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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. You're getting there. Take another breath. Try once more. If you don't feel comfortable answering for those people you don't know, restrict yourself to those you do.
  2. I would bet that to many people that would seem like 'advanced knowledge'. Many people don't contribute at all. Many that do contribute just "fire and forget" and never check it to determine how their original picks are doing.
  3. Totally agree. But I think we all agree that most/many people have no concept of the basics. And the attitude of not having the time or inclination to care to have the simplest of knowledge on the subject is astounding to me.
  4. I asked a simple question. Take a breath and answer when you're ready.
  5. So you feel that when people or companies use Xmas today it's with the original intent that the word Xmas was created?
  6. That's what I don't get. I'm no expert by any means, and people would probably disagree with whether what I know constitutes the basics. But not finding the time or having the inclination to learn or bother with it at all speaks volumes about a lot of people in this country. This is not (or should not be) an unimportant or trivial subject that people have the luxury of ignoring.
  7. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36396230/ns/business-forbescom/ Sounds like Toyota isn't the only one with problems.
  8. If you're paying to a charity that's only 20% efficient with your money, you're paying to the wrong charity. I want to say (without double checking my numbers) that most good charities run at 80%+ efficiency with your money. I'm sure someone will correct my estimate shortly.
  9. I'd like somewhere I can put a bunch of cash one day, and then by the next day, have it double. Oh, and when I get it out, I want it to be tax free. And a pony.
  10. So you would be more of an advocate of Conner as King Moran, with the others as his Lords of their respective areas of expertise?
  11. I think we can just make crowns for each category of topics: Global Warming - Conner Unions - pBills Palin - Hedd Racist - WisconsinBillzFan Religion - Gene They can take turns holding the title for King Moran.
  12. Ahh...but as soon as Obama rids the world of nukes, the voters' opinions will swing back to the Democrats. People aren't clamoring for jobs, they're clamoring for a nuke-free world. Try to keep up.
  13. Is that foods that help you have a bowel movement, or foods to enjoy while having a bowel movement?
  14. Not that I disagree with you. But in reality, can you really fix the turds in the punchbowl with a strainer?
  15. http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/YAS I think I know which one applies to you.
  16. Oops...missed the description under the title. Sorry. Carry on. Err...wait. Apparently you just didn't understand my previous post because I wasn't clear...yeah, that's it.
  17. How about posting a NSFW warning? Thanks.
  18. Answer his question tard.
  19. Step 1) Ask yourself: Why is that? Step 2) Answer that question and again ask yourself: Why is that? Keep repeating that process until you've figured out why people do what they do. If your final answer at the end is, "Because they're black" A) You're really not done asking why yet & B) You're a moron
  20. No, you really shouldn't get a say as to how the company builds its infrastructure and operates it's system unless you are a large shareholder. The company's first responsibility is making money for the shareholders, not to provide the service you like best. Our taxes fund tons of stuff that we have absolutely no say in. You already live with all sorts of content regulation. What makes the internet so special? My cable company won't give me the porn channels. They limited my ability to get them by charging a hefty premium. Heck, other companies carry some channels that my provider doesn't carry at all. That sure seems to limit my ability to choose exactly what I want to watch. There isn't even a premium I can pay to get those channels. Lots of things are regulated, and one can only wonder what the country would be like if they hadn't been regulated to the extent that they are. Perhaps the only thing regulation really does is tighten the service options so that there isn't room in the market for another competitor? If everyone has to provide pretty much the exact same service, what incentive would investors have to financially back me so that I could start up a competitive business to do the exact same thing that's already being done?
  21. If you don't like the service, don't use it, find another, or start your own. Why should you get to dictate how a company you don't own runs itself? Vote with your money instead of a ballot. It's a lot more effective.
  22. That's why you don't get AIDS??? Pride? Take away the gov't handouts and AIDS would rival Disney World. WTF?
  23. Then shame on those big ISP's that made their business successful and profitable. That's too hard for most people. Since it's too hard for most people, we just can't let those successful people run their ISP like they want. Someone needs to be in charge of them with my best interests since it's too hard for me to start a similar company and run it like I want.
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