner and Brad Johnson. I also think the rules should be changed a little so it's not so much dependent on passing and having a great QB. Let the DBs bump and make contact until the football is in the air. Let OL hold on running plays.
  21. Evidently not.
  22. Let's not forget about McKinley.
  23. I'm heartbroken. Keith was a monster musician and composer. I remember when I first heard him. AI was on my high school CC team and we went on a road trip. One of my team mate's Uncle was driving and he put in a tape of Trilogy. I was blown away and an immediate fan. Never saw him live sadly. A few years ago I bought his album, Keith Emerson Band which is awesome. If you haven't heard it, check it out. Also has my old school mate Greg Bisonette on drums. Always makes me a little sadder when someone punches their own ticket. Sad day in greater rockdom
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