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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. I'm not arguing that there's not a problem. But again, if the unborn baby counts as a living human, it's murder. And I don't think however practical it is, murder is the best solution to the problem. If they aren't living humans, then that's certainly one way to help with the problem. As far as adoption goes, that's one more thing that the government is doing a bad job of helping with. There are definite reasons why many people choose to adopt overseas instead of in the US. Perhaps if we looked into fixing those reasons first, we could find a much less controversial way to fix the "unwanted" kid issue.
  2. The only argument about abortion is whether it's a person or not. If it's a human, then abortion is murder. Doesn't matter whether someone else is willing to adopt. If it's not a human, then it's a medical procedure similar to removing a cyst. Again, it doesn't matter whether anyone is willing to adopt. The adoption argument is just an Ad Hominem attack. It really has no bearing on whether abortion is right or wrong. If you want to have a discussion on adoption, that's a whole different can of worms.
  3. The hippies of the 60's thought it was the "Man" keeping them down. Then they lived and worked a few more years and after decades of personal failure discovered it was their own incompetence and lack of useful skills and personal drive that was keeping them down. So now they've decided they need the "Man" to help them out. Damn hippies.
  4. And yet I think I was closest without going over: Keep talking, you're making great points and definitely don't look like an idiot.
  5. My bet says he comes back with the apples to zebras crap because he doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he's talking about. He'll say the numbers are still bad, but not nearly as bad as they would be if you accounted for inflation. Which he'll never actually do to prove himself, because he doesn't understand wtf he's talking about.
  6. Chalk reading comprehension and irony up there with inflation as more topics he doesn't understand. But please ignore me RI, and get back to explaining to GG about how inflation works. He's trying his best to have a sane and rational discourse with you. I'd hate for you to miss out on this fabulous opportunity to showcase your deep understanding of inflation and government spending. It should be quite educational for us all.
  7. "Here's hoping the voters remember some of this crap when the midterm elections roll around later this year." Best quote on the news in quite some time.
  8. 3rd grade insults and homosexual references. Good to see you going back to what you know.
  9. Does it take effort to be this stupid, or is it a natural talent of yours? You don't have the slightest clue as to what you're trying to compare. You throw out words like inflation, but yet are incapable of understanding anything close to the concept of inflation and what if anything it has to do with the worthless point you're failing to make. The fact that you keep claiming that only time will tell who is right just shows how little you understand anything that's going on here. If you weren't half the moron you are, you'd be able to look at the numbers, look at the budgets, and understand that the projected costs put out by the gov't for this HC bill and any other bill that's proposed are never correct and never will be, regardless of what side is championing the bill. Let's wait and see though, maybe you'll come up with something intelligent to say.
  10. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/n...f-cost-overruns Why do we need to wait and see when throughout their entire history they've been pretty wrong on estimating just about everything? Why do we need to keep giving them the benefit of the doubt when they've gotten a track record of proven incompetence? That's like saying we should wait and see, maybe Conner's next post will be smart.
  11. After hacking the account he immediately surrendered to the authorities.
  12. So yesterday bonds are going down the tubes, and today I learn they're gonna be followed by stocks. Time to get out the mason jars...
  13. Hey, the CBO gets close. I mean they were only off by 6 years in this estimate: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36028908/ns/bu...new_york_times/
  14. Also not mandatory to obey the speed limit since that's just a fine as well. And actually less mandatory than the non-mandatory health care since the fine is smaller. Basically any laws that the punishment results in a fine aren't really mandatory laws. Try to keep up LA.
  15. On a different note from the previous claims thought. http://www.breitbart.tv/paul-ryan-obamacar...l-frankenstein/ Graphs are pretty.
  16. Then I'm sure Magox will not mind pointing me in the direction of his post debunking this. And I believe I had already done the 65/45 math in my post, but thanks for double checking me on that.
  17. That was my real question. In fact I emailed ol' Randy Brogan and asked him exactly that. If he (or his staff responds) I'll let you know.
  18. Since this thread is dealing more with the financial end of HC. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/sit...5109.guest.html I know it's the evil Limbaugh, but this is the only place I saw it. It's a transcript of a conversation with a caller about the new changes to the %'s that an insurance company has to pay out in claims. Apparently the split used to be 65/45 (I would have thought 65/35 but maybe I'm not clear on how this works), and now with the new HC it's 85/15. Is this a bunch of hoopla or is it a serious concern for the Insurance companies, and what ramifications will it have?
  19. Hmm...which Healthcare thread to post this in... Sticking with the title, is this legal: Oklahoma State Senate Any legal experts have some thoughts on how this will play out? I'll pretty much guarantee that this will pass in OK.
  20. Last time I was there, I just wanted a simple apology from the doctor for having to have waited 1.5 hours. A quick "Sorry I'm late," would have been greatly appreciated. I also just want to go in at my appointed time, and have my appointment start near that agreed upon time. Perhaps I can start doing that at my job. 2:30 meeting? I'll be there when I get there. Nobody starts without me, and I'll only stay 5-10 minutes and seem indignant if any questions are asked of me. I think it'll really take me places in my career.
  21. If I call that day expressing symptoms of an emergency, they'll get the kids right in. If my wife has a scheduled routine checkup exam for her pregnancy, we'll likely be sitting in the waiting room at least an hour. Different doctors and different symptoms obviously, but it seems more and more that unless my needs fit an emergency criteria, they'll (generally speaking) squeeze me in when they can.
  22. I'd love to see a nation that had the community support and involvement to take care of it's own, and didn't need the corrupt and incompetent arm of the federal gov't crushing it with a pitiful excuse for assistance. But the wolves idea sounds good too.
  23. Timely meaning one in the near future AND one that they are ready for on time. I know it's called a waiting room, but 1-2 hours is ridiculously excessive. Doctors appointments are getting more and more like appointments with the cable company. My next Dr. appointment is sometime on Tuesday between 8 and noon.
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