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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 23 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    That's semi fair.  I look forward to seeing your response when we find out he did nothing wrong.


    My contention on this is Walz' statement that he carried the same weapons in war currently that are on American streets.  It's a lie cuz hehe never went to war. Most veterans haven't. No biggee.  Just don't say you did when you didn't.  Now if we can find a war he carried said weapons in that no one knows about, sure, I'll backtrack.  


    As far as the retirement stuff I don't know enough about Army regulations and what he knew when to for sure say one way or the other.


    23 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    I would hope you were  appalled at Trump's comments on Mccain?  He seems to get a pass from everyone on just about anything.  


    The I like guys who weren't captured?  I thought it was gross.  John McCain was a true American war hero. Even beyond the Hanoi Hilton his career was superb.  I didn't agree with his politics and he was corrupt (Keating Five) but a great Naval officer.


    My favorite quote of his while running against W was when he said when he went to bed at night at the Hanoi Hilton he could rest easy knowing George Bush was patrolling the skies of Texas.


    I think the pass on everything may depend on one's perspective.  Impeached twice and convicted on 34 counts is getting away with everything?

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  2. 7 hours ago, Big Blitz said:



    On capping drug prices, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.


    My doctor told me she was at a pharmaceutical convention where they told her they weren't going to do any research or develop new insulins any more because they can only sell it for $35 so they can't make money off of it.  Putting caps on other drugs could have the same effect.


    I agree pharmaceutical companies charge seemingly predatory high prices. But they also got a lot of overhead.  I hope it works if she's able to pull it off but there will definitely be downstream effects.

  3. My favorite part was when she flubbed up the rapper question. I suppose she was joking when she said Tupac, not sure.  But then she could name anyone. Then she said she didn't want to mention anyone cuz she wanted them to stay in their lane or something whatever that means.  


    Another politician too afraid to give an answer to an innocuous question like this.


    Reminded me of the time in 2016 when the Bills were playing the Jets or Giants.  Tim Russert interviewed Hillary.  He closed out the interview with "who do you want to win the game Sunday?"  She said " I hope it's a good game and no one gets hurt."


    This is not the first rapper question she's flubbed up.  Remember when she listened to Tupac and Snoop while getting high in college?  Makes me wonder if she really likes rap (not a bad thing if she doesn't).  She is portrayed as the cool young hip candidate.  But she is 59 years old.  Not ancient but not a spring chicken either.  She graduated from HS in 1982.  2  Live Crew wasn't even making records when she was in college.  When she was in college rap was MC Hammer, Run-DMC, Vanilla Ice, and The Sugar Hill Gang.  She's a phony on a lot of things so why not this too?

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    I applaud anyone who was able to dodge being drafted during Vietnam…


    “F” that bull sh*t war…👍




    I agree it was a bull sh*t war. We've had a LOT of bull sh*t wars in this country.   But if one was able to buy a deferment that means someone else  had to go in your place that couldn't afford said deferment.  Why should some be able to buy themselves out when others can't.  Actually I think that's why we have an all volunteer military now.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Roundybout said:

    This invalidates his entire 25 year national guard career?




    Why do you gobble down Chinese propaganda so easily?


    How is what I said "Chinese propaganda"?  The only way you you could disprove what I said is to provide documentation that he carried a weapon like gang bangers have into a war. Can you do that?


    And no.  It does not invalidate his service record in any way.  I respect him for his service but the lie about him being in a war does give me pause in considering voting for him.


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  6. 55 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want one of those suckers and losers who couldn't figure out how to avoid combat to be my Vice President.


    I wouldn't want someone who lied about carrying weapons into a war which he never went to serving as my VP.  I respect him and his service but he went too far on this one.


    I was a Marine and earned a Marksmen badge on the M-16 and fired a .45 caliber pistol.  But I would never say I carried either in a war when I didn't.  I have way too much respect for the people who did to say something like that.  Sounds like stolen valor to me.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. On 8/2/2024 at 7:36 AM, Starr-Bills said:

    Oh look at that matt posts on rumble…. what are the odds of bias?


    ”Rumble received investment from venture capitalists Peter Thiel, Vivek Ramaswamy and J. D. Vance in May 2021, with that round of funding valuing Rumble at around $500 million.[17] In October 2021, Rumble acquired Locals.[18]On December 14, 2021, Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) announced that it entered a "wide-ranging technozlogy and cloud services agreement" with Rumble in a statement that also stated that Rumble would operate part of Truth Social as well as TMTG.[19] Also in December 2021, Rumble challenged a New York law prohibiting hate speech on social media.[20]”


    You misspelled technology.

    On 8/4/2024 at 11:51 AM, Big Blitz said:

    STAHL: She mentioned his many accomplishments, including his forceful leadership of the NATO summit with other Western heads of state..


    PELOSI: So he was in a good place to make whatever decision, top of his game. Such a consequential president of the United States, a mount Rushmore kind of president of the United States. I want to know what comes next.


    STAHL: You think that he belongs up there on Mount Rushmore. Lincoln and Joe Biden.


    PELOSI: But you got Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he's wonderful. I don't say take him down, but you can add Biden.


    I remember just a few years ago Mount Rushmore was very bad and we should give it back to the Indians. 

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    A beautiful and exciting piece composed by one of the best played by one of the best.


    I actually got to see Van play this in Seattle in September 2005.  Great concert. He brought his piano from Fort Worth with him to play.

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  9. On 7/23/2024 at 1:39 PM, The Frankish Reich said:

    was just a youngster in DC when Bill Clinton was elected. Street vendors were selling these little saxophone lapel pins - Clinton supporters were snapping them up to show their loyalty to the new man in charge. It was ... sooo dumb.


    Ah yeah. Clinton and the tenor sax.  Cool to have a musician in the WH.


    I was watchng the Arsenio Hall Show the night candidate Bill Clinton was a guest.  First he came out with his horn wearing Ray Bans playing the blues.  Pretty cool.


    Then he sat Down and Arsenio interviewed him. Arsenio asked Bill if he had ever smoked weed. Bill said he had but didn't inhale.  I thought that was going to hurt him.  Turns out it didn't. But I decided that night I would never vote for him. That's a waste of perfectly good weed.



  10. 1 hour ago, B-Man said:



    Imagine if this situation was reversed.


    Frankie would be quick (and correct) to point out the Chuck Taylor's have been the most popular selling Converse sneaker

    for over a decade.



    "they're buying them because of Kamala"  LOL  Talk about falling for campaign fodder.




    My favorite blue dog democrat just bought 2 pair.  One for her and one for her daughter. 

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  11. The Big Blue Machine rolls on and over whoever or whatever it has to.  Give 'em credit.


    I have been saying all along President Biden was too selfish to get out. Boy was I wrong.


    It impresses me how they did it.  They didn't even try to couch it that they were worried about his health.  Just he couldn't win.  They all love Joe (or so they say) but not one said they were concerned about his health or ability.  Just that he can't win.  When did this become a thing?  If the current president or would be nominee is losing in the polls, kick them to the curb. In my lifetime can think of several Democrats that everyone knew was going to get their doors blown but they didn't do this. I'm thinking Jimmy Carter,  Walter Mondale, and Michael Dukakis.


    But what really impresses me the most is how they have all rallied around VP Harris. There were we several that said they wanted an open convention or some kind of mini primary.  Nancy Pelosi and AOC for example.  But not today.  Word has come down it's Harris so they all got in line. Clintons endorsed.   AOC and Pelosi are now all in as well.

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