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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Life alert, saving America from the Nazis once again.
  2. Yeah, but how many ballots did Russia destroy?
  3. Trump should let him back in and tell him if he ever touches another person, male or female that works there, he'll have him arrested for assault. And then re-revoke his access.
  4. Need some butter on those rolls.
  5. Maybe if there was a man around to tell them how stupid they are and how much damage they were doing they would learn?
  6. Remind us again what the Dems need to take the house?
  7. I think only Louisiana bears a similar resemblance to NY's shape.
  8. Did CNN tell us how this was because of Trump's rhetoric?
  9. She definitely lifts my sanctions. I'd like to see her reset button. She can tell me where to put my embassy anytime.
  10. Is it a straight 1:1 relationship between love and hope and *****? Or is it more like 7:2?
  11. Careful with those hanging chads.
  12. When I use public toilets I piss on the seats.
  13. Just start a campaign to convince all your family and friends to stop using the stupid thing. Then it goes away all by itself. Or start a better company and take all of Facebook's customers.
  14. That is a load of *****. That kid's already been carried most of the way. It's the same as a whiny kid in the mall not wanting to walk anymore. Take a whiny kid in a mall, put them in Mexico, take a picture, and then romanticize it for a cause. *****.
  15. Because whenever Trump says something stupid, the Democrats respond with, "Hold my beer."
  16. At the point we can't tell the difference between actual blackface and Halloween makeup, we might have a problem. Plus, this is hilarious:
  17. Facebook is late to the party. I believe Twitter had them banned a while ago.
  18. I'm going to need to see Ackbar with Trump hair.
  19. I don't think it's maintaining his world view that's important to him. It's his self view that's important. He gets bored, wants to stop in, criticize people, feel superior, and leave. He's not here for a discussion, or to prove anything. Except what he feels he's proving to himself. His occasional stops here are to snipe and insult. He considers this forum and discussion beneath him. This is cathartic for him as it helps maintain his sense of self and validate his opinions. He cherry picks comments, sets up strawmen, insults, and leaves. He used to be able to carry on a better dialogue. But he's likely a casualty of the political climate we're in right now. Angry and trying to reinforce his view of himself.
  20. Think they should have gone with Thomas.
  21. If you put him on the bench, he'll be able to eat hot dogs like Mark Sanchez.
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