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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. If you say so. You didn't answer my question. I answered yours. How many college tuition/loan reform packages have been passed in the Senate?
  2. If these people are not breaking the law then the problem is not those rich snobs but bad laws. I hear Senators Sanders and Warren and others complaining about this. You have the power. Do something about it. But since the politicians have to take money from these rich people to get elected, these are the kind of laws we get.
  3. I'm not a Republican and I didn't and will not vote for President Trump. You must have me confused with someone else. As to your first question, my answer is no. That would depend the system being on the up and up which it obviously is not. How many college tuition/loan reform packages have been passed in the Senate?
  4. Does this mean we now have"boots on the ground"? Will President Biden finally admit it? We've had "boots on the ground" for most of his presidency.
  5. Why do you think people were paying $500,000+ to go to the President Clinton, President Obama, President Biden, and Stephen Colbert shindig at Radio City Music Hall? Out of the goodness of their heart?
  6. Call me old school, but I think if you take out a loan you should read the fine print and pay it all back on time. If you can't afford to pay it back don't take it out in the 1st place. Do something else. Go to community college at night. Work for a company that has tuition assistance. Join the military. They will pay for your college after you serve for 3 years. There are many options beyond taking out a loan you can't afford to pay back. It's sad that people have put themselves into this position. But I don't feel sorry for them or understand why taxpayers that didn't take out stupid loans should have to pay it back. And then to hear President Biden say he's solving the student loan crisis. Give me a break. He's doing nothing the kind. He's just buying votes and kicking the can down the road. Meanwhile more students are lining up to take out the same kind of loans as I type.
  7. $4.49 today in Seattle with a 20¢ per gallon grocery store frequent buyer discount.
  8. As for myself, I love the Handel organ concertos.
  9. He talks about diversity in the constitution literally in the first 2 minutes. Get with it!
  10. Says the 78 year old dude.
  11. Why does he hate black people?
  12. You can tell how old this is cuz it was back when you could bring your own signs painted with spray paint on bed sheets.
  13. I guess I didn't read the fine print. Not sure why the ticket rep that used to work for the Cowboys told my wife she could sell it and some of the ones in Dallas are going for $250,000.
  14. As is 2016 All this polling at this stage is just silly seeing as to how the election is 7 months away and most are within the margin of error or close to it.
  15. They don't have cabinet jobs to keep.
  16. Well, the wife and I, after she attended a call with the Bills ticket rep yesterday, have decided to pass. She has been a season ticket holder since 1987. When they remodeled her seats went away so she upgraded to club seats in 1999. she moved to Dallas which is where I met her and why I have been a Bills fan since 1996. She kept her tickets and we would fly in for a couple of games a year. She sold (took a bath during the drought) the others. When they were raising money by selling Engraved paver stones at The Ralph located by the Bills store we bought one in honor of our son who was a huge Bills fan who is no longer with us. We could certainly afford it but it just feels like we've been super loyal to the Bills For 37 years. Now they are telling us to bend over and drop our wallet or go away. Loyalty is a 2 way street. We decided to paint our house and put in central AC and still have money left over to some games on the resale market. We will go to as many games the next 2 years as we can. Then we'll watch 'em on TV and try to go to one every year. I know it's all bidness and this is how the NFL works blah blah blah, but it's still gross for a person who has been a loyal fan and put their money where their mouth is for so long mostly with poor results. And the BS of PSL as an investment. Give me A break. The ticket rep who used to work for the Cowboys told her some of the ones in Dallas go for $250,000. Oh OK LOL. Terry is 188th richest American and the 12th highest net worth of NFL owners. Surely there is some other way he could raise the cash. NFL and Terry, please don't tell us you love the fans. It's like I heard Steve Young say a few years ago, when you have a product with a non elastic demand, you can do whatever you want.
  17. That's A big part of this. Price out the riff raff. And Get a higher cla$$ of fans.
  18. When Texas Stadium opened in 1972 they had PSLs. It's not new. But I agree, it sucks. Seattle has them as well.
  19. Some of these things may be good and someday unifying. We'll see how they work. We're talkin' government here and the track record on this kind of stuff is sketch. I mean funding Solyndra so we could lead the world in solar panels sounded like a good idea at the time but the execution was really bad. That's where a lot of these things fail is the execution See if he can execute. Do you really think student loans is unifying? What about unending abortion talk? Unifying? What about calling republicans MAGA extremists? Unifying? Do you think the country is more unified now than in January 2021? I agree with you on the disfunction of congress but don't think either party has a monopoly there. They both suck. The best thing Presidents Trump and Biden (both of which no one likes) could do unify the country is drop out of the race.
  20. Exactly what is President Biden doing to bring this country together?
  21. How's the whole "bringing this country together" thing working out for President Biden?
  22. Oh, I'm pretty sure President Trump did his own tweets LOL. Who can forget COVFEFE? I'm looking forward to next Easter on 4/20 . I'm hoping President Kennedy sends out a tweet commemorating it.
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