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Joe Miner

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Posts posted by Joe Miner

  1. 2 minutes ago, Margarita said:

    remove funding. Can you know with complete certainty how that would be implemented or what cut? NO. hence the snap judgment it means whatever you think it means

    You're a disingenuous piece of *****.


    Words have meanings.  Words have consequences.


    Everything that's happening now is acceptable because it doesn't matter what the real truth was in the initial incident or the truth about what large portions of people are suggesting happen next.



  2. Just now, Margarita said:

    care to elaborate? will the actual motive make the racism discussions disappear, the riots all of a sudden not have  happened...George Floyd not have died...? Thats what I meant.

    We wouldn't be having this discussion in a thread about disbanding three Minneapolis police if his motive wasn't assumed to be racism.

    It absolutely matters.

    If this isn't about racism, there is nothing new to stand on to suggest systemic racism which means there's no reason for new protests and certainly no reason for riots.


    The truth always matters.

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  3. 29 minutes ago, Margarita said:

    what difference does it make that they knew each other.........does that justify what Chauvin did even if he knew Floyd to be a bad actor? bolded is Rhinos post

    so you all mind readers know each and everyone elses every thought regarding donald trump....such great mind readers y'all are.  Why wouldnt everyone want America to be great? This is a rabbit hole that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. 


    We don't even know if it was racially motivated or not.

    But the country has been turned upside down with death and property destruction because of an unsubstantiated claim. Obviously motives matter since his assumed motive is what's started all this.


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  4. 6 minutes ago, The Guy In Pants said:

    So, solid read. Let’s recap:


    All Police are bad and unneeded.


    All white people are racist.


    All black people are poor because of white people.


    All white people are rich because of black people.


    Equal opportunity doesn’t matter. Equal results are needed.


    People can’t have a conversation without using the color of someone’s skin as a reason they couldn’t possibly know anything. Which is actually racist but it’s cool because racism only works in one direction because that’s just “racism” in a nut shell.


    Personal responsibility is solely on the shoulders of anyone not listed in the column under “systematically disadvantaged”. For those who fall under that category in Darwin’s grab bag; it’s everyone else’s fault.


    Its ok to group everyone together in a stereotype as long as those people being lumped together are police officers; white people, rich people and people we don’t agree with. If any of the previously listed stereotypes create their own stereotype about any of those who stereotypes them; that’s racist.


    All statistics are examples of systematic racism.


    Black people hate white people and white people hate black people. Because, well, they told us we do. (Newsflash; and I know you don’t want to hear this; the majority of us get along just fine. But, please, continue hating each other. The videos make for solid ***** box entertainment.)


    Should you find yourself somewhere in the middle; you’re a mother ***** racist. You’re refusal to pick a side means you automatically choose the side of racism and you’re a racist.


    All good points (not really). I’m dumber for having read half of this ***** but expect nothing less on the internet. Some of y’all need to relinquish the right to vote and see a doctor about removing the required tools for reproduction.


    Black, white, red, blue, green......who gives a flying *****? Not everyone fits a narrow minded stereotype. Don’t be a ***** moron and be excellent to each other. It’s not that gotdamn hard.







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  5. Just now, Reality Check said:

    That is a brilliant observation. I would include the racist teachers' unions also and the administrations for not address their attacks on the minds of black people.

    I'm pretty sure if anyone wants to have an honest discussion about education, crime, or any other bad looking statistics that we would agree there are many problems and many factors that play into them.


    Bad/poorly thought out laws, poor administration leadership, corrupt administration leadership, Union issues, bad candidate selection, keeping low performers employed, etc.. Are all issues that plague most govt establishments.


    Economic, family, culture, drugs, low expectations, etc... are all issues that plague most of our communities.


    Combining govt issues and community issues are going to result in bad outcomes far too often for anyone to be happy about.


    Is racism a problem in both areas, sure.  But it's not the leading cause of these issues.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    the number of people killed by the police in custody by race vs the percentage of that race in the population of the population is in fact...fact. The number killed while armed by race is in fact..fact. 




    Does not diminish at all what officers are faced with on a daily basis. But @SoCal Deek in one thread wants to use numbers as facts..and understands percentages etc, but is this thread chooses to ignore them.


    I'm waiting until we can start discussing the problem about having racist teachers in our schools.


    If you look at the statistics, black students don't perform the same as white students and are disproportionately undereducated.  This can only be attributed to racist teachers.


    This is assuming that all the disproportionate law enforcement statistics can be attributed to racist cops. Obviously the same assumption has to exist for teachers.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    You mysteriously left out the history of Islamic slave traders. That is a huge omission. You need to read a little more. Perhaps a lot more. African tribes in cooperation with Arab slave traders were the basis of this trade. Not only that, the Arabs castrated the male African slaves. You need to study.


    I think we all know that George Washington started slavery when he and his capitalist pig friends fought an unjust war to found America on the patriarchy that is Western Civilization.

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