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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. HA! Not in my restaurant working experiences. At chain level restaurants (not high class joints), most everyone employed there is a !@#$ up on some level. Not many actually care about how well they do or don't do their jobs. But the vast majority of screwed up orders I've personally seen has been due to the waiter/waitress. Now if your food tastes like ass...well, that's the cooks, or just the food.
  2. Not that kind of presenting...
  3. Wait a couple of weeks. Then it will be time for you to 'present'.
  4. Sounds like a successful lemonade stand you hand.
  5. Are you for real, or are you another George? Seriously, is it just a springtime growth of idiots around here? Is this what we get with 10% unemployment? Holy ****, I don't even think Connor would invest in your idea....on the advice of Bill Nye of course.
  6. No you didn't... good job proving their opinions correct...
  7. I bet there's a common opinion from both sides about you when they hear you talk about any subject. I wonder what it is...
  8. Does this count as a crusade?
  9. Are you buying all the igloos in the neighborhood?
  10. So your parents have agreed to sign these contracts with you right? Because you have to be 18 to sign one all by yourself.
  11. I think that article's basic point is: Don't go to school at University of Missouri - Kansas City.
  12. That can't be true. I was told I could keep my current coverage if I wanted. It's my right.
  13. They could sit pat and look for Cam Thomas in the 3rd.
  14. OT's still Available: Bruce Campbell Charles Brown Rodger Saffold Vladimir Ducasse I'm hopeful we get one in the 2nd today, and that we're not content with Bell. I'd like to see either Saffold or Campbell. The real question would be whether if any of them were drafted could they and should they start for the Bills next year. Surely one of them is better than Bell...right?
  15. Did anyone read through the comments on that site and find the original article? http://thegoodbyeladiesdraftreport.blogspo...-4-rush_19.html Check out who #1 is.
  16. ~80% of the population doesn't think so. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36629520/ns/politics/ The better question is what are they going to do about it.
  17. So is WisconsinBillz authentic, or just another George? It's like the boards have reached a new level of stupidity these last few weeks. The regular idiots are bad enough. How many idiots pretending to be idiots do we need?
  18. There's a joke in there somewhere... That speaks volumes.
  19. If that happens, buy stock in booze makers.
  20. Uh...he's obviously short with an over sized round head and completely white skin...But he is wearing a black hat a jacket.
  21. Palin is more a reality TV star than a politician. She's a talking head that regurgitates whatever points gets the crowd excited. While I certainly agree with less gov't involvement, and less spending, I wish this woman would just keep her mouth shut. ** I'd still hit it as well.
  22. I don't care one way or another about the word. I celebrate Christmas like I want, and others can do the same. But that also includes letting people determine their shopping based on what stores hang up what signs. I'm sure businesses feel that they use whatever term makes them money like you suggest. I'm sure that there are some businesses that use whatever term they prefer regardless of business. That's their prerogative as well. What my point is, is that the origin of the word doesn't matter. The intent and usage of the word is what gets people riled up. Lots of words have changed in meaning since their creation. This one pretty much has as well. Not many, if any, people hang up signs with Xmas on them trying to be clever about using the word with its original meaning. So to try to tell people that shouldn't be upset based on the origin of a word is rather asinine. And yes, it is quite hypocritical that people scream that their being forced to use a PC term, while at the same time trying to force others to use the term they like better. Oh, and it's stupid as well.
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