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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Upper Midwest or as many refer to it, Great Lakes region. But since you don't live in the Midwest, I'm not surprised you don't know where it is. But gee, I guess if Bob Seger says so...
  2. Bold: Last season in a Bills uniform for Clay and Watkins. Bills D ranks in the bottom quartile of the league. NE wins another SB and Brady retires. Titans play NE in the AFC championship. Terrorist incident at an NFL game.
  3. Midwest starts at the Mississippi river. Weird that people not in the Midwest are sure they know how to define it.
  4. Almost none of what you mentioned is the Midwest.
  5. No one in the Midwest would.
  6. Easy. West of Mississippi East of Rockies North of Texas South of south Dakota
  7. Speaking of an early release...
  8. I disagree with the statement that you get back more than what you would have had you invested the money. Lifetime contributions of $361k and they get a whopping $457k in benefits? Maybe they need to talk to Chef.
  9. There is no unicorn of a plan that can be put in place to fix this and hit all 3 of your points. Even the best sounding plans/ideas come with a heaping helping of 'hopefully sustainable' talk. There is not a viable silver bullet for this mess. In my humble opinion it's mostly because everyone is fixated on providing health insurance to all instead of actually addressing the cost of health care. Insurance, on it's face, is not a solution a rational thinking person would suggest for the entire health care debacle if it wasn't already the peg that was shoved in the health care hole. Everyone is amazed that the GOP can't fix the square peg that was shoved into the round hole by the Dems. And the GOP was stupid enough to promise that they could. If the GOP repeals Obamacare, they won't get a shot at replacing it, and this group shouldn't after how much incompetence they've shown. But maybe repealing is the only way to back the current mess up so that something better can take it's place? And I agree with you that no matter what we're on the fast track for single payer. Although at this pace, it's guaranteed to be worse than anything we have now.
  10. So if they repeal it - single payer If they don't repeal it - single payer Either way gop looks bad. At this point they may as well just repeal it and try to save some gave with their base because that's all they'll have left.
  11. What's his mother's name? Batman may have to kill him.
  12. You think it will only take that much money for two chicks to double up on a guy like you?
  13. Not sure is this has been posted in here, but when when your sparring partner is giving you fits... http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2722043-jessie-vargas-says-conor-mcgregor-was-kod-during-sparring-for-floyd-mayweather Not sure why link isn't working, but copy and paste it into your browser if you want to see some horrific sparring video.
  14. Is he a contender or a pretender? This almost begs a tournament of presidents, ala March madness style. Although would it be for best president or worst?
  15. There are a lot of ugly Asian chicks. Hot chicks regardless of ethnicity are hot.
  16. His insistence on thread moderation to bring focus to his posts is annoying if not suspicious.
  17. You misspelled happy birthday.
  18. I suggest you learn how to read.
  19. Having fun doing stupid **** is fine. Having fun doing stupid **** to purposely annoy someone else is being a jackass.
  20. Being a jackass
  21. At least Kanye showed up here to promote his run. I can't in good conscience vote for either of the other candidates unless they show up on these forums.
  22. I asked mine for her business plan before I invested in her venture. When I explained what I needed, she was woefully unprepared to provide the information. Project was dead before it ever started.
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