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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Is Baskin trying his hand at a Libertarian personality?
  2. Ok, ready for that dildo now.
  3. Godless on Netflix was interesting. Very slow, but interesting. Not really sure it sets itself up for a season 2, but you never know. Season 2 of Frontier is now on Netflix as well.
  4. I'd pay just to see this idea storyboarded.
  5. So I'm guessing we're about to start removing any statues or names of buildings that honor these politicians we're redefining as sexual predators based on our current values? I mean how can a woman walk by a statue of JFK and not feel victimized? Or the Bill Clinton library? Or the old Bush that liked young bush intelligence center?
  6. This Punisher series is less about vengeance and more about a mentality broken man. Actually everyone in the story is mentality broken in some way, and the show is really about how they all dealing with it differently. The killing portions are almost as much of a relief for the viewer as they are for Frank. Which is a weird feeling. Pacing is a bit lacking at times, but 6 episodes in and I'm digging it.
  7. Episode 1 is all that and a bag of chips.
  8. I'm not responsible for my bad decisions when I'm drunk. But when you're drunk, you're still responsible for your bad decisions, and you're also responsible for mine as well.
  9. Could be, just looks odd to see "16 year old woman." This is the kind of thing that even if it happened is hard to judge. Separating the wheat from the chaff in all this getting ridiculous. At the end of the day, or maybe even this time next year, what will have happened or be different in Hollywood, or the country? Will anyone actually ever see jail time? Will people's careers really be over, or just a short hiatus? Will Hollywood and politicians really stop this behavior? Will actors and actresses stop sleeping their way to the top? It makes me chuckle that a lot of what we see in movies and TV seems to be much more of a projection of Hollywood's desires on the rest of the country rather than the actual behavior of the rest of the country.
  10. Interesting that the article title says girl and the link says woman.
  11. Mashable is predicting a score of 33% for Justice League on Rotten Tomatoes. https://www.google.com/amp/mashable.com/2017/11/07/justice-league-embargo-critics-reviews-rotten-tomatoes.amp
  12. Someone express a difference on opinion, and your question is whether or not to confront. This is the problem with society and politics.
  13. When Shaq is the biggest problem this team has I'll see you at the Superbowl victory celebration party.
  14. Please don't misunderstand that I want to defend this type of behavior, I just don't like anyone, guilty or innocent being tried in the court of public opinion. This is people's lives we're !@#$ing with and they all deserve better than that.
  15. And until he's charged and convicted it's all alleged. If all that comes out of this are some stories and a ruined career, it's worthless. If the man committed crimes, let's charge him, prove it, convict him, and put him away. If all this information is well known, it shouldn't be that hard to convict. The only similarity I was trying to draw was convicting people in the court of public opinion without all the facts.
  16. Is that because most Americans failed 9th grade civics?
  17. Nowhere am I defending it. All I'm asking for is proof, or a trial, or something more than anecdotal stories of industry whispers before I'm shouting crucify him next to you. But consider yourself the bigger person for your ability to rush to judgement.
  18. Easy angry mob. How's the Duke Lacrosse team doing?
  19. So at what point does he get a trial for some of these alleged criminal activities? Or are none of these actions criminal in nature and we're all just supposed to hate him now for being a sexist jerk because of stories that may or may not be true? I don't know anything about the man and don't really care, but it's easy in this day and age to ruin someone's reputation and career without any actual proof. Stories, anecdotes, and whispers in the industry don't equal proof. The angry mob mentality this country can whip up at a moments notice is a bit ridiculous.
  20. Every verse in the song mentions God, and you don't think people would have a problem with the song?
  21. This kind of post is what Tiberius and Baskin refer to add obfuscation.
  22. Maybe when you source data, you can link it, and also read the whole article. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/aug/27/nicholas-kristof/more-americans-killed-guns-1968-all-wars-says-colu/
  23. What is it about tragedy that makes people rush to be the biggest dumbass around? http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/10/02/top-cbs-lawyer-no-sympathy-for-vegas-vics-probably-republicans.html
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