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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Maybe. But if push comes to shove in the eMail thing, Hillary will shove the nearest person under the bus.
  2. So far this campaign has been fun. I get more laughs out of the things this woman says.
  3. I have been waiting for Hillary to throw Huma under the bus. We might be getting close to that moment. Don't stand too close to the bus Huma.
  4. One's that when they want to call Hillary, she'll answer the phone.
  5. The article states: Not bad. That's nice.
  6. Totally worth it without question IMHO.
  7. Go vote for Hillary then. Have fun with that. Let me know how it goes ... When Goldman Sachs calls, she'll answer the phone. WHen you call, you'll go to voice mail that she never checks. This whole only young people vote for Bernie thing is propogandist BS. In my precinct most of the people were 40+ and it went Bernie 3-1.
  8. Why do I keep thinking of the Yogi Bearism "It ain't over til it's over."
  9. I think if Bernie ran as 3rd party vs Trump and Clinton he might have a real shot of winning.
  10. Bernie won my precinct 3-1. I was the captain and personally counted the ballots. I wanted to make sure no funny business was going to go on. There weren't enough Hillary people there to do any funny business.
  11. I give most of the credit to Doug Whaley. Since he has been GM he has been tenacious about finding us the scarce resource, which is QB. 3years ago he picked EJ in round 1. 2 years ago he signed Kyle Orton. Last year he brought in Hotrod and Cassel. I look for him to do something this off season as well. I doubt that very seriously. I suspect some team will pick him up.
  12. Bernie only got one bird. Too bad he didn't get God's fly over like Glen Beck did.
  13. It'll be like a like a major car accident on the side of the road. Horrible, but people will slow down to look. It's gonna be YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE.
  14. What is a BDS and how does it hurts Palestinians more than it hurts Israelis?
  15. That's what everyone said about Flutie and Warren Moon and Russell Wilson. He's only 1 inch shorter than Drew Brees. Can that really be a deal breaker? A smart OC would get him out of the pocket and design passing lanes for him. All these guys are flyers this year. Why draft a guy like Hogan who might be a decent backup someday?. If going for a flyer, take the guy who may be magic. He was at Eastern Washington and Oregon.
  16. A Senator may be too busy to read the National Intelligence Estimate before voting to attack another country for example. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/2/3/448804/-
  17. If Bernie doesn't win the nomination and runs as 3rd party vs Hillary and Trump, I think he'd have a pretty darn good chance of winning. It seems a LOT of people hate Trump and a LOT of people hate Hillary. And a LOT of people hate both. I'm hoping this happens and Bernie wins. Screw you Demicans and Rupublicrats. POWER to the people for a change.
  18. When is Vernon Adams Jr. pro day? He's the only QB in this draft I'm interested in. I REALLY hope we get this cat. Look at my quote from Roger the Dodger in my sig. Vernon's got it in spades and can back it up when on the field. He can back up Tyrod this year. He'd be a great guy to have in the pipeline.
  19. Expect to hear reports about how bad it is increase. It's part of Goodell's plan to RAM a new stadium down our throats where drunks won't be able to afford tickets. Oh, and league profits will go up giving him a bigger salary. It's how the NFL works in the 21st century.
  20. If we did 1 and 2, why would we need to do 3? And, let's say we follow Hillary's plan. Who will take ISIS' place? Somebody will. Or, do we intend to install a Jeffersonian Democracy in Iraq and then the rest of the middle East will see how awesome it is and follow suit? Seemed to work the last time (she voted for it) we tried it.
  21. There is a new TV show I found called Weediquette. They investigate medical marijuana things like veterans who take it for PTSD and parents who give it to children with cancer etc. They talk to Doctors and scientists about it. Most of the doctors, due to the science, think it could be beneficial, but can't test it due to the asssinine level 1 designation. It is a TV show and I'm sure there is an agenda etc., but it does provide information and shows people, some of which, seem to be able to improve their lives beyond just getting high and playing video games in their Mom's basement. They also raise questions about if it really works too. Disregarding the whole premise because Chef Jim can get a card without seeing a Dr., is not very scientific.
  22. I especially like what she said about Trump: “We need steady hands, not a president who says he’s neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday, and who knows what on Wednesday, because everything is negotiable,”
  23. Calling the Titans game a "comeback" is a gift. We scored to go ahead with 5:30 left and the D got 2 stops after that including a pick on the last possession.
  24. He's desperate.
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