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Joe Miner

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Posts posted by Joe Miner

  1. The worst part about public restrooms may just be sitting on a warm seat.


    If I sit down, and it's warm already, I may get back up and find a different stall. Even if it looks clean, I don't like knowing I'm sitting where a few minutes ago a complete stranger just dropped a deuce. At least a cold seat means it wasn't used too recently.

  2. While malls usually suck, if you have a more upscale stores, macys, etc they usually have their owns heads, and keep them very clean.


    If you go in a mall, use the family restrooms.


    A) They're usually really clean (at least around here)

    B) The amount of room in them makes you feel like a king, especially sitting next to the little kid toilet.

    C) Only 1 user at a time, so you can lock the door, and have all that room to yourself, and not have to smell or hear other people.

  3. I have never seen the this before, but I hope this isn't a very accurate sample of what the Wonderlic is actually like. If the Wonderlic is really this easy, the there are definitely some mentally challenged people in the NFL.


    Until shown otherwise, I'll just assume this is an internet friendly version made to help people feel good about themselves.

  4. Have you ever played corner? It's def. not that easy. You have to learn coverage schemes and zones. That's like saying all a WR has to do is run out there and catch the ball.



    Pfft...You have to know when to yell "I'm open!!!" as well.



  5. That's really the only thing you can say about Youboty, so far. In fact, when he has played, he has looked pretty good, IMO. The problem is, he hasn't be healthy enough to play (or, as some have suggested, he may not be tough enough to play when only minimally hurt). With all of his attributes and what I have seen from his cameo appearances, I think he could easily be one of the starting CBs this year. But, I don't want to jinx it by predicting it, again.



    That's good. Because that was a concern of mine, that even in the little playing time that he got, was it enough to say, "Holy cow, get him off the field, he sucks" or "Hey, this kid could be pretty good."


    Might I throw out that nagging minor injuries for an inexperienced kid could be enough to make the coaching staff keep him out of games, where they could at least use healthy veterans of lesser ability to at least not make mistakes that minor injuries could compound.


    As in, a nagging hammy making you're closing speed a little slower, which means a guy that is out of position, isn't likely to be able to make up for it with his athleticism as easily. Therefore start a healthy vet, who hopefully won't make the out of position rookie mistake.


    The few clips of McCargo I got to see, were impressive. I think he has a lot of potential, and playing next to a Marcus Stroud should only benefit him even more. I just wonder if it would be a mistake to think our D-line was "fixed", and not try to bolster it some more.

  6. Going into the 2007 offseason, the thoughts of many around here was:


    McCargo was a bust and Marv made a mistake moving up to draft him, and Youboty was up and coming and would win the #2 job, and at the worst be our nickel back.


    Well, 2007 played out, and McCargo was still Triplett's backup, but showed some promise at times in a few games. Youboty didn't win the #2 CB spot, and they mixed Whitner and the other safeties into the game in nickel situations.


    Now, in the 2008 offseason, with Triplett and Webster gone, the pairing of McCargo and Stroud is said to be a fixed D-line, bordering on terrific, and Youboty is the odd man out at CB that will never be a starting corner.


    Now, I'm not in a location that I actually get to watch (on TV) many Bills games a year. I have to keep up with them on gamedays through the internet, and any replayed games on the NFL Network, so I can't really be a good judge of player ability. But my question is for those that know football, and are able to analyze players, Is McCargo really as good as we're hoping, and is Youboty really as bad as we're making him out to be? IMO, these are still 2 really young guys, that due to circumstances missed most of their first season in the NFL, and really only have 1 year of experience.


    Is McCargo good enough to pass up a early round DT, and is Youboty bad enough to think that an early round rookie will come in and play better than him?

  7. It certainly helps to start with good material. If you don't have great song writing in you, "borrow" some.


    The other Clutch stuff I have heard is nowhere near this interesting...but, I haven't heard much.


    That is a mean harmonica solo in that song. The only type of harmonica I tend to hear much today is so John Popper-esque that it's refreshing to hear a really gritty and bluesy harmonica solo.


    Clutch has a lot of albums, but I'm not such a big fan of their older, harder stuff. I like the more recent albums like Elephant Riders, Blast Tyrant, and From Beale Street to Oblivion (which is what the linked song is from). It's all the more bluesy end of the hard rock scale.


    I find them interesting because most hard rock on the radio today is so much overproduced, regurgitated tripe. Image is everything and all that. They seem to be at least doing their own thing with their own sound, and not blending into the Creed/Nickleback/InsertName mainstream sound that everyone else seems to be putting out.


    Funny Clutch story. First time I saw them in concert was in St. Louis about 9 years ago (geez, it's been that long???), and I knew absolutely nothing about them. They were playing their Elephant Riders album, and were just jamming in the middle of some song near the end of their set. When all of a sudden, some guy comes out on stage with a pushbroom in his hand sweeping the stage. Knowing nothing about Clutch, I wasn't sure if it was part of the show or not until the drummer threw a stick at the guy, and the lead singer then ran over and punched him in the head. Needless to say, that's how their set ended. Apparently the guy with the broom didn't appreciate a little blues jamming at that concert.

  8. Seek and Destroy is an awesome song, it had the two components of Metallica song that I thought made a lot of their songs awesome, An good solo and a bad ass laugh at the end of the song. If Rick Reuben can get them do that again, they can regain some of their lost fan base


    Supposedly Reuben's style of producing is to encourage bands to do what they do best, and not worry about reinventing themselves or other crap.


    The articles I've read about this upcoming album is that it's supposed to be a more back to old Metallica....we'll see

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