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Joe Miner

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Posts posted by Joe Miner

  1. 2 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    "Caught" doesn't seem to be there correct word for most of the people on the list.

    Don't forget Robert Downy Jr.


    Also is it still ok to pretend to be Hispanic for entertainment purposes?




    What about being handicapped (mentally or physically), being a little person, being older or younger than their actual age, being blonde instead of brunette, having fake boobs, playing the opposite sex, pretending to be gay or straight, or even acting like a different person?

  2. 1) Doesn't spread human to human

    2) Oh ***** it does and we don't have the equipment or personnel to deal with it

    3) Flatten the curve

    4) Death count - 2 million will die

    5) Ok, not 2 million but if we can save just 1 life

    6) Shut everything down and shun those who question

    7) Months of death count tracking

    8 ) Death count declining

    9) Positive tests increasing

    10) Oh God it's a second wave!

    11) Death count still decreasing

    12) Riots and protests outside don't spread virus.  It only spreads indoors now! Good thing we're burning these ***** buildings.

    13) Positive tests still increasing

    14) Death count still decreasing


    Even DR would have a hard time writing a worse disaster movie. ?


    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 6 hours ago, reddogblitz said:

    Today in the Seattle Times they had a long article about CHOP,  "Deadly shooting in CHOP leads to questions and soul-searching."


     In the article there was a picture of a guy with an AR-15 type rifle with a banana clip (high capacity magazine) strapped on his chest with his trousers tucked into his army boots and wearing a bullet proof vest.


    I found the caption somewhat ironic.


     "A man who goes by Lloyd, walks through CHOP on Saturday, carrying a weapon.  Lloyd said it was his first day in CHOP and he's involved with anti-racist groups.  "I'm here to deescalate," he said.  "I don't want to have to fire this for any reason."


    In other words, he's like a cop in a no cop zone, but better armed.


    I read this in the old school hard copy newspaper and could not find it online, thus no link.


    Please refrain from using the term banana clip.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. Just now, ALF said:


    Do you prefer riots , looting , police injured , loss of lives , less funding for police instead of restraint ?


    That's an asinine question.


    You've echoed the better training mantra and yet in an instance where training is followed you want them to have gone outside of their training and wing it according to your armchair analysis.


    Maybe you should be present to coach all officers through every encounter so that the outcome you desire each time can be reached? Because obviously you will be able to see the bigger picture in each encounter and make split second decisions based not upon training standards but instead upon your gut feelings to guide all parties to whatever your mind believes is the best outcome for all parties and the country in general.


    Don't bother learning the law or current practices and procedures, just treat each situation as a unique opportunity for your personalized brand of justice.


  5. 2 hours ago, ALF said:

    billsfan1959  thanks for your answer , if Officer Brosnan had his gun taken he would have yelled that out or radio.  The severe civil unrest in the country police need to take extreme caution not to make matters worse but protect themselves at all cost. I don't want to see rioting , looting , police injured and reduced funding.


    I do not want to see charges or loss of job against Officer Brosnan . He made a mistake stepping on Brooks during a high stress event. 


    Garrett Rolfe on the other hand needs a fair trial and I agree too many charges against him.


    You have no idea what you're talking about.


    You don't know the law. You don't know the training.  You don't know the situation.


    It's like listening to a Monday morning Bills fan.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Greg....so THERE IT IS!  You're from California. That explains a lot. You live in a Left Wing echo chamber for goodness sakes.  It's no wonder you come on here spouting this nonsense day in and day out. As you can tell from my screen name I'm also out here, but for whatever reason I've developed herd immunity to the disease of progressive democratic socialism.


    Brains seem to block the spread of TDS.

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, Hedge said:

    You will not be allowed to have an opinion.



    For those that don't know, Mike Gundy is the head coach of the Oklahome State football team and Chuba Hubbard is the star running back at the same school (he also led the entire NCAA in rushing yards last season).


    What exactly does wearing an OAN shirt make his opinion?

  8. 51 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I worked with a lady who, as it turns out, was a fundamentalist Christian.  I was unaware and said to her one day "To play devil's advocate..." , she stopped, looked at me in horror and said "HE DOES NOT NEED AN ADVOCATE!".  


    I wasn't even sure initially who she was talking about.  


    Maybe she's just not a Pacino fan?

    • Haha (+1) 2
  9. 18 minutes ago, Magox said:

    Could you just imagine if right wing militia took over 7 blocks of a major US city, the outrage and coverage from the national news media.  Not only would it be the biggest story in the US, it would be major international news.


    Just another example of how broken of an institution that the media have become.  




    Did the folks in Seattle just get finished watching The Wire and think... Yeah, that's a good idea.

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