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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. This dates back to way before Josh Allen. Even before Josh Allen was born. This iscnot a new phenomenon. The NFL has long favored teams to win that miraculously get all the calls. I remember the Bucs getting a lot of BS calls in their Super Bowl win over the Chiefs. I also remember Super Bowl XL between Seattle and Pittsburgh. All week on NFL Channel they were playing up it being the Bus' last game in his home town blah blah blah. The officiating in that game was a lot like today's. But now that the NFL is in bed with gambling I am more suspicious. The referees huddling up with a direct line to New York smells bad to me as does the way games are called involving the glamour teams. I quit watching the NBA a long time ago cuz their refs absolutely decide a lot of games. I don't want to quit watching NFL football too, but I do think I'm going to start taking it less seriously and not get emotionally involved if I can.
  2. Wouldn't be the first time. Then Senator Biden in the run up to the Iraq War as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee ran the hearings. He wouldn't let anyone against it testify. Then he voted for it and continuing resolutions. The results of which were 1,000,000+ dead Iraqis.
  3. And against Tennessee the year before that. I disagree about Brady did. This a totally different animal than what Tommy the cheater did. There is no comparison.
  4. I know the Raiders did it a couple weeks ago. Handed it off to Jacobs. My plan would be to have the defensive linemen get low and stay low. Try to plow low and grab Hurts' leg. Have LBs right behind them shoving them. Have DBs behind them shoving them. DO NOT try to jump over. Probably the worst thing you could do. you have no leverage. Hope for the best. Sure they could run some kind of fake, but as good as they are doing it and them being 9-1 would they really want to in a non conference game? I would think not. Save it for playoffs.
  5. OK, so it's elitist. And if you include race in the definition it's racist.
  6. looking down on people with less money is privilege.
  7. I was at the game and thought it was silly. During the Jets timeout when we were going to "go for it", the long snapper on the sidelines was taking warm up snaps. Telegraph much? In general really though I hate this. Either go for it or not. Its just wimpy football. Seems like a waste of time outs.
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/ohio-man-arrested-faking-anti-palestinian-hate-crime-police-1845000
  9. I think they should but don't think they will. They like it.
  10. If she was even thinking of breaking up with him over politics he should dump her first. He'll thank me later.
  11. This is why abortion is such a great thing for men. Who wants to take a shower with a rain coat on? If she gets pregnant make her go to planned parenthood for an abortion. Abortion may be great for women but it's even better for men who are pigs.
  12. So what? We won the game. Kills me when fans get upset because it wasn't a pretty enough win. There are no style points in football. Just win baby
  13. While it is true that Buffalo has had many outlandish losses, I don't necessarily think we are unique. - The Tennessee Titans getting to the 1 yard line losing to Rams in a Super Bowl. - The Atlanta Falcon blowing a huge lead in the SB vs Cheats. - Dallas 1967 NFL Championship game on a last play Herb Adderly interception of a Don Meredith pass in the EZ. - Dallas losing on a last play QB sneak by Bart Starr in the Ice Bowl. - Dallas losing to the Stealers in a Super Bowl in which Jackie Smith dropped a for sure TD in the EZ. - Dallas losing on a last second FG in a Super Bowl. - Seahawks losing Super Bowl on last play with a pick in the EZ instead of giving it to The Beast. - Houston Oilers blowing a 30+ point lead vs Buffalo. - Ernest Buyer fumbling going in for a winning score vs Denver in the playoffs. - Cleveland giving up a 98 yard "The Drive" vs Denver in the playoffs. - Cincinnati getting flagged for PI letting the Rams in range to score game winning TD in a Super Bowl. - NY Giants After quarterback Joe Pisarcik botched an attempt to hand off the football to fullback Larry Csonka, Herm Edwards picked up the dropped ball and ran 26 yards for the winning touchdown. - Raiders losing on the Immaculate Reception. - Raiders losing on "The Tuck". - Saints lose after taking the lead with < :20 left only to give a up a Case Keenum to Diggs bomb for the TD and win in a playoff game. Although 12 men on the field may be a new low. It's football. It happens.
  14. There are only 2 kind of coaches in the NFL. Those that have been fired and those that will be fired. So not sure he would have to hide it in order to get another job even if he wants one.
  15. You're kidding, right? We are humming along at 600,000+ abortions per year. Our replacement rate is under water. https://www.npr.org/2021/05/05/993817146/u-s-birth-rate-fell-by-4-in-2020-hitting-another-record-low Meanwhile, look at your own statistics you provided. 700,000 in 1948 has grown to 6,000,000. That's about a 9 to 1 replacement rate. America's is 1.7 to 1. 1/2 of the people in Gaza are children. What does that a tell you? That's how they are going to inherit the earth. Not saying it good or bad, just it is what it is. The numbers don't lie.
  16. It's not just in Chicago. These people are going to inherit the earth because they don't believe in abortion.
  17. Republicans calling him out for things like this is just as dumb the Democrats freaking out over some of the silly things Trump said when he was trolling them. Makes you look silly.
  18. Did you miss the whole Stevie Johnson thing?
  19. How do we know Gabe is wrong to cut off his route and not that Josh is misreading? I keep hearing this, Gabe is cutting off his routes. Maybe he was supposed to but Josh misreads the coverage. Really I have no idea which it is. I think it may be because teams have our O figured out and are fooling us with their coverage.
  20. Fitz could help Josh with the picks as in how to throw more. Josh is now the first Buffalo qb to throw a pick in six straight games since ... wait for it ... not EJ Manuel, not Kyle Orton, not Tyrod Taylor, not Nathan Peterman, not Derek Anderson ... it's Fitz. No thanks.
  21. How does climate change disproportionately affect women?
  22. I seriously hope this is not the case.
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