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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Norm has a new special on Netflix. It came out about a month ago. It's pretty decent. Between the Clinton's and OJ, Norm owned the 90s.
  2. And here's one for the North Koreans:
  3. I don't think you get 99 weeks anymore.
  4. Yes. Basically your argument boils down to how you feel people should behave, and then basing their rights off of your feelings. You're a dipshit. But at least you're good at it.
  5. So limit rights based on your feelings of others' needs?
  6. Yeah, I know this is the Constitution and not the Declaration of Independence.
  7. So you agree with Roberts, in that it's ok to ignore both the intent and the language of a bill that's passed, in order to replace it from the bench with something different that they feel will work instead?
  8. Yeah, he was stellar on the health care bill.
  9. We have presidents that make laws and a Congress that enforces them. Working as intended.
  10. Anyone remember when Michael Jordan played baseball?
  11. What kind of insect was your TV receiving signals from?
  12. The Constitution isn't the only part of the story that's part of history.
  13. If only the block function would filter it with this instead:
  14. http://squawker.org/conspiracy/fake-anonymous-group-claims-nasa-will-announce-alien-life/
  15. According to this thread pot does that. Are you saying pot = death?
  16. Don't worry, everything was secure. I've heard from reliable sources there were signs in the bathroom saying, "Don't forget to wipe."
  17. Didn't see the crime committed, but I did see the dead body in the Target parking lot.
  18. You should watch different chats. 50% of all jobs today won't exist in 10 years? If we even started dropping jobs and subsequently employment anywhere near that pace, the economy would **** itself so badly that the companies installing automation would be out of business.
  19. I could have sworn we just passed a flawed system because doing something, even if it had obvious flaws, was better than doing nothing. Why's this time so different?
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