If someone breaks into my house at night, the only assumption I'll make is that they have the worst intentions possible. I'd love to be able to get my family out without a confrontation, but I can't assume he didn't come in the back door, or that there is only 1 of him, or they're not high or on meth, or they're not armed or that they can be reasoned with or anything else that may make that plan impossible.
A gun is just one of the many tools that I have to make myself and my family as safe as possible. Alarm, deadbolts, phone, proper training, dog, night lights etc...are all other tools. No tool will guarantee my safety, but I'd rather be ready with the appropriate tool at the appropriate time instead of left wishing I'd been more prepared. Just as I don't assume a gun automatically makes me safe, I don't assume a dead bolt or cell phone or back door will automatically keep me safe either.
Just checking on what you were trying to say.