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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. I think plum is more than a bit generous.
  2. Now we're at cause unknown, but she's a big animal rights dingbat, and critic of YouTube.
  3. That's weird. I couldn't buy a gun if my driver's license wasn't up to date with my current address. Maybe they have a recent water bill with their address they can use instead?
  4. There should be a law about bringing multiple dogs to a beach.
  5. He's likely just another weak person that uses the board for personal validation.
  6. Can we have a gif of Trump polishing a nonexistent window of a car while the Japanese look on?
  7. We're only moving to #3 because being #2 stinks. Thanks folks, I'm here all week. Try the waitress and tip your veal.
  8. That's a pretty accurate summation of your posts and the reactions to them.
  9. So it was originally a term used to describe wives? Interesting.
  10. The correlation doesn't stand. You are supporting legislation to limit rights of people to legally purchase guns. You are using data that has likely been skewed by people who did not go through the legal process to obtain their guns. So again, how does the legislation you're supporting actually prevent the crime we all detest? Because so far all you're doing is limiting the rights of law abiding citizens because of the actions of criminals. And in no way will this legislation hinder those who are already obtaining their guns illegally.
  11. This is better. How many of those crimes used a legally purchased gun? How many used legal rifles, because most places already limit handgun purchases until 21?
  12. Not to put words into your mouth, but you seem to have no supporting facts that legislation that reduces rights in this country will have any statistical impact on the problem. And somehow you claim I'm fear mongering. I'd say it's been a good debate, but... I can't wait for you to trot out there idea that people are afraid to have a conversation again. Next time you want to have a conversation bring some facts.
  13. So that's 1 issue, and when you look deeper than the surface, you'll find many opportunities to have prevented the shooting, if not the purchasing if the gun as well. So is 1 issue where you're basing this legislation? That seems reactionary at best. Do you actually have statistics that support legal gun owners between the ages of 18-20 are what's causing the mass shootings in society? We're having a conversation, don't confuse my disagreement with you as not having a conversation. You want to propose legislation that will limit rights in this country. All I'm asking is for some amount of statistical evidence that this legislation will improve anything.
  14. So you feel that legally purchased guns by 18,19, and 20 year olds is what's causing mass shootings? Is that just a gut feeling or do you have data to support it?
  15. What proposals of his do you like?
  16. How do guns make someone commit gun violence?
  17. You don't know what the word cause means. I get it now. But again: Inability to correctly identify the problem - check Poor debate skills - check Vomiting on your keyboard - check You are the model of consistency.
  18. This is from the person who had never once addressed the problem of school shootings or any actual solutions. You've continually misidentified the problem and have been consistent with wanting to get rid of one of our citizens' basic rights. The only other things you've been consistent in is your poor debate skills, and your ability to vomit uncontrollably onto your keyboard every time you post.
  19. Is it possible for a person to be more wrong in every single post they make? At least tibs doesn't write ridiculous diatribes. He keeps his stupidity short. Are you the new Meathead? Are guns bad because you !@#$ed one?
  20. Is that a disease pot can cure? Is the solution here that all gun owners should used pot regularly?
  21. I talked to a friend of mine in law enforcement this weekend. After Columbine law enforcement has been trained to enter and engage in these situations, not wait. He was adamant that an area like Broward would have received this training and should have entered. Also, if your name is Scott Peterson, you should change your name.
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