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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. That apology would have probably cut that 8 page abortion of a thread down to 5 had it been issued in a timely fashion after being called out on the mistake. But the extra pages allowed him to show that he very likely had no idea what he was initially talking about. The longer he went without "clarifying" his original post, the more it became obvious that he actually thought it was correct. Which then means if he gave that same apology now, it would just be even more BS. Because the only thing he would be apologizing for was clarity, not actually being wrong about what he thought was in that budget. At this point no one would believe that he really knew initially what he was talking about and that his only mistake was making that knowledge clear.
  2. That's really not admitting error now is it?
  3. Actually...you never admitted error in that thread.
  4. "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." "Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words." "A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."
  5. *sigh* I'm not the one making the stupid comments. Here's a tip. There are things I know. There are things I don't know. There are things I think I know but am unsure on. Unless a topic falls in the first category (Things I know), I try not to voice an ignorant opinion about it. I'll more likely ask a question. It's not a bad practice, and usually keeps me from looking like pBills. Oh wait... But pay no attention to me. Darin had some questions for you...
  6. Throw something shiny in the water. He'll stick around.
  7. So tell me about the drilling practices used in each location and which is more economical, efficient and time consuming. Also enlighten me as to current methods used to transport oil, and what the pros and cons are of each method of transportation for the different areas. Because I'm sure you haven't dumbed down this discussion to 'Virginia is closer to my house than Alaska.' You've really thought about what goes into the entire process and weighed the pros and cons of all the aspects so that your opinion has some real substance to it.
  8. Actually, since you're so into reading comprehension, I've only directly called you 3 things in this thread: Clueless Idiot Tool But why would I expect a retard like you to know that?
  9. Stay Classy San Diego.
  10. I guess a coherent train of thought is too much to ask. I guess we should just pat him on the head and give him a cookie for hitting most of the correct keys on a keyboard and not shitting his pants.
  11. I don't know. This post seems pretty unclear about salaries:
  12. Seriously if you think your train of "thought" in this thread has been straightforward, clear, and consistent, you've got much deeper problems than grammar and typing. Does it really have to get to the point that your trail of idiocy in this thread has to be spelled out for you?
  13. That quote has been pointed out to him multiple times in this thread. But apparently "everything" in retard world should be substituted with "part of something I don't understand". Make that substitution and his posts clear up significantly.
  14. Damn...it's worse than trying to tell my wife she's wrong. Learn to STFU man. Seriously. You're the only one that thinks you know what you're talking about. Just walk away.
  15. You just like the attention don't you?
  16. Wow... Explain to me how these two posts of yours mean the same thing. You posted this BS. People called you out on it. You got defensive about this nugget of information that you misunderstood at some school meeting you attended. People didn't care and still told you that you were full of ****. It wasn't until later that you decided to backtrack and try to incoherently (mis)spell out what you thought the grownups at the meeting were really talking about. Now you're claiming you never made these initial comments.
  17. You're a tool. You screwed up your own posts by your complete lack of literary competency, muddled through some kind of asinine explanation, and then contradicted yourself in the very same post. But somehow it's us that doesn't get it. When no matter what you're trying to babble about now, the fact is that you were initially wrong about your claim that the $56,000/year budget was to cover EVERYTHING. That's the real point people are calling bull **** on. But that fact seems to continually elude you. 3/4 of this thread is people telling you that $56,000/year isn't enough for all the costs of a school, and you continually defending your lack of understanding of whatever you heard in some meeting. Now that you know what was being talked about in the school meeting you attended, you'll be much more prepared to participate next time, and maybe they won't make you sit at the little kids' table again.
  18. It covers teachers' salaries It Doesn't cover teachers' salaries It covers teachers' salaries It Doesn't cover teachers' salaries WTF? The only thing I think we've established at this point is that this statement: Is completely wrong as was immediately pointed out. Simple question. What is covered by the $56,000/year budget?
  19. Oh, by the way, the early reviews of Bradford's pro day are: http://blogs.nfl.com/category/pro-days/ Nearly Flawless & Lit it Up Looks even more likely he'll be #1.
  20. You are truly clueless. You aren't serving in some decision making capacity for this school are you? In English this time, what exactly does this $56,000/year budget cover?
  21. You still seem oblivious to the fact that a school cannot operate on an annual budget of $56,000/year. I think you may need to look at exactly what this $56,000 budget is, because there is no way it is for the school as a whole.
  22. Wonder why schools are in trouble? Idiots like this at school board meetings voicing their retarded opinions and voting on decisions and leaders.
  23. Instead of either admitting that he didn't understand what he was told, or the person telling him didn't know what they were talking about, his response to his obviously wrong initial statement is: Ever heard the cliche don't believe everything you hear?
  24. It's like she admits it's not financially sound: "Some entrepreneurs are too concerned with how health reform would impact their bottom lines." But she wants it anyway: "My commitment to public option goes beyond a business decision," she says. "We need to do what's right and make health care available to everyone."
  25. That I completely agree with. It's not simple, and we as a nation can't even pretend we're in a position to adequately deal with it.
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