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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Wow, 550 registered voters in the Austin replying to a meaningless poll. Half of my family would be considered rednecks from SE Missouri, and the other half would be considered rednecks from Tennessee. I live in what's considered redneck OK, and no one that I'm related to or have met or know in any of these states actually thinks Obama is a Muslim. They all dislike him for various reason, but I've not heard one of them say it's because he's a Muslim. Now granted, I'm only doing my own independent poll of about 50-75 people, but I'm still coming up with an amazing 0% that believe he's a Muslim. In fact, the only people I hear complaining about the Muslim issue are the people that are supposedly voting for him. Get over yourself, and realize that most of the people not voting for him aren't racist bigots or ignorant rednecks who believe every email that pops up on the computer. Some people actually have real fundamental disagreements with his ideas. But I can always count on a KTFBD post telling me how incredibly stupid people that don't like Obama are, because they think he's a Muslim.
  2. Depends. Is the person a minority? Is the person a female? Is the person a female minority? If the person is not a white male, tons of people would love to hire him.
  3. No matter who is elected, we will always be on the "receiving end". So bend over.
  4. So many possible jokes... Brain overloading... Can't think of a mature response.
  5. 3 of my grandparents have passed away. I was 13 when my first grandfather died. It's an eerie thing seeing a person take their last breaths in a hospital bed. I only have 1 grandmother left, and she's doing pretty decent for an 83 year old woman. But I've certainly been to the funerals of all my grandparents. I'm not sure which is tougher though, having your grandparent die, or seeing how upset your own parents are when they lose a mother or a father.
  6. I always wonder what my dog is dreaming about. I've also noticed that my 1 year old daughter dreams as well, and can only wonder what about. Most all of my dreams are in color, but I think I've dreamt in B&W as well, although I can't recall anything specific.
  7. From Chris Brown's blog, it seemed like this was a specific defensive setup in order to try to better contain Gates. Perhaps it's saying more about Whitner's ability to cover Gates than Ko's ability to play FS? We'll just have to wait an see the next few weeks whether Ko is back in the lineup, or not. If not, Bill in NYC will have a heart attack when we choose a new FS with our first round pick next year.
  8. Yes, that's the only other alternative. Regulate industry and increase the cost of electricity for all Americans or do nothing and destroy the world.
  9. If power plants have to spend money to lessen the amount of CO2 they emit, you can certainly expect higher electric bills.
  10. I tend to agree. I don't know how bad it is, but it will be interesting to see whether some of the states that Obama has "locked up" are really gonna vote for him. Some of the predictions, such as this: http://www.electionprojection.com/president08.shtml Might end up a little surprised. I'm originally from MO, and now live in OK. My family and my wife's families are still in MO. We still travel back there quite a bit. I'm not all that sold on MO voting for Obama. There are several other states that if I were Obama I wouldn't necessarily believe that I have. I still think Obama will win, but I think there is a distinct possibility I and many others could be wrong.
  11. I like Coffman as well, but he better learn to use his size and quit that hurdling a defender crap in the NFL. If you want a pass catching TE, check out Germaine Gresham from OU as well. He's likely the best TE in the Big 12. I couldn't tell you how his blocking is.
  12. Just think of the lottery as a tax on people that are bad at math.
  13. Reading Comprehension should be the next topic you need to google.
  14. I am an engineer, so my comment was half in jest. But I've always thought Congress could use some more logical/analytical thinking that an engineer would bring to the table. He's not in Congress, but he's been placed somewhat in charge of this bailout which IMO is better than a lawyer and maybe even a financial guru. Sometimes financial people seem to be too quick to play around with and massage the numbers too much. I would hope as a fellow engineer, that this guy is much more cut and dry and straightforward in his solution.
  15. Just leave it to an engineer to fix this mess: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27092586/
  16. Good question. This is where you muster up as much rational and logical thought as possible, do a lot of research, talk to several people that know more than you, try your best to clearly define all of the possible outcomes of each situation, and try to decide what the best path is. Oh, here's a hint. There's a lot more options that doing nothing and government buying stakes in the banking system. So get back to us when you've done all that work and have an intelligent answer to the problem.
  17. As long as you can get your Hot Pocket fixes, then who cares about the long term ramifications.
  18. Now that summer is over, the neighbor kid's lemonade stand is starting to go under. Can the government buy some stakes in it so that he can stay in business? It's really good lemonade.
  19. http://www.break.com/index/best-football-c...this-year1.html Sorry if already posted.
  20. I agree. If I was a betting man, I'd put my money on Obama to win. But, I still think that there are a lot of people out there in states that have already been declared Blue, that won't be voting for the democrat that they've always voted for. Will that be enough to turn those states? Maybe, maybe not. We'll have to see.
  21. No kidding Since when has Bruce been on the fence concerning politics? You really gotta get out from under that rock once in a while EII. For the record, I've never liked Springfield's music either. IMO, his music is incredibly overrated.
  22. Did you say something about getting fleeced?
  23. All sorts of stuff from that year Link
  24. There are always cut backs someone can make in their life. There are various cars of all price ranges someone can buy, the same with houses. People in general need to do a better job of prioritizing needs and wants. Saving money has to be more of a priority that many people make it. It needs to be right up there with providing a roof over your head and food on your table. Save the money first. Pay bills second. If you find you can't afford your bills when you have already subtracted your savings, then you need to prioritize your bills into what you have to pay, and what you're paying that could be cut out or cut down. If you're living paycheck to paycheck, saving nothing for the future, you are living above your means.
  25. I hope you have a good pension plan. In all seriousness I would suggest you start talking to a financial planner. You can still do quite a lot with the almost 20 years you likely have until retirement.
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