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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Perhaps he left the Defense spending on the table to have something available to bargain with? That way when the Dems bargain for cuts to Defense, both sides win.
  2. Sorry, but you'll never get an apology out of me!
  3. Wouldn't this second admission just compound the problem the first admission started? Oh what a pickle.
  4. Screw it. We'll just have to pass it to see what it cuts. If you don't like the cuts it's just because you don't understand them.
  5. Don't worry. If it's anything like Obamacare, the waivers are being printed as we speak.
  6. There's only a handful of things I can pick correctly. I'm pretty sure they're all body parts.
  7. Umm...He's handing over control to NATO, so problem solved. I mean we did say that Gadhafi didn't have the right to rule, And we did bomb the country to save lives, But we didn't target Gadhafi because that would be wrong, And we are handing over control to a Canadaian General, Although we'll likely still be using American pilots, planes, and bombs, To continue to drop bombs to save lives, But not directly target the guy we've said forfeited his right to lead, But it will hopefully allow the rebels to do something, Although we haven't really said who these rebels are, and whether we're really sure we want them to win, But the President had the right to drop bombs this time, Unlike last time, We talked this whole plan over with the rest of the world first, Just not with the American people, And the whole world agreed, Except those that are now complaining and backing out, But they still probably like us more than they used to. So I think it's safe to say that we've accomplished our mission and Libya is now a better place as a result. Ta-mother-!@#$in-da Bitches.
  8. Wouldn't this explain it better?
  9. This concept is well beyond him. You'd have the same success with trying to teach him Logic, Economics, or how to tie his shoes.
  10. We are not, never have been, and never will be a "melting pot". A stew maybe, an emulsion maybe, but not a melting pot. What do you think the term "melting pot" really implies? Tell me how you think this country was ever a "melting pot".
  11. You might want to first ask yourself why businesses spend money. Take that answer and apply it to the next question to help you answer. Why would a business want to increase its workforce? When you answer that, write it down, and try to apply it to the following questions. Why would a business not want to increase their workforce? Why would a business think that consequence (from your answer to the previous question) would be a possibility? These questions have been discussed tirelessly in this forum, so feel free to search around to get your answers. This should get you started to understanding why business aren't hiring like you want.
  12. There is a huge difference between: being considerate of others and at times putting them first, and everyone working for the betterment of the society. Have you been watching too much Star Trek?
  13. Every time I start to explain the difference to you, I reread the statement and am dumbfounded by either your lack of reading comprehension, and/or by your lack of critical thinking and logic capabilities.
  14. This: is not the same as this: If that's what you meant, then you should choose your words more carefully. Your second comment sounds similar to what I suggested about people being considerate of others. Thinking as 1 society is different than thinking of others in society. Huge difference.
  15. Why would you want this extreme? Just be happy if you could get Americans to actually be considerate of each other and call it a day.
  16. So you are suggesting that Detroit's population has been on a steady decline since the 1950's, and has reached it's current low point of the last 100 years in 2010, all due to White Flight?
  17. No no, please elaborate on how you see white flight as it relates to this topic.
  18. Please elaborate. This thread needs more of your kind of thinking.
  19. You wouldn't have pointed out God's typo first?
  20. I beleive that people trying to use Obama's words from his campaign trail against him. http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/candidate-obama-vs-president-obama-a-message-on-the-use-of-military-force/
  21. Just wait until Change Vista...to be quickly followed by Change 7. And of course only real idiots are gonna buy into Change ME.
  22. Maybe Donald Trump, and then his Apprentice show can be the venue to decide the VP? The winner would almost assuredly be better than Biden.
  23. Ahh...just as our forefathers envisioned. Or was that Superman?
  24. Exactly. Hence my post.
  25. Did you really read my link?
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