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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. I like to laugh, and even the worst comedy can usually elicit a chuckle or two. That movie had no redeemable qualities. Nothing was remotely funny, and certainly nowhere near hilarious.
  2. Little Nicky may be the worst movie ever.
  3. That's way more dangerous than what was portrayed and could have easily killed him. In case anyone thinks knocking an in service meter off a building is a good idea, it's not. Also, if you want your meter removed immediately without waiting a few days, tell them it's an unsafe situation, ie sparks, smoke, etc... They'll get out there that day to pull it. Hopefully in the next couple of hours.
  4. So when is it ok to blame the victim? Seems to be a continuing theme. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/06/19/scalise-attack-was-to-some-degree-self-inflicted-claims-cbss-scott-pelley.html
  5. Harvard educated. http://www.dailywire.com/news/17649/msnbc-host-suggests-rep-steve-scalise-deserved-be-joseph-curl
  6. Well, at least there's this. http://fusion.kinja.com/bigoted-homophobe-steve-scalises-life-was-saved-by-a-qu-1796135276
  7. My satellite's conservative setting goes to 11.
  8. Additional photos https://www.maxim.com/news/internet-discovers-photos-of-hot-teacher-2017-6
  9. They've already started. This story will be about mental health.
  10. Played jarts all the time at my grandfather's house. It was awesome. Between my grandfather, father, and older brother, none of the 4 of us ever came close to getting hurt. My grandpa also didn't let little kids win. You want to win, you better earn it.
  11. So because I disagree with you that he's a sincere politician, I consider him an evil villain? Nice strawman. To recap this brief exchange: He's sincere I disagree, he's in it for the votes and the money. He's an idealist who's sincere. I disagree, he's not sincere. Someone who's sincere in the ideals he espouses would give more than 4% to charity. You think he's evil and your attitude is stupid. Quality dialogue. I guess I'll sum up on a level you're more comfortable with.
  12. What exactly makes him sincere? Charitable giving of about 4%? That's a man that's all about helping those less fortunate. Or maybe his ideals just don't mean helping them with his own money.
  13. That plus a Far Side collection. Dammit. You stole my childhood!
  14. bull ****. Sanders is a politician just like all the rest. He "cares" because that caring lines his pockets with voters and money. Where does his money go? That's what he cares about.
  15. That's not how oil and gas reservoirs work at all. That whole scene was so far out in left field it was ridiculous.
  16. Well, at least not all of the pages were stuck together.
  17. Maybe if the DNC was fined for having unsecured cyber assets like many major corporations are, they'd take cyber security more seriously? Secure your **** or get hacked. Welcome to the 21st century. Here's a head's up. More countries than Russia are trying to hack other more important non-government **** than the DNC on a daily basis.
  18. Really? Countries in Europe look down on the people in the US that do the same stupid crap they do? And you are totally in awe of the European​s system for LARPing but in disdain of the US method, after having participated in neither? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. But you'll probably take this opportunity to tell me if I posted more you'd ignore me.
  19. FBM Their focus is on anything that has mass and takes up space.
  20. Yeah... That message wasn't in the movie so much. If anything I'd argue that WW still came across as weak by falling for and sleeping with the first man she ever met.
  21. Maybe they felt that "shot" wasn't the best word to describe how terrorists kill people any more?
  22. Is the State of California a racist institution? http://www.presstelegram.com/social-affairs/20170604/75-of-black-california-boys-dont-meet-state-reading-standards Or maybe CNN is racist? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/education/wp/2017/06/04/a-cnn-host-assumed-an-indian-american-spelling-bee-champion-could-read-sanskrit/?utm_term=.ad0ab6bbe313
  23. Wonder Woman was.... Ok. IMO. Probably one of the best DC movies so far. (Dark Knight still far better) Didn't think that Gal and Pine clicked as much as the movie was going for. It seemed like it wanted to be a Tony/Pepper relationship, but it just didn't get there. Also, although she's hot, Gal didn't come across as "Amazonian" as I was hoping for. Her mother and the island's general did, but Gal not so much. And to go ahead and offend the rest of you, I wish Gal was more athletic. The running and blocking bullets scenes came across very feminine. She blocks bullets like a girl.
  24. How much effort are you willing to put in on the foreplay?
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