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Joe Miner

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Posts posted by Joe Miner

  1. Ok, what's the deal?


    The past 3 games, all my defensive players have been having bad games.


    I've been upping their stamina the past couple of levels, but it always seems like they're playing less and less.


    For instance, my FS's plays went from around 50 to 28 this past week. He ended the game with 0's across the board in all stats.


    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, so if someone would like to take a look at my guys, let me know where I should be investing stats and stuff to improve their play.

  2. Just wondering if anyone has any information on the guy. It seems that the rankings are all over the board, given that he broke his toe late in the year and has yet to work out for the scouts.


    The question I have is whether or not this guy is a legitimate sleeper for that 11th overall pick, or is it clearly too high? From what I gather, he's a very smart, high character player who fits the mold of a big, physical cover-2 CB and at worst, could transition into the FS spot for the Bills.



    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't draft from the OU secondary.


    I would take McGee and Greer any day of the week, and certainly on Sundays, over Smith. Heck, I'd take Youboty over Smith.

  3. They're not short on cash, but when you have to keep shoveling money into one area of the team year after year after year, eventually, you want to see some return on your investment. At some point, you have to show some faith in your front office and in the guys you've invested in. What if Harvey produces 3 sacks this year? Do you draft another DE in R1 next year? The top 4 DEs drafted last year produced a grand total of 9, 6 of which came from Gaines Adams.


    But you can play the what-if game with any draft position.


    What if the receiver we draft at #11 catches 20 balls? Do we draft another one next year?


    If Harvey is there at 11, IMO, he's certainly worth a long look, because he'll be in the running for the best player available.


    I don't think any of the receiver options will be the best available player.


    Which the Bills showed that they were willing to do that last year by taking TE in the third. They felt he was the best player available, even though the QB position looked to be mostly solid going into 2007.


    Then again the Bills showed they were willing to draft by need when they picked up Whitner with the #8 pick.


    So it will all come down to how high they have Harvey graded versus the need for other positions, and the depth of the draft.


    But as I said, IMO, if Harvey and Sweed are there at #11, you'd have a hard time convincing me that we should take Sweed over Harvey.

  4. Again, its not just the base salary. If the Bills draft Derrick Harvey at 11, that's yet another $8-10 million signing bonus that ol' Ralph has to pour into the position up front, never mind the base salaries.


    But the Bills aren't short on cash by any means.


    We'll have to pay a large signing bonus to whoever we draft at #11.


    Is Kelsey's contract too big? Maybe, but why should that keep the Bills from taking someone they think they need? If he's gonna be a likely starter before the season's over and an eventual replacement for Schobel, then why wouldn't we want him?


    Personally I think a receiver at #11 is a mistake. I don't think there is a WR in the draft good enough to be picked that high. I also don't think there is a big enough difference between the Sweed/Kelly/Thomas's and the guys in round two for the Bills to Have to draft one with their first pick.


    There also isn't a TE that's good enough to be a #11.


    So then you're down to DL and OL IMO. I think Harvey will likely be the best player available in that position at that time. And I think he is good enough to be taken that high.

  5. Chris Kelsay signed a 4 year deal with $8M signing bonus and an initial roster bonus of $3 million.


    2008: $1.4 million,

    2009: $3 million,

    2010: $3.7 million


    You amortize the signing bonus over the length of the contract and his cap figure is at LEAST $3.5M annually. Hardly chump change for an average player.


    Maybe I'm out of touch with NFL salaries for DE's, but I don't see that as so bank breaking we couldn't pick up another one.

  6. Is it real?


    Is the band playing behind them making the real sound, and they are just faking it with amazing choreography?




    Are the tubes/pipes/sticks/etc... that they're using actually making those sounds?


    I thought it was real going in, and then as I watched it I though they must be faking it with the band and synthesized sounds, and choreography, but I came away confused.


    All in all though, it was a really entertaining show. Very stimulating on several levels: vision, hearing, and feel (they wouldn't let me taste them, and I was too far away to smell them :P ). I was impressed, but came away wondering at how much was real and how much was for show.



    Yeah, I brought up painting them, but the wife isn't going for it.


    So the options are:


    1) Leave it alone, and hope it doesn't hurt resale here in a couple of years, since it's not "that" bad, and we are replacing the counter top, and painting the walls.


    2) Fix it as cheaply as possibly


    3) Replace cabinets which seems unnecessary as we like the cabinets, and the layout. There are just a few bad spots.




    As you can see, I'm leaning towards fix it. As cheaply as possible.

  8. Like apuz said, knowing whether you're dealing with solid wood or a manufactured product like melamine over particleboard or MDF is important. If you do determine you have solid wood then, again, it's important to figure out which type of wood because different types of stains or varnishes work better. For instance, if they're cherry, then a regular stain will often leave a blotchy appearance, so you'll want to use a gel stain instead.


    If the damage isn't too extensive, then I'd do a simple test to see what type of repair needed to be made. Take some mineral spirits (available at HD or Lowe's) and wipe it on the damaged area with a lint-free rag.

    - If the color returns (matches the undamaged area), then you should be able to simply apply a polyurethane finish.

    - If the color doesn't return, then you need to ID the wood ...so you know what type of finish to apply...and then begin the process of color matching.

    - If the color appears darker, then you can apply some clear paste wax with a lint-free rag.


    If the damage is to the majority of the door, then I'd sand all the existing finish off and do some color tests to the back of the door. Once I found a close match, I'd do the whole door over.


    I'm almost certain it's a solid wood door.


    I'll look into the mineral spirits.


    I also misspoke earlier, it's not a veneer finish. It's solid wood, that in my best guess, has been stained, and then sealed (I assume a polyurethane finish since that's what you mentioned)


    The steam has "eaten" through the sealant, and caused the stain to lighten in some spots. The bad spots on the door are no longer smooth and shiny like the rest of the door, but now have a rough wood feel.

  9. hard to say without knowing what they are made of. I know in my experience working with a cabinet maker, the cabinets themselves were made from an MDF/pressboard material (the glued sawdust stuff) with a wood veneer on the outside or a melamine finish on the cheaper kinds. The Doors were typically actual wood, although sometimes they can be the same material as the cabinets with a veneer/melamine finish.


    My best guess is that it's a basic wood veneer finish. The cabinets were probably factory stained and finished, so I would assume it's a veneer finish. These are cabinets that were installed when the home was built. It's a basic developer home, nothing custom.


    Depending on what kind of damage is done to the finish will determine what you can do to fix it. If the Cabinet is a melamine finish, thats a bit harder to fix (white kind of plastic like finish) if its wood with a wood stain, you could try and sand the stain and restain/paint them. Although if the steam has done anything to the wood, the stain will probably still show it, so you might have to paint or use a darker stain to hide it.


    Is there a way to accurately match the stain? I could see sanding it a bit, and restaining, but I have no idea how to match the stain color.


    Do you have a vent/range hood above the stove? If not that should be something to look into to take any steam and grease out of the air from above the stove and keep from damaging anything.


    Yeah, there's a hood. But most of the damage was done before we moved in a few years ago.

  10. While I believe Harvey will be there, I just can't see the Bills taking him. We have too much money tied up in Kelsay and Schobel and it just wouldnt be fiscally responsible. It would be extactic if we actually did make this move but I just can't see it happening.


    On the note of Boldin I can't see Arizona even thinking of moving him for less than a first.



    Why does everyone think we pay our DE's so much?


    How many times does someone have to post that their salaries are in the $2-3 million a year range? That sure as hell ain't Dwight Freeney money.

  11. Hey guys, I need a little help.


    The finish on the cabinets above the stove in my kitchen is starting to wear out. The finish of the wood is looking a little patchy in places because it seems that the steam from the stove over time has taken its toll on the cabinets.


    Is there an easy way to fix this?


    I've tried Old English, and that hasn't done anything.


    My knowledge on woodworking is very limited.


    I don't know the type of wood the cabinets are made of. They are basic cabinets that you would buy from Lowes or something. Nothing special, so I would make normal assumptions, and not guess that there is anything special or different about these cabinets.



  12. http://www.gbnreport.com/3-roundprojection.html


    We get:


    11 Buffalo Devin Thomas WR Michigan State (those of us here know that the Bills are higher on him than Kelly or Sweed)


    41 Buffalo Reggie Smith DB Oklahoma (Bills have brought him in for a pre-draft workout, so the site is doing its homework);


    72 Buffalo Marcus Harrison DT Arkansas (anyone?)



    I hope we don't waste our 2nd rounder on Smith.


    Maybe a 5th. Maybe.


    He will be nothing more than a practice squad kid that would be lucky to fight his way into a special teams position. In fact, that's about all he can really do, is return punts, and I think the Bills already have that covered.


    IMO, he's a below average CB that wouldn't even make the team in that regard.


    He's a good punt returner though.

  13. Perhaps a bit too short a time on the grill for some pork chops tonight? "Naw MIL, nothing wrong with a red center."



    I agree with those who mentioned a hitting coach. Amazing what someone who does it for a living can pick up, and equally amazing how willing a kid can be about listening to someone other than dad.


    The original topic has brought up an even more potentially helpful topic, that of dealing with the mother-in-law.


    How is it that many women turn into the devil incarnate when their child gets married?


    How is it that many men aren't able to tell their wives to back off when they should plainly be able to tell it's causing problems for their child's family?


    How is it that spouses are more willing to deal with problems actual from their mates than with potential problems from their parents?


    Oh, on topic, I'd suggest a well endowed female Swedish hitting instructor that wears very tight clothing that takes a hands-on approach to teaching your kid how to hit. My bet is he'll become the most "well-polished" hitter on the team. :devil:

  14. Not to put the cart before the horse, but I like the looks of the rest of our schedule.


    We're 3-8 currently, and the Cows are the best team out of the 5 remaining that we have. I could easily see us going 4-1 over the next 5 games. That would put our overall record at 7-9. Not too shabby, considering that we "started" the season at 1-7. 6-2 over the final 8 games of the season sounds like a team that's really turning it around to me.



    Don't tell the Cows, but looking at the matchup between the two teams, we could certainly give them a run for their money.

  15. A female country artist I kinda dig is Gillian Welch. She's not that hot, but I like her sound.





    Very simple and bare.


    Something just didn't click with me with Marit's sound. But she is a cutie.


    Also, you can't go wrong with Allison Krauss. She's got an amazing voice, and her and Union Station are all incredibly talented musicians.

  16. Uh....OK. I believe CK is also one of the best comedy writers out there. ANyone back me up on that?



    Doug Stanhope has a special on Showtime right now. I highly recommend it. Also, Robert Schimmel's older stuff is great.


    I think Louis CK is hilarious. His HBO show last year was not funny, and it had too much wang in it.


    Dane Cook not really that funny. I had a friend who really liked them, and was always telling me about him (although I did remember a skinnier version of him on CC several years ago that I was indifferent about. He had a black tank top, and was poking fun at his Catholic upbringing I think). Anyway, I watched his Vicious Cycle when it came out on HBO because of my friend's build up, and didn't find it all that impressive.


    Dane Cook tries too hard to make his unfunny material funny. His jokes are bad and then he gets so worked up and animated telling them, that they move from bad to annoying.


    I usually laugh at most anything, but when someone is trying waaayyy too hard to get me to laugh, it's just not funny at all.

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