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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Advice on going to Houston. Don't.
  2. I've heard that China also makes pretty good walls.
  3. KISS sucks. That is all.
  4. Why would China, or anyone else for that matter, be willing to pay the price for oil that Venezuela needs to keep its country afloat when that would more than double the cost of a barrel of oil on the market today?
  5. Can we make a Phelps vs shark comparison here? The only way it's close is if they're filmed separately, and one of them doesn't know they're competing.
  6. Are we on the verge of something everyone can agree on?
  7. His takes are generally fine and well reasoned. Not sure how serious this last post was, but I never understand how people, who belong to a party that claims to be against stereotypes and generalizations of others, are so quick apply their own generalizations when it suits them.
  8. So the stock market only effects the poor folks if they directly buy stocks? Might want to slow down on the broad brush strokes painting as well.
  9. Make sure to remind her that nothing says I'm sorry like a BJ.
  10. Should this have gone with the Asian women posts? Heads up
  11. So you read that story, and wrote your first 2 sentences and thought you captured the facts of the situation?
  12. How willing are you to trade looks for a morally casual attitude?
  13. That's one area where even getting a participation trophy makes you a winner.
  14. It shares Midwest and northern Texas qualities, but not so much "south" like an Alabama or Mississippi.
  15. You post a map that divides the U.S. into 4 regions, and think a different opinion is ridiculous? Simple map, simple mind.
  16. When you look at the list of laws currently on the books you can't say that they've all been proven necessary before they were passed. While I agree with the spirit of the idea, it's just not a prerequisite for lawmaking.
  17. So in order for Congress to make a law, there has to be proof that a law is necessary? Is there a timetable on the number of convictions under a specific law before that law is automatically revoked?
  18. People in the Midwest laugh when the national news talks about a Midwest occurrence that took place in Indiana.
  19. You live in the great lakes region, not the Midwest. The people in the Midwest do not recognize those states as being in the Midwest. Once when the country stopped at the Mississippi, the area between the Mississippi and the Appalachians would have been Midwest. The country expanded. Deal with it.
  20. Because it's part of the great lakes region. Why would you include it?
  21. Use your mapping skills. Find the entire state of Illinois. Anything in that state boundary is not Midwest.
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