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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. NIMH is an organization with lots of Secrets. They're a bunch of rats.
  2. And just giving a speech that says we're done doesn't give you any information to attempt to answer those questions.
  3. IMO, You don't give a report to your bosses about a project that cost billions of dollars and lasted almost a decade, and not mention any of the results. You need to state what was and wasn't accomplished, where you stand now, and where you need to go moving forward. I only heard the last 10 minutes, but none of that was in that part. Maybe it was in the first 10, but I doubt it.
  4. Are you failing at reading comprehension, logic, or both? Note: I have no idea what the Koran calls for as I've not read it.
  5. Whether or not they've done anything wrong doesn't matter either. Should they be able to legally build it? Of course. Building a mosque doesn't make them terrorists. Should people be able to feel that it's in bad taste to put it there? Sure. And that doesn't make them bigots or racisits.
  6. It helps to read the article.
  7. My post was a weiner joke. Ya know...things not being hard... McCain's old and not as hard as governing. Please don't make me draw you a picture Sure it ain't high brow stuff, but you play to your audience.
  8. Had we only chosen McCain, nothing would have been hard...
  9. I think if you look at God's history of picking champions, he usually doesn't go with the biggest, strongest, richest, etc... Usually he goes with the weakest or most unlikely choice. That way when they win, you are supposed to know it was because of Him. This would likely make the Yankees the opposite of God's team, which would seem to indicate they are under a sponsorship that is opposite of God. Hmm...who could that be? Uh-Oh, two mentions of God in a thread. GF will be here shortly to let us know how much he hates religion.
  10. Riled up...maybe not. But he definitely gets people to respond. Some of those responses require a bit more effort than what I tend to give to laughingstocks. But my props basically go to his sticking with his act of total incompetence on any subject that's brought up. I mean no one could possibly be that dumb...right?
  11. I used to think that. I keep leaning more and more to it being an act. He's playing a role. And playing it marvelously.
  12. Conner is the most amazing troll I've seen in a long time. Splendid job of playing the buffoon.
  13. Since your dad obviously isn't around to give you the attention a 12 year old needs, talk to your mom about getting you into the big brother program. A strong stable male influence will likely help you out a lot in the long run. And it will make your cries for attention around here a lot less frequent.
  14. Oh, now I get it. You don't understand what anyone here is talking about. I guess my confusion in reading your posts was due to my asinine assumption that you were not a complete moron.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sq-VmBMHkw...e=youtube_gdata
  16. I think you have NASA confused with Unions.
  17. Somehow "Hook, line, and sinker" seems appropriate for this thread.
  18. Posted twice so far. First I asked if you knew what a part ownership meant. Second, I said that I didn't think that you knew. Enlighten me as to how you drew this amazing conclusion from my two posts. Now, would you like to also explain the individual roles that BP, Haliburton, Transocean, Anadarko, Mitsui & Co, the Federal Gov't and many others played in this mess. And then tell me why each is and isn't responsible for the current mess that we have. And try to do it without making assumptions on what I think or you feel I'm trying to say. That way we might be able to have a discussion not an argument.
  19. Have no idea, don't listen to it. But I don't think you really have a clue as to what part ownership means in this case.
  20. Good God. Here's the name of that company in OK for you. And it's more like 25% not 40%. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37782377/ Do you know what being a part owner of the well means?
  21. I don't think I've heard any non-speculative stories saying that the Big 10 no longer wants MU. It's speculation from the media based on the fact they've heard rumors that Nebraska is leaving, and haven't heard any about MU yet. No rumors = MU not leaving = MU not invited = MU not wanted. MU was given a deadline of Friday by the Big 12 to decide. The Big 10's official offer won't come until MU basically jumps ship and commits. The Big 10 doesn't want an official offer out there to possibly be rejected. MU isn't as big of a name in football as Nebraska, so they really don't have the balls to jump without a Nebraska safety net. Once Nebraska makes it official, MU will likely follow. No matter what rumors are swirling around, I'm pretty sure that the Big 10 knows that Illinois doesn't pull in a large % of the St. Louis market. They want St. Louis, a portion of KC, and mostly the rest of MO, and will take MU whenever MU grows a pair and jumps ship. They're even dumber if they think Nebraska gives them any significant portion of the KC market. KC market: 1) KU 2) MU 3) K-State ... ... ... way down the list) Nebraska
  22. I have a feeling Missouri will still go to the Big 10. The Big 10 wants the St. Louis market which MU will help bring. I'd be surprised if we don't hear something tomorrow about MU's direction. That was their supposed deadline to decide from the Big 12. 3 schools in the Big 12 will be getting screwed, Iowa St., Kansas, and Kansas St.
  23. If it weren't for Nancy Reagan, I wouldn't have had to read that crap.
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