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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. I'll pass on Oprah's taco.
  2. Gotta be better than the last Star Wars movie. But I'm afraid my childhood is circling the bowl.
  3. Congrats! That's like 1 degree of separation from an NFL QB. Maybe less if you count the other pictures.
  4. Is that Bernie Sanders with a bad rug?
  5. A real man does it one at a time.
  6. They did send monkeys into space...
  7. This thread seems to be the best place for millennial snowflake stupidity. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/455563/friends-problematic-netflix-viewers Yes, we are now at a stage where Friends is offensive, and not in a bad comedy way.
  8. Continue making assessments from an out of context number. You're doing great.
  9. That wasn't explained. The question was about how do you know the ball was thrown at the correct time?
  10. What's their separation at the time the ball should have been released? Or are we just excusing Taylor being late on a large number of throws? A piece of data does not a metric make.
  11. Where's 4mer to express his love for Maggie Gyllenhaal?
  12. Does he need bail money? I'd like to help, just tell me where to send my account information.
  13. What category do I put Tom and 3rd in for being the only reasons I see posts from gator and/or western? Links to worst content? And I think with some of his recent efforts, DR may have overtaken OC for long winded posts. My thumb wears out before I can scroll to the bottom.
  14. Star Wars 8: Stupid Men In this episode: Women teach mean to stop hiding, be teachers, recognize the truth of the world, care about others, don't rush to action, and that there's always another way to solve problems.
  15. The first half of the movie was 3 storylines. Rey (not) training with emo Luke with way too many attempts to make Lucas cream his pants with differing alien cameos. Milking a whatever the !@#$, Chewy eating a chicken, and the ewoks taking care of the temple. A slow race to run out of gas while the guy that's all action learns that being a leader isn't always about action. Because the first lesson with the bombers wasn't enough, he needed a remedial lesson that drug out over the course of the low speed chase through space. A throw away side quest issued by a hologram, to introduce a new boring character that somehow goes from simple mechanic to incredibly integral part of the story based on....? And a another lame confrontation between Finn and Phasma, all to introduce a code breaker that sells them out at some unknown and highly implausible point in the movie. Very video game-esque story telling here. I don't really care that I don't know who Snoke was or whether or not we actually found out who Rey's parents were, or that we didn't see the knights of Ren, or any other part the internet is crying over. Those 3 parts of the first half of the movie sucked all on their own.
  16. Wait until she finds out how many people were wearing cotton clothing. And we all know cotton's history...
  17. Who is western? Pasta Joe Gator Connor Baskin Billsfanforever No way does a complete random retard find his way to a political forum on a Bills fan board and immediately begin posting in a pattern so similar to some of our previous morons.
  18. I wasn't the biggest fan of the 1st half of the movie. Pretty sloppy storylines IMO. But the second half took off. Fantastic second half. I certainly left excited for episode 9. I like a good 2+ hour movie, but this one could have easily been edited down to 90 minutes and made it great. I thought there was just too much fluff and wasted time in general, especially in the first half. They bogged down the story they wanted to tell with a bunch of crappy side stories.
  19. The morning news in my area reported that he asked his mom to video it. Which I thought was really !@#$ing weird that a kid would ask his mom to film that. Either that's some BS the mom told the news, or that kid's parents have done a ****ty job of teaching him how to deal with his issues.
  20. Not many libertarians are in favor of a global tax. But I'm sure your thought process reconciling that is sound.
  21. Nothing wrong with the classics. Mike Hunt
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