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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Well.. That's at least somewhat better. A straight up 3rd to swap picks seemed pretty rich.
  2. How did that cost us a 3rd? Is that really correct according to value?
  3. Already tired of hearing the "gifted genetically" term.
  4. Can Boselli play RT for us?
  5. Where'd the blonde chick go that was on desk 2 on NFL Network?
  6. Geez... Just start this already. Talky, talky, talky. Too​ much talky.
  7. Don't make me tell you again Doug. This is not for Canadian chicks.
  8. He's got a trail of puppy bodies to prove this. And a coonskin cap made out of kittens.
  9. You can't say he didn't try to take the dive he was supposed to take. His whole campaign was the dive. And then Hillary was really so bad she couldn't push over the guy waiting to fall down. And yet someone that bad still had such strong support of many of the morons that post here.
  10. Came across as totally manufactured to me to get people to talk about his draft story. Kid may love his grandma, but that was a non actor trying to act last night. He needs to hold off on his Hamilton audition.
  11. I'll take anyone besides whoever joesixpack wants. #feedthetantrum
  12. Geez is it me, or is this lb ATL took trying too​ hard to manufacture his draft story?
  13. At what point do you actually lay down in the floor and kick and scream with your tantrum? Or do we get the joy of seeing this week in and week out for the rest of the season?
  14. If their site is as slow as their app, no thanks. Plus I thought it might be info others here would be interested in.
  15. What are the top 10 names still on the board?
  16. With the 10th pick in the 2017 NFL draft the Buffalo Bills: Fire Doug Whaley
  17. Got any physics connections to botched spleen surgeries?
  18. If the company can make more money without you than with you, what do you think their choice will be? If you can make more money without a company than with, why does that make your choice disloyal but not the company's? There is no such thing as loyalty in most businesses. The best job isn't always the one that pays the most, but don't think that a business will be loyal to you at their expense. That's a rarity. It's not personal, it's business good both ways.
  19. Joking or serious? Changing jobs is not a sign of disloyalty.
  20. Different hobbies. 1 hobby is being a Bills fan. 1 hobby is crapping on the Bills. Those hobbies don't coincide.
  21. So then I told him, I'll give you a shot at LT if you can climb that fence naked.
  22. He needs bigger breasts and better legs, otherwise why am I watching Fox?
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