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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. I can remember in the 2020 campaign the issue of candidate Biden touching people came up. As I recall he said he understands that back in the good ole days this was acceptable but now understands its not appropriate so he wouldn't do it anymore. It lasted about 5 minutes. Another one of many I'll say any thing to get elected and then forget about it moments. https://www.vox.com/2019/4/3/18294162/joe-biden-touching-allegations-response
  2. Why doesn't President Biden do something about this? Maybe he's in on it?
  3. I was going to give this post a big thumbs up til you got into the name calling part. I can't support that. However I also find it fascinating that people post tweets instead of just giving their own opinion. I would be much more interested in that. Especially when they come from twitter accounts like Tiffany, or the Dilbert guy, or Jo, or some movie star.
  4. Or you could just do what my Dad used to do. Pick the ones that you think will lose. Worked out better for him that way.
  5. $4.39 a gallon in Seattle. Of course we're paying an extra .49 per cuz were saving the planet with carbon offsets.
  6. How so? I'm not disagreeing with you necessarily but would like to hear why you think this.
  7. Josh said he guessed where Big Play Gabe would be and threw it there. I think it's obvious he isn't working as hard on football in off season as he once was. I think the Jets game was the result among others. He who shall not be criticized shouldn't just rely on natural talent. He needs to put in the practice on the practice field and homework to advance his game to where we can win a SB.
  8. Now if you could find any sex in there somewhere we'd have something we can work with.
  9. See what Kanye is up to.
  10. This is not the first time lefties have freaked out on Trump for using a word correctly according to the dictionary. Maybe they don't know how to use one? Remember when President Trump said he was going to win bigly? The lefties freaked out and said bigly wasn't a word. Then someone looked it up in the dictionary and it is indeed a word.
  11. First off it won't happen IMHO. Second off I don't want it to happen, you do. Third off, YOU are one that talks talks about sitting on a hill top with your buddies and shooting conservatives.
  12. Yeah and maybe you'll get shooting civil war you've been pining for.
  13. This is the plan for a Biden win. Race riots in the summer. Worked like a champ in 2020.
  14. What's with the little wheels in the back? This car is a great symbol of President Biden's privilege. He got the car from Jill's father when they got married. Getting a Corvette for a wedding gift smacks of white privilege. I wonder how many PPPers got a Corvette as a wedding gift?
  15. If you don't learn English we're gonna send you back. If you're not supposed to be here we're gonna send you back. Trump and Obama agree on something.
  16. Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up
  17. How many votes do you think Pence endorsement would net? Double digits. Maybe.
  18. What did it say about the results of his cognitive test?
  19. Move out now while you still know everything.
  20. It wasn't "transitory". It was Putin's Price Hike. 😄
  21. His lips were moving at the time so I assumed he was lying.
  22. That's alright. I'm sure Trump can find someone else like Herschel or Oz or Kari Lake to run for the seat and get trounced.
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