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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. "Caught" doesn't seem to be there correct word for most of the people on the list. Don't forget Robert Downy Jr. Also is it still ok to pretend to be Hispanic for entertainment purposes? Also: What about being handicapped (mentally or physically), being a little person, being older or younger than their actual age, being blonde instead of brunette, having fake boobs, playing the opposite sex, pretending to be gay or straight, or even acting like a different person?
  2. 2 random searches off the top of three top of my head Hmm.... Ok maybe Google is the devil
  3. This is what I picture when I hear about Trump and his wars
  4. Look ass-hole, she obviously identifies as a cool teen... Or maybe several cool teens? But seriously, I hadn't heard from Mama June in years. Glad to see she's.... Uhhh....Well there she is.
  5. All part of the growing pains of a fledgling country. Give em 200 years and they won't be able to tell which graffiti is good and which graffiti is insensitive.
  6. Not the first time a Jew saved us all.
  7. Not sure if you can see, but about this big:
  8. If you wanted a president with balls you should have voted Hillary.
  9. 1) Doesn't spread human to human 2) Oh ***** it does and we don't have the equipment or personnel to deal with it 3) Flatten the curve 4) Death count - 2 million will die 5) Ok, not 2 million but if we can save just 1 life 6) Shut everything down and shun those who question 7) Months of death count tracking 8 ) Death count declining 9) Positive tests increasing 10) Oh God it's a second wave! 11) Death count still decreasing 12) Riots and protests outside don't spread virus. It only spreads indoors now! Good thing we're burning these ***** buildings. 13) Positive tests still increasing 14) Death count still decreasing Even DR would have a hard time writing a worse disaster movie. ?
  10. Please refrain from using the term banana clip.
  11. Well... At least you can go to a beach in Florida.
  12. That's an asinine question. You've echoed the better training mantra and yet in an instance where training is followed you want them to have gone outside of their training and wing it according to your armchair analysis. Maybe you should be present to coach all officers through every encounter so that the outcome you desire each time can be reached? Because obviously you will be able to see the bigger picture in each encounter and make split second decisions based not upon training standards but instead upon your gut feelings to guide all parties to whatever your mind believes is the best outcome for all parties and the country in general. Don't bother learning the law or current practices and procedures, just treat each situation as a unique opportunity for your personalized brand of justice.
  13. You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know the law. You don't know the training. You don't know the situation. It's like listening to a Monday morning Bills fan.
  14. Obviously 1 is based on free speech and first amendment rights and the other is...uh....hmmm....Racist!
  15. Brains seem to block the spread of TDS.
  16. At this point, maybe it's time to stop paying people not to work?
  17. I don't know about Bad Faith but I do know: Bad Religion Bad Company Badmotorfinger Faith No More And Faith Hill
  18. Sorry if already posted and yeah I know it's a year old.
  19. What exactly does wearing an OAN shirt make his opinion?
  20. No social media. This site is the closest I come to social media of any type. I also don't own an Alexa, or Google home, I turn Siri off on my phone, and refuse to get a Ring doorbell.
  21. **Although it should be noted that 3 of the 4 participants in favor of mail in voting were deceased.
  22. Seems more likely he'll just create a new account. Kinda his MO.
  23. Did the folks in Seattle just get finished watching The Wire and think... Yeah, that's a good idea.
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