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Joe Miner

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Posts posted by Joe Miner

  1. Doy you honestly think a reciver is going to fall inot our laps in the third round? I hope not becasue if the bills ahve that attitude get ready for another sh------- passing year


    Do I think a WR will be there in the third?




    Will it be Nelson?


    Who knows, possibly.


    Fortunately the other NFL teams don't read TBD regularly and probably didn't catch his most recent ball washing thread, so they likely don't know how good he is. :thumbsup:

  2. I of course would not be opposed to getting more.....it is just that when teams start folding their arms and saying "thats it.....I am not losing on the deal and will not budge" that deals fall through.....


    I dont think we should want this to fall through....the draft is a crapshoot....Lito is a proven player.....and it helps to better our club.


    I would MUCH rather do this then draft a wideout at 11


    Agreed. This trade fills 2 needs (maybe 3) with 1 pick. That's a win win (win) situation.



    Although some may want to kill me, I wouldn't be upset if the Bills waited until round 3 or 4 and picked up Nelson as our #2 receiver.


    Here's a thought:


    Trade picks with Philly and get their 3rd.


    Draft someone like Balmer at 19


    Draft a TE in the second (Davis/Rucker/Finely/...)


    Draft Nelson in the third


    Draft Pollack or Justice in the third with the Eagles 3rd ( :thumbsup:)

  3. No offense Joe but that is the type of thinking that causes deals to fall through.


    Well, if the only way Philly is interested is if it's a straight up swap, then I wouldn't be opposed to letting it fall through.


    I'm not saying the Bills have to "win" the deal. I'm just saying they should make it a little more even.


    If a draft value was placed on Sheppard 6 months ago, would it have been a 2nd round pick? I'm not sure, but I doubt it.


    But I like most teams am willing to negotiate. So I'm confident that if the Bills want Sheppard, they can get it done without giving up too much.

  4. That's what I'm saying, too. I could care less about the Rams and the Super Bowl and chances are, if that tape were in existence, I think it would be out already. I want to know if he consistently video taped teams in order to get him to those Super Bowls. To me, that's the real story here. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't want the investigation to shift to just one game, but to 4-5 seasons.


    You and me both Brutha.

  5. There is no possible way Walsh has a tape of that walkthrough after reading this statement by the Patriots “The suggestion that the New England Patriots recorded the St. Louis Rams’ walkthrough on the day before Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002 is absolutely false.” Kraft would never have that statement released if there was even a slight chance he had the tape.


    Why do you think that people are only concerned about the *'s cheating in the SB against the Rams? Plus the fact that there are several ways of reading that statement. Kraft's statement could be true, but the *'s could still have cheated against the Rams.


    If Walsh has tape of them cheating in some preseason game, I wanna know that as well.

  6. It was 4 on 4 and I used to see how many goals I could score in one game. 104 I think was my best.


    Mike Tyson's punchout








    Zelda (the first one)


    Blades of steel


    Metal Gear


    RBI Baseball


    Were all great.


    Blades of Steel. Wasn't that the one where you could get the guys to fight? If so, that one rocked.

  7. If anyone is in the age range of 28-38.....you remember the original NES......like all kids at that time...it was quite a breakthru from the old Atari system....was there a game that you remember being thoroughly addicted to or you still see yourself playing even today?


    -For me, it was definitely Baseball Stars and Tecmo Super Bowl......those game were sweeeeeet for the sole reason of keeping stats for your players!


    any other games?


    Heh, my brother and I had to save up our own money (chores, no allowance), all $106 to buy our NES. Our dad said it was too expensive and we already had an Atari, so if we wanted it, get it ourselves.


    Geez, I think we were like 8 (me) and 10 (him) at the time. It was almost unbearable, all our friends had already had theirs for like a year before we got one.


    Best game?


    Dunno, that's tough. The Tecmo Bowl games were good. Double Dragon. Contra. Zelda. Castlevania...

  8. getting a "PROSPECT" has been the problem for years.. the team has repeatedly passed on that position..and it has cost them for yrs.. we need a good tight end not just a blocker! it is A MAJOR FLAW to the offense now and has been.. take the tightend that you need now , not just a prospect.. MARTELLUS BENNET IN THE SECOND.he has got all the tools ,the size, and the deisre,and he is hungry to prove it!



    Like the WR's, I'm not sure there's that much separation amongst the TE's in the draft.


    There are several to choose from each with their own strengths and weaknesses that could all likely have good careers in the NFL:


    F. Davis






    K. Davis


    I'm sure that one if not several of these will be available in the third when we pick.

  9. I doubt we would get another pick out of them but in no way would I give them anything but the 1st round swap.....that is trading down what....8 or 9 spots?



    I'm just really not sure he's worth a straight up swap.


    I'd really like to see a third, or at least a 4th from them as well.


    I personally wouldn't value Sheppard as a 2nd round pick, which is what a straight up swap says he is.

  10. Beggers cant be choosers. I'd just take their first and Sheppard and hang up the phone before they change their mind.


    Sheppard is good, but not that good IMO.


    He just turned 27, and in his 6 years in the league, he's only played 16 games once, and never started all 16. He hasn't played 15 games since 2004, which was arguably his best year with 56 tackles, and 5 interception, starting all 15 of the games he played in.


    Looking at numbers alone, McGee had a much better year last year than Sheppard did.


    Compare these two stat lines:


    G	  GS	 Tck	  Int	  PD
    16	 13	 46		4	   14
    11	 11	 51		2	   5


    Now numbers don't tell the whole story I know, but one of those guys is Sheppard, and one isn't (not McGee either). Is Sheppard good? Yes. Would he help us out? Yes. Should we get taken in a deal to get him? No

  11. ESPN is reporting that the Phins want a 1st rd. pick for him.


    Parcelles must be dreaming. Taylor is too old to warrant a 1st rounder. If I were a team in the market for Taylor 3rd is as high as I would go.


    Plus he's not gonna win Dancing With the Stars, so his value should drop even more.


    No one will want a loser who can't beat out a fat Broadway chick, and a tiny little figure skater.

  12. Using the draft value chart makes Sheppard's value worth somewheres around the 52nd-53rd pick (2nd rd). Philadelphia has the #115 (4th rd). The value for that is only 64 points, which would keep Sheppard's value very close to the 59th pick (2nd rd).



    Hmm...maybe even their third then?


    That would give Sheppard a value of about 185 which is the 17th pick in the third.


    That sounds fair to me.


    Our 1st (11) for their 1st (19), Sheppard, and their 3rd (80).


    They basically move up 8 spots in the first round for two thirds.

  13. I'd be satisfied with giving up the chance to get DE Derrick Harvey for WR James Hardy and CB Lito Sheppard. In the 2nd rd we could get TE John Carlson and with our 3rd rder we could go with another Fightin' Irish player in C John Sullivan. That would be a strong draft.


    I think you could likely get a good TE prospect in the third, and perhaps bolster our D-line in the second instead. Lots of decent late 1st - 2nd round DT's available: Blamer, Sims, Laws, Moore.

  14. I don't think that we give them anything. Swapping our picks and Sheppard, that's it, deal done. That would put a value on Sheppard in the area of a 2nd rder.


    I'm almost thinking that a 2nd is a little too high for him.


    What's it look like in value if the Iggles gave us their 1st, Sheppard, and their 4th for our first?


    What value does that place on Sheppard?

  15. I know two people that had lasik <5 years ago. Both are quite happy with the results and swear by it.


    That's all I know.


    If it were me (and it might be someday) I would certainly look into a reputable doctor, and not go with rock bottom prices.

  16. So should laud them for doing their job? J/K <_< (see Ray Lewis)



    I worked for the NSA a few years ago when I was in the army. There are many successes you will never hear of and it's better off that way. God forbid Americans wake up out of this perfect dream they call reality.


    Heh, not quite.


    Laud for being an acceptable member of society vs. laud for doing a job that protects the country.


    I don't think it's quite the same thing.

  17. capitalism... and the NFL is goood example on how capitalism is going to run itself down to the ground if we keep stretching it the way we are.


    CEO's get paid stoopis money and rewarded for drivnig a corporation into the ground... just as stoopid..


    how about a salary cap for corporate america and a vet minimum for the workers !!!



    :D:lol: :lol:


    I have a tough time seeing the NFL as the model of Capitalism.

  18. Very hard for some. I grew up here in South Florida and it's not heaven. You grow up with people who you grow to care for as brothers and sometimes those "brothers" can get you in a lot of trouble. Some can't shake it. Look at Vick, Jones, The Bengals and such.


    Here was a guy who was full of talent with bad character and now he has emerged as what to me seems like a good character guy. I respect anyone who can pull themselves away from the :D they grew up with and change how people perceive them.


    All I"m saying, is that if you want to laud Ray Lewis for something, praise him for things he's done to better his community and those around him.


    Don't praise him for not doing bad stuff anymore.


    I'm sure all of us grew up with people who are either constantly in and out of jail, or just really never grew up, and are now more of a burden on society than a help. Just because we didn't follow in their footsteps and continually choose to do illegal or otherwise questionable actions anymore, doesn't mean we should be praised. That's what's expected from us as member of society. Meeting expectations doesn't deserve praise.



    **Side Note**

    I read most of that SI article that was linked, and although he seems to now be of the woman beating/knife fighting persuasion any more, I can't really say that a lot of his attitudes/opinions are something that I would consider correct.

  19. I don't think it's lauding him for keeping his nose clean as much as it is for him turning his life around seemingly.


    I'm not sure why his life had to be going in the wrong direction to begin with.


    How hard is it not to beat your girlfriend and get into knife fights?


    Yes, Ray Ray is a good person, because he says the right things on TV, and hasn't done those two things in 8 years or so.


    I don't see why any person is "lauded" for not doing anything wrong. That's one of the basic requirements for a person to be acceptable in a society.


    Turning your life around basically means that you stopped doing the crap that was wrong. Again, how hard is that?

  20. Just 8 years ago this guy was arrested for double murder due to associating himself with the wrong people. He had a few character flaws coming from the U and now, to me at least, he seems to be one of the better leaders and personalities in the league.


    I wasn't there, but my buddy told me he stabbed the guys like this...


    Boo to Ray Ray ;)

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