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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704900004576152172777557748.html
  2. They should just tell the Unions that the collective bargaining stuff is just misinformation. They just can't correct that misinformation until they pass the bill and see what's in it.
  3. Even if all they get is to stop the automatic union dues deductions, that would be great victory. Stop automatic deductions, and you'll see just how much the members really love their unions.
  4. If there's anything history has taught us, it's that: pBills is an idiot And history always repeats itself.
  5. See, you piqued my curiosity and now you made me read that terrible article. What a myopic piece of crap. But I will give you I thought it was a picture of the guy that forfeited at first until I started reading the captions.
  6. Err..just from the reports on the TV news I've heard, (I haven't cared enough to look anything up) the boy was apparently one of the favorites in his weight class. The girl went on to lose her next two matches and is now out. Maybe he was afraid of losing, but I wouldn't be so sure of that.
  7. He'll have tons of impressive stats by then. I just wouldn't want him as the starting QB of my pro team, unless he really improves this next year.
  8. If you wrote an inflammatory email with cherry picked "facts" that basically claimed 20% of the world's population were terrible people and another race was better in every way, would you put your real name on it?
  9. Umm...You're list is wrong. Didn't Obama win one? I think the total should be 8.
  10. http://www.wimp.com/animalvoiceovers/
  11. Agreed. 3 for emphasis IMO. Exactly. There isn't nearly as much you can do with feedback control in the timeframe you're looking at on earth.
  12. Also realize that a "job created" isn't really a new employee. Every 40 hours of work a company can charge to the stimulus money counts as a "job". If it was a project the company wanted to do any way, they simply assign a current employee or group of employees to it and get free labor. Once the project is done, those employees go back to their normal positions and the company might not actually gain any positions. If 4000 hours are billed for work on a large project, including current employees + new contractors, that project is counted as having created 100 new jobs. Once that project is over, the contractors leave, and the employees that were working on it go back to their normal jobs. Perhaps a handful of people are actually hired for ongoing maintenance or support or something related long term to the project, but it's certainly not 100 people. So what gets reported as 100 jobs created probably amounts to no more than 5 real new employees. It's government math.
  13. "To rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby rock the boat, don't tip the boat over rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby rock the boat-t-t-t-t"
  14. I'm only offended by the sheer stupidity of his comment.
  15. It might, or it would just make people say, "See, Nix just can't close the deal." They'd think a trade was a definite thing, and somehow at the last second, Nix botched it.
  16. Does 9/11 have to be mentioned with national security? No Is it necessarily wrong or bad if it is? No But you're an idiot and can't draw a proper distinction on what the actual problems are. Using 9/11 for political gain - bad Using 9/11 to have a national security discussion not based on fear - not bad.
  17. You've missed it again Skippy. Linking national security to 9/11 isn't the issue. The issue would be politicizing 9/11 to make one political party look good or bad.
  18. Not sure I would even call that process the "scientific method". Last time I checked, blatant fraud wasn't part of the scientific method. But continue saying your prayers to Isaac Newton, hanging pictures of Einstein in your house, and reading your Origin of Species every night. Religion's got nothing on you.
  19. The other thing about Troup was supposed to be that he had a body style that was well suited to add some weight to. I think with a good offseason of work, Troup still has a good shot at being the NT that we need.
  20. IMO he'll slide into the second at least. But I'm no draft expert. I think you'll have Luck, Mallet, Newton, maybe Locker, and maybe even someone like Ponder all go before him. I wouldn't be upset if we got him in the second, especially late in the second like you suggest. I would be much happier if we got him in the third.
  21. The local pimps union is gonna be pissed if they don't get this money.
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