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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. Me too. President Reagan also put the first woman on the Supreme Court. Just curious. Did you live through the double digit inflation/misery index/gas lines/Iran Hostage Crisis Carter regime as well? The air traffic controllers had in their union contract that they couldn't strike.
  2. Exactly. He got clobbered anyway. Might as well catch the football and get clobbered. To all who say he didn't cuz it was PS he didn't go for it like he would if RS, how do you know that? This was his chance to prove he could.
  3. This is the bigs. That was a catchable football. He heard footsteps. Disturbing.
  4. This guy is saying what I've been saying. These people are going to inherit the earth be they don't believe in abortion.
  5. I think the fact lefties hate Musk shows how screwed up our all politics all the time society is not helping us in a lot of ways. Lefties are super high on saving the planet. Musk is saving the planet as I type. He put electric cars on the map. There really weren't many if any when he started. He also is big into electrify storage which is crucial for solar and wind farms. I looked at his website and he's now selling a solar panel and electric storage to capture and store electricity you can then use to charge your Tesla car. Beautiful. I would think this is right up their alley. But lefties don't like him cuz he's not a Democrat. How dumb is that? Dumb as dirt.
  6. That's why I spurn Google and don't use it.
  7. Heard a couple good Kamala nick names today. Both better than anything Trump's come up with yet. KamaChameleon - of course mocking her changing opinions based on who she's talking to. Kamagala - Since she is now supporting no tax on tips and stronger border security she sounds MAGA.
  8. I know someone posted this earlier but I couldn't find it. She made some good choices. I am going to look up and listen to the Roy Ayers Ubiquity and Porgy and Bess with Louis and Ella. I am somewhat of a jazz aficionado.. I like jazz and even studied it for a year at North Texas State University. I find it interesting she refers to Charles Mingus as "Charlie Mingus". I have never heard anyone call him that ever. If you do a duck duck go reach for Charlie Mingus it only returns Charles Mingus results. I did a search on "Charlie Mingus" and it found only one, for a movie made in 1968 about him. Nothing else. Maybe it was a family nickname or just what they a liked to call him in the Harris family? Or maybe she saw the movie? Has anyone else ever heard Charles Mingus called "Charlie Mingus" before?
  9. And she said she believed the accusers like Tara Reade. The whole believe all women thing. And then took the VP gig with him afterwards.
  10. Watch the video above at the 1:33 mark and tell me what President Biden means by "I asked the VP today to lead our efforts stemming the movement of so many folks stemming the migration"?
  11. actually Vista was shut down by Yahoo in 2013. Kind of a shame since Alta Vista would return everything matching your query but didn't try to sort it to be what they think you want to see like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc and everyone else does now. I really wish we still had a search engine like that today.
  12. Since this is a "fact", it should be easy for you to prove. Please share your proof.
  13. Harris agreed to 2 debates with Vance. Is she gonna honor that?
  14. My contention on this is Walz' statement that he carried the same weapons in war currently that are on American streets. It's a lie cuz hehe never went to war. Most veterans haven't. No biggee. Just don't say you did when you didn't. Now if we can find a war he carried said weapons in that no one knows about, sure, I'll backtrack. As far as the retirement stuff I don't know enough about Army regulations and what he knew when to for sure say one way or the other. The I like guys who weren't captured? I thought it was gross. John McCain was a true American war hero. Even beyond the Hanoi Hilton his career was superb. I didn't agree with his politics and he was corrupt (Keating Five) but a great Naval officer. My favorite quote of his while running against W was when he said when he went to bed at night at the Hanoi Hilton he could rest easy knowing George Bush was patrolling the skies of Texas. I think the pass on everything may depend on one's perspective. Impeached twice and convicted on 34 counts is getting away with everything?
  15. On capping drug prices, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. My doctor told me she was at a pharmaceutical convention where they told her they weren't going to do any research or develop new insulins any more because they can only sell it for $35 so they can't make money off of it. Putting caps on other drugs could have the same effect. I agree pharmaceutical companies charge seemingly predatory high prices. But they also got a lot of overhead. I hope it works if she's able to pull it off but there will definitely be downstream effects.
  16. My favorite part was when she flubbed up the rapper question. I suppose she was joking when she said Tupac, not sure. But then she could name anyone. Then she said she didn't want to mention anyone cuz she wanted them to stay in their lane or something whatever that means. Another politician too afraid to give an answer to an innocuous question like this. Reminded me of the time in 2016 when the Bills were playing the Jets or Giants. Tim Russert interviewed Hillary. He closed out the interview with "who do you want to win the game Sunday?" She said " I hope it's a good game and no one gets hurt." This is not the first rapper question she's flubbed up. Remember when she listened to Tupac and Snoop while getting high in college? Makes me wonder if she really likes rap (not a bad thing if she doesn't). She is portrayed as the cool young hip candidate. But she is 59 years old. Not ancient but not a spring chicken either. She graduated from HS in 1982. 2 Live Crew wasn't even making records when she was in college. When she was in college rap was MC Hammer, Run-DMC, Vanilla Ice, and The Sugar Hill Gang. She's a phony on a lot of things so why not this too?
  17. I agree it was a bull sh*t war. We've had a LOT of bull sh*t wars in this country. But if one was able to buy a deferment that means someone else had to go in your place that couldn't afford said deferment. Why should some be able to buy themselves out when others can't. Actually I think that's why we have an all volunteer military now.
  18. Actually I'm totally consistent on this. President Trump AND President Biden are draft dodgers with 4 deferments each. Trump - bone spurs. Biden - Asthma even though he played on the football team.
  19. Did Tim have asthma like the guy Nancy Pelosi wants to put on Mount Rushmore?
  20. How is what I said "Chinese propaganda"? The only way you you could disprove what I said is to provide documentation that he carried a weapon like gang bangers have into a war. Can you do that? And no. It does not invalidate his service record in any way. I respect him for his service but the lie about him being in a war does give me pause in considering voting for him.
  21. I wouldn't want someone who lied about carrying weapons into a war which he never went to serving as my VP. I respect him and his service but he went too far on this one. I was a Marine and earned a Marksmen badge on the M-16 and fired a .45 caliber pistol. But I would never say I carried either in a war when I didn't. I have way too much respect for the people who did to say something like that. Sounds like stolen valor to me.
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