I don't care one way or another about the word.
I celebrate Christmas like I want, and others can do the same.
But that also includes letting people determine their shopping based on what stores hang up what signs. I'm sure businesses feel that they use whatever term makes them money like you suggest. I'm sure that there are some businesses that use whatever term they prefer regardless of business. That's their prerogative as well.
What my point is, is that the origin of the word doesn't matter. The intent and usage of the word is what gets people riled up. Lots of words have changed in meaning since their creation. This one pretty much has as well. Not many, if any, people hang up signs with Xmas on them trying to be clever about using the word with its original meaning. So to try to tell people that shouldn't be upset based on the origin of a word is rather asinine.
And yes, it is quite hypocritical that people scream that their being forced to use a PC term, while at the same time trying to force others to use the term they like better. Oh, and it's stupid as well.