There is no unicorn of a plan that can be put in place to fix this and hit all 3 of your points.
Even the best sounding plans/ideas come with a heaping helping of 'hopefully sustainable' talk. There is not a viable silver bullet for this mess.
In my humble opinion it's mostly because everyone is fixated on providing health insurance to all instead of actually addressing the cost of health care. Insurance, on it's face, is not a solution a rational thinking person would suggest for the entire health care debacle if it wasn't already the peg that was shoved in the health care hole.
Everyone is amazed that the GOP can't fix the square peg that was shoved into the round hole by the Dems. And the GOP was stupid enough to promise that they could.
If the GOP repeals Obamacare, they won't get a shot at replacing it, and this group shouldn't after how much incompetence they've shown. But maybe repealing is the only way to back the current mess up so that something better can take it's place?
And I agree with you that no matter what we're on the fast track for single payer. Although at this pace, it's guaranteed to be worse than anything we have now.