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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. I give my regards and condolences to him and his family, but honestly I never liked the guy. I don't like braggadocios,cocky showboaters. And then team him up with Howard Cordell and it was brutal. He was a very good boxer though. His fights were epic and a lot of them were on regular TV.
  2. Trump U sounds sleazy and shady. Not trying to excuse Trump, but you know, there's a sucker born every minute. Sounds exactly like a bunch of other get rich in real estate systems. My Dad used to say if some person has a sure fire way to make millions in real estate, they'd go out and do it, not try to sell you books, seminars, and video tapes.
  3. Anyone who would present Larry the Cable Guy a picture and a coin in the Pentagon Briefing Room is an idiot.
  4. If you say so dude. I rewatched both of them. On t!he first one Fitz threw it 5 yards deep in the EZ and TO caught it on the 47. The other Fitz threw it standing on the 50 and bounced off of SJ's hands at the goal one. But whatever ...
  5. Fitz's downfall with the Bills was in large part being paired with a historically bad defenses and horrible WRs. You mention Brady. When he started with NE they had a great D. Put him with the George Edwards/Dave Wannstedt Ds and it would have been a different story. Fitz is a flawed QB no doubt, but he ain't nearly as bad as y'all make him out to be IMHO.
  6. I was responding to a poster that said Fitz COULD NOT THROW THE LONG BALL. I see it made frequently. I just pointed out 2 examples of where he threw long balls that traveled over 50 yards in the air hitting the WR in stride right in the hands. It does make posters look foolish, but I do see it here frequently. And yes, he makes bad passes too, but, as shown, he CAN throw the long ball.
  7. 2 things. 1. You nor anyone else knows that a Fitz led team will not make the playoffs. You might not think so, but that means little in the grand scheme of things. 2. This year is not to find out if Hotrod is a franchise QB, it's to end the dreaded playoff drought.
  8. I could and might vote for Johnson, but Weld is too weird. I hope they pick someone else.
  9. Actually they didn't, but all our state's Super Delegates did.
  10. What is FOUO information? I don't work for the government, but I could be fired for using personal email for business, or mishandling trade secrets.
  11. I keep wondering how copying classified information to a thumb drive and sneaker-netting it to your lawyer's office is not a crime? http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/hillary-clinton-email-thumbdrive-security-120833
  12. Yes. Me. This is a myth perpetuated by the Hillary crowd and the media. I went to the caucus and in my district there were over 50 Bernie people and around 20 Hillary people. Most of the Bernie people, if not all, were well over 26.
  13. Any that set the Jets franchise record for TD passes? 56 years and better than 1 HOF QB and a soon to be HOF QB.
  14. It's not even close for me. 1999 - Start Flutie vs the Texans. The difference in that game was in the 1st half, RJ fumbles the football out of the back of the EZ. Titans get the resulting punt and short field to score their only TD of the game. No way in hell Fltie does that.
  15. I was at that game. While Fitz messed up, he was by far the only Jet choking away the playoffs that day. Marshall and Decker dropped passes. Their D couldn't get the Bills O off the field to save necks. It was a team choke. Fitz threw more TDs last year than any other QB in Jets franchise history (56 years). Cut him a little husk, just a little . He had a lot of help. Yeah, the lawn needs mowing.
  16. Honestly, I'm tired of you continually polluting this board with lame idiotic responses to Gatorman posts. If you don't like what he says, ignore him. You're just making yourself look like a fool with nonsense like this.
  17. I prefer GregF's response much better than a picture of an Ass Hat. I learned something. Nice response GregF, keep 'em coming.
  18. He paid what he owed according to THE LAW. The problem is not Trump or people like him, it's THE LAW. I wonder if Hillary will do anything about it if elected?
  19. I agree. At a high school graduation you wear a cap and gown no matter who you are. I suspect at Marine Corp boot camp graduation she did not have the option to wear a cap and gown. I get she's a hero and all, but rules are rules and there's a time and place for everything.
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