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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. You could always do what tech support tells me: Defrag your comp
  2. Whoever gets the job will undoubtedly be prepared to look over GM's and Chrysler's business plans by Tuesday I'm sure. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29057874/
  3. Yeah it does. I'm gonna time travel a few days into the future to see how it ends, cause I can't stand the wait.
  4. Even ghosts want their 15 minutes of fame?
  5. See I say the rancher should just sue the US Gov't. The Gov't has endangered him, his family, and his property for years by refusing to protect him as an American citizen by securing the border.
  6. New coach and a new QB next season for the Jests. You think the Bills can beat them?
  7. So is your plan to be witty, and when I respond that I haven't you just call me a liar instead? Good one.
  8. Wow. Pull your head out of your ass.
  9. Another ignorant degrading post. How do you presume to know whether I have cheated on my taxes? Some people actually get by just fine in life playing by the rules. Even the rules they don't like.
  10. Wow, you're quite a piece of work. So either you're a self-righteous, elitist, pompous ass, who is in the 5% minority that never cheats, or You're a liar and a cheat But either way your and ignorant ass who has no problems making derogatory assumptions about others' character without any proof to back up your stupidity.
  11. Obama called. He said stroke the shaft faster next time.
  12. Try to hit her in the hair. Tell her it was an accident. They hate that.
  13. What makes you think things are changing?
  14. So Obama isn't just another politician, he's an African-American politician?
  15. But I thought the US was a horrible example for the world?
  16. I would have absolutely no problem picking up Hood in the 3rd or 4th round if he's still there. I'd love a Coffman 3rd and a Hood 4th draft.
  17. As long as he didn't break the seal...
  18. Ask if you can boink the secretary or some other hot coworker in lieu of additional salary. Seriously though, congrats, and I'd agree with most of the rest here. Take the job if it meets your needs and it's close to what you were making before.
  19. Yous a dang fine woman won't you Barack that arse up?
  20. Oops..I'm illiterate. Fixed above
  21. Before the numbers argument start, these were all taken from the Walter Football page. http://www.walterfootball.com/draft2009DE.php This should basically just get us in the ballpark, as we'll have to wait until the combine to see who has added and lost weight. Let me add, that if you feel the numbers are incorrect, feel free to state it, I'm just not trying to start an actual height weight argument. As long as we're in a decent ballpark on that I'll feel comfortable.
  22. Ok, the board consensus seems to be to take a DE in the upcoming 2009 draft. Let's do as good a comparison that we can between all of the potential DE's that could be taken at pick 11. Let's try to look as much real information as possible. I'll try to set some parameters for discussion so that we aren't off track baselessly bashing one guy while we praise another who we don't really know anything about. In no particular order 1) Physical Size & Speed 2) Playing Technique (speed rusher/power rusher, good footwork, good hands, 4-3/3-4, etc...) 3) College Performance Overall 4) Specific College performances (or under performances) 5) Mental Acuity 6) Behavior Issues 7) Work Ethic 8) Anything else I've missed The DE's that I've seen suggested and rated as 1st round prospects are: In no particular order: Brian Orakpo DE UT 6'4 250 lbs. Everette Brown DE FSU 6'4 260 lbs. Michael Johnson DE GT 6'7 257 lbs. Aaron Maybin DE PSU 6'4 240 lbs. Greg Hardy DE Ole Miss 6'5 260 lbs.
  23. So if we replace the grass, what will the cows eat to stay nice and fat? I suggest McDonald's. Those Big Macs really keep all of us nice and fat, so it would stand to reason that it would do the same for cows.
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