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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Doesn't sound very democratic to me to only allow 1/3 of the country decide who the nominee is.
  2. Bolded 1: I'm gonna agree with you on this one. She was able to wrap up the VP gig in just 1 debate in which she called Joe Biden a racist on national TV. That is a level of debate skill unseen before. Bolded 2: Come on man. In what world does President Biden have long history of ambivalence about abortion? He's abortion's biggest cheer leader.
  3. We have Alvin Bragg to thank for this.
  4. With this attitude we'll never get through racism. Now that women and minorities are in government they are open to be criticized just as much as white dudes. I remember when Obama was President anytime you criticized anything it was because you didn't like him cuz he was black. My response always was, did they treat President Clinton any better? We gotta get past this nonsense. You ain't helping curb racism with this *****. Knock it off please.
  5. Are you serious? You couldn't have even hung a dog on that thing. It did make for an iconic photo though.
  6. Upon confirmation Justice Thomas told Senators Biden and Kennedy and the rest of 'em he was 42 years old and he's gonna be a supreme court justice for 42 years. If my math is correct he's still got 6 years to go. Senator Biden and the Donkey team didn't want Clarence Thomas in cuz he is black. Thomas was replacing Thurgood Marshall who was appointed by LBJ. Democrats were supposed to be the ones appointing black Justices, not Republicans. Thus the shenanigans by Senator Biden and the rest. One other thing I remember is how Clarence Thomas snookered Biden. They let Thomas go so they could interview Anita Hill. After testimony of coke cans and such Thomas came back. Biden started out by asking Thomas if he watched it thinking he would have and could go through the coke can and such. Thomas said no. Biden then hemmed and hawed for a minute and then had to follow a different line of questioning. And what was all that "natural law" stuff that he and Thomas allegedly understood? The high tech lynching bit by Thomas was epic.
  7. Been waiting for this. Isn't this supposed to be used for emergencies? I hope we don't have any.
  8. Sounds like they're working with a narcissist (Biden).
  9. I got an email from President Biden today. He told me in the email he is not dropping out and is running and is gonna win. And oh,by the way can you send me some cash. He's too stubborn and selfish to quit now. But you know how these things go.it could all change tomorrow. Democrats are in a pickle but they put themselves there. Sad.
  10. And how do they know that if they voting for President Biden? Besides Michele has said many times she not running and told her daughters DO NOT go into politics.
  11. President Biden gave eulogies at Robert Byrd, the guy that tried to filibuster the1964 Civil Rights Act AND Strom Thurmond's funerals. You can watch them both on YouTube. In fact,it was a campaign promise.
  12. Clintons breathe a sigh of relief. I think it's gonna be like Bush vs Gore. Very tight. Litigated to death. The side with the best lawyers wins.
  13. Speaking of President Biden's trip to Normandy, he said it was a World War I cemetery in the debate.
  14. President Trump is going to make the MLB get rid of the designated hitter and pitch clock. Then he's going to write a new pass interference rule.
  15. So a special prosecutor is supposed to write his/her report keeping in mind what the New York Post will use as a headline?
  16. I did read it. A couple Rs in a state house and it flopped. Donkeys are still fear mongering about a lot of stuff. They're desperate cuz the got a tub of ***** and they do know what to do with it.
  17. Classic Donkey fear mongering. We're seeing a lot of it this year for some reason.
  18. Not replying to criticism is a far cry from going to bat for abortion IMHO. Who exactly is arguing to make birth control illegal?
  19. He's too selfish and stubborn to drop out. But if the Democrat party wants him out they'll do whatever they have to to get him out. They screwed Bernie to get Hillary in. I'm sure they could cook up something if they want to.
  20. I know what he said. What decision did President Kennedy make that went against Catholic teachings? Wasn't abortion cuz it was not legalized until 9 years after his death. This is one of many gripes I have with President Biden. He is Mr. Devout Catholic. I could see if he wanted to sort of recuse himself from the issue. But no. He goes to bat for it. Seems hypocritical to me.
  21. And I would venture to guess the big, big guy doesn't like abortion like President Biden does. At least that's what the pope says.
  22. I don't know if President Biden has Parkinson's or something else but it's been obvious a while to those paying attention he's got cognitive issues. I said in 2016 he wasn't all there and he wasn't and definitely isn't now.
  23. I stopped reading after that word. Whenever I hear or read that word I immediately tune them out and know they are not someone I will listen to. And no @Tommy Callahan she was not using a scientific term. If you've ever known someone with Downs Syndrome you would know they aren't stupid. They have a mental handicap they didn't ask for and can't be cured. Insulting a political opponent using these people with an immutable characteristic is GROSS. Ranks right up there with "short bus". Call me triggered or whatever if you want I don't care. It's disgusting.
  24. The bullet train was running in Japan when I was stationed there in 1977. Sounds real democratic of you. I know you love democracy.
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