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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 7 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Reliable media and Hollywood. 


    As someone who was 5 miles from Dealy Plaza in 1963, I have never watched the Oliver Stone movie and never will.  I predicted at the time that people who saw the movie and didn't know much about it would view it as what really happened. And now my prediction has been proven true.


    The Kevin Costner character is based on Jim Garrison, a doofus DA who tried Clay Shaw for the assassination but failed to get a conviction. Great acting by Costner but not factual.


    Its a freaking' movie yall.  Even Oliver Stone says it's not accurate.

  2. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    I'm in this 1000% baby! Sherpa is just upset about his hero Richard Simmons getting dragged into all this, but that's just how it goes

    Fact: Before he shot at the president, the cops did see him. Did he ask them for help? That info has not come out yet


    I would agree there is some squirrely stuff about this.


    Who do you think is behind it?

  3. 1 hour ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    The piece says the lawsuit was dismissed.  kinda different from the recent decisions against the R monarch (nominated 3 f'in times in a row ).  I voted for Bernie in the primary but never felt he had enough core votes.  He's still fighting the good fight.  Wish Howard Dean still led the DNC.  I voted for him in primaries too.  Very effective DNC leader.  Very bright dude.


    I know the lawsuit was dismissed, but look what Harry Reid said about it. 


    “I knew—everybody knew—that this was not a fair deal.” He added that Debbie Wasserman Schultz should have resigned much sooner than she did. 


    That was more my point that the rigging occurred as opposed to the machine" for D's is run by many, many people including local pols."  Sounds more like it was run by Hillary and Wasserman Schultz.


    Yeah I voted for Bernie in the primaries too. Too bad they screwed him. I think he could have beaten Trump.


    I voted for Howard Dean in the primaries too.  He wanted to get us out of Iraq as did I.  The scream thing was an orchestrated hit by the DNC and the media to get him out of the race.  Again, Democrats screwing one of their candidates with some juice to get in their preferred candidate, John Kerry.


    I changed my opinion of Bernie though.  I think now he is a narcissistic (as are many politicians) guy who loves the limelight. I mean having people smooching on your ass all day and telling you how great you are has got to be intoxicating.  Money's not bad either.  I think he too should get out and let someone else in. He had a good run.


    Please don't take this to mean I don't thing the Republicans aren't crooked too because they are IMHO.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    You do realize "the machine" for D's is run by many, many people including local pols.  We don't have a coronated leader.  There's debate and argument.  That's a good thing.


    Like when Hillary and Wasserman screwed Bernie to make sure Hillary won the nomination you mean?



    In June 2016, a class action lawsuit was filed against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for violating the DNC Charter by rigging the Democratic presidential primaries for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders. Even former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid admitted in July 2016, “I knew—everybody knew—that this was not a fair deal.” He added that Debbie Wasserman Schultz should have resigned much sooner than she did. The lawsuit was filed to push the DNC to admit their wrongdoing and provide Bernie Sanders supporters, who supported him financially with millions of dollars in campaign contributions, with restitution for being cheated.




    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, JDHillFan said:



    First I thought the tweet was about Hillary rallying her troops in case President Biden drops out.  Well she's probably doing that already.


    Anyway, True of President Biden as well on never being wrong /sarcasm.


    President Obama said never underestimate Joe's ability to ***** things up.  And Robert Gates in his book says Biden was wrong about every decision.  (Like the Iraq war and the only one against killing Osama Bin Laden for example).  So that's why I'll have to see it to believe it.  The right decision would be to bow out gracefully now.  So he'll make the wrong decision and stay in.

  6. 1 hour ago, BillsFanNC said:



    LOL.  that's a huge stretch.  He never got closer than 8" or so from her. They were just talking.  Maybe a long distance kiss like Casey Casein used to make long distance dedications?


    This goes for both men.  They each say and do crazy ass things.  You really don't need to make things up.  Oh well, it is silly season after all.

    3 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Dude should have been 25'd the day after the debates 


    I wish Rubio was the Elephant candidate.  He'd whip Joe or Kamala's rear end.  

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  7. On 7/16/2024 at 8:54 AM, Pokebball said:

    The guy had no criminal record and yet the feds ID'd him in less than an hour using DNA. Begs the question where they got the DNA, doesn't it?


    Good point. I was wondering about this too.  Maybe he voluntarily did one of those goofy DNA Ancestry tests?

  8. 18 hours ago, Artful Dodger said:

    Also, all the many left-leaning voters who love electric cars but also make their buying decisions based on their politics now have choices other than Tesla. 


    As Michael Jordon would say, Republicans buy shoes too.  Democrats buy cars too.


    I agree. He's shooting himself the foot.  Especially the cars.  There are now serious competitors like Rivian, Ford Mustang, Polestar etc.  It's is very common in business to have a company come out with a new and innovative product and do well only to then have competitors get in the market with lower prices, extra features, etc and drive the innovator out of business.  Think Netscape or DEC or MySpace for example.  Could happen to Tesla if he continues to turn off half the market with his politics.

  9. 10 hours ago, Bray Wyatt said:


    This all day! Like, can you save that til after the game?? haha




    When I was growing up in Dallas we would watch all the 60s/70s/80s Cowboys road games on TV.  If someone was yucking it up he would say "if you're not watching the game, go in the other room.". I am the same way now watching Buffalo games.


    I prefer to be at the game.  You see a lot of stuff you don't on TV.  When watching at home on TV I TIVO the game and start watching it about an hour after kickoff and fast forward through the commercials.  I've only watched 1 game at a bar.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, pennstate10 said:

    1)  Ahh, youre right.  Not to voluntarily relinquish office.  Hope thats better.

    2)  I agree that Biden is also unfit for office.  Due to age and cognitive decline.  Not because he's a compulsive liar, cheat, or con man though.

    3)  Listen to Don Jr?  I'd rather re-watch the PSU-Iowa 6-4 barnburner.




    He left early. Didn't even hang around for the inauguration.

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  11. 7 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:



    Americans aren't going to get any answers from this.  3 1/2 months before the election, come on man.  It's gonna be a circus. 


    I'm looking forward to seeing what MTG wears.  Maybe her and AOC will get into another cat fight.  I'm sure Jamie Raskin will have some words of wisdom on the subject.



  12. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:

    They knew Biden was never running the country.  

    The debate ended him and proved it.  

    After lying to you for 4 years they’re conducting another coup.  


    How’s it feel Ds to be made out as suckers simps and morons for 4 years   



    They're pissing into the wind.  He's too selfish to get out.

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