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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. I think that’s a given. No way Trump doesn’t know she’s about to die.
  2. Wish in 1 hand, ***** in the other...
  3. This seems as good a thread as any to post this:
  4. Maybe the YouTuber thought her freezer was running low on Double Chocolate Chunk?
  5. I think you should consider retracting your previous threat against another poster before you get back to the topic at hand.
  6. Threatening another poster is against the TOS.
  7. Sure looks like you’re making a threat against another poster to me.
  8. Keep making threads about 1 person vs a pandemic and you’ll get there too. But I would suggest not being offended or insulted by a random person on the internet saying they aren’t listening to you.
  9. As soon as those companies are treated as the publishers of information that they are, the complaints about censorship can go away.
  10. We used to have to wait for China to ban speech they didn’t like. Good thing we have Twitter now.
  11. I’m old enough to remember when the country’s opinion of Bill Gates looked like this:
  12. I believe the demigorgon will be replaced with a non-binary shapeshifter in the upcoming season of Stranger Things.
  13. If that ever happened I would actually believe Biden when he would inevitably say he knew nothing about it.
  14. It really is this easy. If you don’t have the self control to scroll past their crap and not respond, use the ignore function. It can’t be more simple.
  15. Paying people to protest instead.
  16. Clinesmith already plead guilty. That’s not a mod issue.
  17. This is Numbnut’s form of a BLM style protest. He’s trying to be a good soldier and follow his leaders’ calls to disrupt and get in people’s faces. This is the best he can do on the Internet. Somehow as a community we’re dumb enough to keep responding.
  18. Either the amazingness of the Covid thread is enough to allow you to enjoy your participation here or it isn’t. If it is, STFU. No one is forcing you to participate, so making a choice of your own free will and then complaining about it is stupid and annoying. If it isn’t leave. You are not a prisoner. This is not the Democratic Party. You are free to leave.
  19. This Halloween the adults are scared of ghosts.
  20. Shouldn’t that say: Change My Pants
  21. I’m torn. Part of me wants Brennan because he just seems more evil. But part of me wants Comey because he seems like such a self righteous prick.
  22. I am all in on doing whatever we can to bring these two closer together. Much much closer...
  23. For all of you that seem to be following along with the Barr/Durham efforts. Poll question for fun: If you could pick just 1 non elected person to go jail for their roll in this, who would it be and why?
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