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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Drew Brees Jason Witten Flozell Adams Steve Hutchison Julian Peterson Charles Woodson Antoine Winfield Kerry Collins Kris Dielman Owen Daniels Jake Long Nick Mangold Casey Wiegmann Courtesy of the 2009 NFL Pro Bowl
  2. I think if Brown or Orakpo aren't there at 11, then you look at another position besides DE.
  3. Hey, seeing as how Ford hasn't taken any money (yet), I think they should be referred to as the Big 2. Which, in conjunction with your toilet reference seems astoundingly appropriate.
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100da...aid-away-hamas/
  5. You need to get out more and meet more people.
  6. I though it was hilarious
  7. Not impossible, and you agree with this guy. http://walterfootball.com/draft2009.php He has us with: 1) Cushing OLB USC 2) Ayers DE TU 3) Chase Coffman TE MU 4) Urbik G UW I'd prefer a DE or a DT at that spot, but if one isn't available, I'd rather see Cushing than Pettigrew.
  8. Is Statistics no longer a required course for almost all college grads?
  9. Where would we be now? Would we be better off, or would we not be able to tell a difference yet? If instead of approving the money and then changing the plan to whatever it is now, we had stuck with the original idea. I thought their original idea several months ago definitely had potential, but I'm not even sure what their plan is now, but I'm certainly a lot less confident in it. Would one of you financial guys mind chiming in and enlightening me? I'm really looking for actual facts and knowledge, not a lot of partisan crap, so let's try to keep that to a minimum...pretty please...with sugar on top.
  10. Please. I think we all know that it was the gay Cubans. That much is obvious. Although, it did make for a great Seinfeld episode.
  11. Please, whatever you do, change the Bills from taking Rhett Bomar in the 4th.
  12. Ultimate KO's on Spike followed by DEA
  13. Are you sure he's not the Yin to Tom's Yang?
  14. Ok, I can't resist http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/pinko.htm There are a lot of people here that fit a lot of these, but this one may be the closest.
  15. Did you have that not so fresh feeling before? Are you now as fresh as a spring morning?
  16. If someone breaks into my house at night, the only assumption I'll make is that they have the worst intentions possible. I'd love to be able to get my family out without a confrontation, but I can't assume he didn't come in the back door, or that there is only 1 of him, or they're not high or on meth, or they're not armed or that they can be reasoned with or anything else that may make that plan impossible. A gun is just one of the many tools that I have to make myself and my family as safe as possible. Alarm, deadbolts, phone, proper training, dog, night lights etc...are all other tools. No tool will guarantee my safety, but I'd rather be ready with the appropriate tool at the appropriate time instead of left wishing I'd been more prepared. Just as I don't assume a gun automatically makes me safe, I don't assume a dead bolt or cell phone or back door will automatically keep me safe either. Just checking on what you were trying to say.
  17. Lot of assumptions in your scenario. Hopefully this never happens to you, because I'm not sure the criminal will be so willing to follow this script. For my own curiosity: Are you suggesting that all states have registration laws, or that if one does, then people should comply with it?
  18. http://virginiashootingsportsassociation.b...mmo-import.html Who knows how true any of these rumors are? http://www.shootingwire.com/ Scroll down to the Politics and Pistols section. Sounds like if it was true, even the Canadian gun owners yelled loudly enough that it's being rethought.
  19. At this point I've just pretty well written off ever buying another GM or Chrysler product. I'm not that crazy about Ford's lineup, but if they pull through this without a bailout, I would at least consider buying a car from them. When the time comes for me to get a new car, I'd probably go ahead pencil them in to test drive whatever model I'm interested in just to give them as fair a shake as possible. Hopefully they'll improve their lineup by that time...
  20. Depends on when the banks ask for their next trillion or two.
  21. I truly hope that Ford pulls through this mess without borrowing a dime. I'd like to know that there would be at least 1 American manufacturer that I would be willing to consider buying a car from.
  22. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29231797/ What the hell did we need a Czar for anyway? Just give 'em the extra 7 billion before they even present their plan. That'll show 'em we're serious. Oh, and for those that didn't read the news yesterday, apparently over the weekend, we "changed" our minds on the car czar, and are now going with a committee. Who will be appointed any time now...
  23. I'd hate to have an experienced Pro Bowl LB giving advice to some of the younger LB's on the team Would I rather have Dansby? Hell yeah, but I would have a problem seeing what Brooking had left in the tank. Just don't give him a retarded contract. Something loaded with incentives so he can prove the Falcons were wrong to let him go.
  24. 1 Head Coach 1 O Coordinator 1 D Coordinator 1 GM 1 Swedish Supermodel
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