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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. How so? With Kasich as Veep, Ohio is in the bag. Who would be a better choice?
  2. Don't take a chance. Take him in 5th or 6th or 7th if he's still there.
  3. If we're going to take a long shot mid to late round guy, take one who has a history of pulling a rabbit out of his hat IMHO. Vernon Adams Jr.
  4. This would certainly be the wise choice.
  5. Can you help me out with this? How did the Iraq-Iran War "directly" lead to Dessert Storm? IIRC Iraq invading Kuwait was what directly led to Dessert Storm. As far as the Bush II invasion, what directly led to that was the vote by Congress. We were in no way threatened unless you believed the WMD/yellow cake/mushroom cloud business.
  6. Did you miss the part about ISIS being a direct result of the Iraq War? Obviously there are a lot of other factors on the chaos that is the Middle East. Can we at least admit that overthrowing Sadaam poured gasoline on the fire? Hillary has another can ready to go. It's time we stop digging IMHO.
  7. Probably. It is obvious to anyone paying attention that ISIS is a direct result from our invasion of Iraq (which Hillary voted for and supported). http://www.vox.com/2014/8/25/6065529/isis-rise http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/25/tony-blair-is-right-without-the-iraq-war-there-would-be-no-isis You can play the Hillary excuse game if you want, but her and everyone else who voted for this is in part either directly or indirectly responsible for over 1,000,000 deaths, many of them innocents.
  8. Hillary supporters: She's not Trump. Trump supporters: He's not Hillary.
  9. Actually it may be more: http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq http://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2013/Civilian%20Death%20and%20Injury%20in%20the%20Iraq%20War%2C%202003-2013.pdf
  10. And, my vote for the Iraq War resulted in the death of 5000 Americans and 1,000,000 brown people.
  11. I fail to see how we agree about anything you said. Please explain.
  12. This sounds like a Hillary thing. Dermocrats and Republicans are not part of the government, it's members are. Everything they do and every decision they make is based on party affiliation. And yes Pollyanna, you don't have to be a D or R to win public office. I'm with Trump on this one,"It's a rigged, disgusting, dirty system." And just because those are the rules, does not mean it's not "a rigged, disgusting, dirty system."
  13. Just keep saying that if it makes you feel better. The system is rigged. That's why the rules are the way they are. Sound like you're good with that.
  14. OK, Bernie's getting screwed by the Democrat partY and it's idiotic "rules". How else can you explain hIm beating Hillary by 12 points IN Wyoming yet the delegates are awarded evenly. Throw in the "Super Delegates" and Hillary wins. Slice it how you want it, but it's a screw IMHO.
  15. Trump is right when he says Bernie is getting screwed out of delegates too.
  16. I'd love to get Vernon Adams Jr. in the 5th. Take him in the 4th if he's still there just to be safe.
  17. Actually, I was thinking of this one:http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2015101804/2015/REG6/bengals@bills?icampaign=GC_schedule_rr#menu=gameinfo%7CcontentId%3A0ap3000000559567&tab=analyze
  18. Trump likes gold covered almonds because he's REALY rich.
  19. Rubio looks like a great candidate until he opoens his mouth. His standup routine with the cell phone reading Trumps tweets followed by him saying that was not really him and he shouldn't have done it speaks volumes about his genuineness. His timing was off. In a status quo election he might have had a chance.
  20. You have your opinion and I have mine.
  21. There is a big difference in saying something long enough and loud and being able to legally bribe politicians which is what Citizens United has done. If they were using all that money to trumpet their ideas, you'd be right. But they're using it to influence politicians to pass laws that benefit them. In a political science class you may be right. $ != speech speech = speech
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