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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. But that dim flashlight might also try to finger bang you when it gets dark.
  2. Any other president ever talk about the Military Industrial Complex like that?
  3. After handing Trump Wisconsin, they’re headed there just in time to seal PA for Trump.
  4. Showing that the Dems are the ones that actually believe people in the military are stupid losers and will believe anything.
  5. They forgot the decimal. It should have been 3.5. The polls are regressing to the mean. The science was done here long ago.
  6. Please tell me Strzok’s middle initial is O. I can’t think of a better set of initials for this guy than POS.
  7. They may be real, but they are NOT spectacular.
  8. When Grandma tries to use zoom.
  9. Much like many companies pay an employee a monthly stipend for a cell phone so that they can stay connected through email and such, many companies will start looking at the idea of paying an employee a stipend to set up a home office so that they are able to ditch the costs of expensive building leases. I’m not sure downtown office space will ever return to where it was before Covid.
  10. Can we make it OK for police to beat those guys? Or just anyone in general?
  11. If a girl at a frat party kills a guy trying to rape her, it’s her fault for putting herself in a bad situation?
  12. Probably best to hate them and call them ignorant. That’s how we’ll make things better.
  13. Maybe king should be a little more careful about calling people out: https://dailycaller.com/2019/07/30/shaun-king-false-allegation-suicide-jazmine-barnes/
  14. Transsexual Transvestite from Transylvania
  15. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.
  16. So... you know what’s best for a black voter? Please frequent some other forum that tolerates racism.
  17. Ahh the way of the Democrats. Force posters to choose. How very liberal of you. Here we just try to ask you not to post your stupidity. No wonder you have such hard time in PPP.
  18. Bill Belichick has had a point system for his forums for years. He’s been playing 5d chess for years and we just started scratching the surface. We’re never going to win the forum championship. How Billsy of us.
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