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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. I would have figured after you finished playing you probably needed a designated driver.
  2. I've read reports saying that Japan has them too. Although with current stereotypes you can probably guess why you don't hear about them too much. Japan
  3. It would be nice if someone provided a cross reference table with the appropriate 1 to 1 and 1 to many relationships so that those of us keeping score at home can keep up. Otherwise my scoresheet is entitled !@#$tards, and just has a bunch of names on it.
  4. From what I read when it happened, they had this procedure verified by several outside groups before they actually used it to pass the bill. So unless what I read was incorrect, barring anything crazy this will likely just stall things and likely not stop anything.
  5. I'm not arguing that it's illegal. Look up a word: responsible/responsibility Try to appropriately apply it in the context of a police or fire union boycott. Here's some helpful thoughts as you think about this: Who are these unions responsible to/for? Who are their members responsible to/for? How do these unions boycotting someone or something make them more/less responsible?
  6. I think you've missed the point of "all this effort". Plus, as you also seem to be missing, this isn't a boycott by American citizens. It's a boycott by gov't unions.
  7. Have they actually done anything yet? No. But, as Fez was saying, he has 2 questions. 1) Is a public union threatening a boycott legal? I guess it is, but I'm too lazy to look it up and 2) Should it be legal? I'm not sure. It doesn't seem like the playing field is the same for the public union to boycott as it is for a private citizen/group/company. But how dare you raise this question? That's a slap in the face to the rights of the middle class![/pbills]
  8. Well, it makes sense, since that's about as far as a good gov't education will take you.
  9. Apparently they're helping us identify the bigoted, racist jackoff faction of our society. So they've got that going for them.
  10. What decisions do the police and fire unions get to make that the city isn't making? And why do those unions get a choice on who they do business with, but those businesses don't get the same choice with respect to those unions?
  11. The lesson isn't even about bullying. Just don't !@#$ with people twice your size. I just wish the big kid had ripped his shirt off and flexed for the camera.
  12. Keep it up. Tom will eventually succumb to the intellectual powers of Youtube. Why worry about formulating your own brand of stupidity any more? If you were twice as smart you would be half as lazy, but still an idiot.
  13. Call to question. All in favor? You'd be amazed at what I drill
  14. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/14/6267543-wisconsin-law-curbs-union-dues-certification Don't worry though, there's still time for one last turn in the money machine: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42073906/ns/us_news-life/
  15. Have no fear union loyalists, Obama to the rescue: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704399804576192981822688892.html
  16. Oh come on now, they've yet to enact their clever plan to spam email people about helping out a California Prince. State funded infomercials with the Sham-Wow guy. California relief fund commercials - For only $1 a day, you can help a poor helpless CA Representative spend your money on food and medicine for an illegal immigrant or union employee. Some kind of Charlie Sheen Twitter tax. Going ahead and fully emptying out all the prisons. The possibilities are endless.
  17. The ridiculous misuse of Moore's Law is quickly becoming a pet peeve of mine.
  18. You need to do a little better. Your trolling is getting more and more obvious. Go back and read some of Connor's work to see some better examples.
  19. You are one brainwashed retard.
  20. Who needs to wait until Monday?
  21. Careful with that avatar, you might melt someone's face!
  22. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41853378/ns/business-eye_on_the_economy/
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