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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Would people be upset with Dorian O'daniel at this point?
  2. Pay attention folks. This is how it's done. 1) Make up a premise 2) Start a debate about an unlikely scenario 3) Wait for it not to happen 4) Blame Bills for not enacting the plan you had based on your made up premise.
  3. Where was it reported that he was in the doghouse?
  4. Never been a big fan of cold vegetable soup.
  5. Josh "Rue the Day" Rosen
  6. So wait... He laughed at the Edmunds part?
  7. So how long ago did he think he would be a Bill? Seems like he's either completely full of ****, or that he's been thinking of himself as a Bill (potential Bill) for a while.
  8. I expect many bumps. I actually hope they don't have to play him this year. If he starts this year, I really hope it's because he earns it and not because AJ is worse than I think he will be. Getting drafted by the Bills doesn't/shouldn't erase doubts (heck if you look at history, it should probably increase them), it just allows room for hope. But I don't think AJ is good, and I have concerns about Allen as well. I don't begrudge anyone objectively criticizing him. But I do get irritated by those that feel it necessary to continually **** on everything the Bills do (I don't believe you are in that camp).
  9. People change their minds for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes it's based off of evidence. I'd suggest people are more likely to change their minds based on emotions. Just look at this topic. Most people seemingly didn't want Allen, but now the emotional connection to the Bills has swayed them to change their minds. Doesn't mean that they don't have the right to suggest you change yours. It also doesn't mean that you can't maintain your opinion until proven wrong (if that happens).
  10. What about the teams that traded? Wouldn't they also count in the mistake tally?
  11. Yes, they do. You then have the right not to listen, or to debate them, or to tell them to shut the !@#$ up. In fact, I suggest you change your mind about this topic.
  12. Please You have the right to tell others that the Bills made a mistake and try to sway their opinions with your "objective opinion" but they don't have the right to suggest you change your mind? You've spent the entire offseason grading college players from TV and YouTube videos and presenting it as evidence for people so that your opinion will hold more weight. You are afforded that right, but others aren't afforded the right to tell you that you are wrong or that you should think the way they do? Generally you're one of the better posters here. Relax, call it a night and don't let being disappointed turn you in to one of the bitter posters here. All people don't want is an entire offseason + actual season of bitching and I told you so's.
  13. Is he signing a Cowboys hat? If so, I hope he just drew a dick on it.
  14. He was so excited he peed his pants.
  15. They're going to draft Allen again to finish off any survivors from earlier.
  16. Does Allen have any tweets about proper "handling" of little people?
  17. So who do the Bills want so badly at 22 that they wouldn't give up both first round picks? LB OL ?
  18. Is it possible to package 22 with additional picks and hang on to 12 and move to 7 or 8?
  19. If you hit her with it, how would she notice?
  20. Classy https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2018/04/18/after-calling-barbara-bush-an-amazing-racist-a-professor-taunts-critics-i-will-never-be-fired/
  21. Yes, I'd probably do the chick in the background.
  22. I think the consensus we're chalking this up to is bitches be crazy.
  23. On page 1 of this thread I might have agreed with this. But now that I've learned weed cures everything, it seems like there's no better investment to make in the entire pharmaceutical industry.
  24. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/youtube-shooter-nasim-aghdam-was-vegan-who-had-complained-about-n862586
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